forbidden secrets

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Nearly finished the book, should do tomorrow by God's Grace, or maybe even the day after that one instead.


Where the heck did these girls go?

Khalfani really needed to figure all of this out before it was too late.

He was at one side, with Rutendo initially calling him to talk to him about something.

Something in which both Sonya Sophia as well as Clarissa couldn't exactly know about.

Rutendo wanted to know from Khalfani why he had even decided to bring them there in the first place, as he had lied to her about that.

Or more specifically...

"Cousin! That totally reminds me, I forgot to invite you to my party today!" She had then given him an invitation from her bag, before then kissing him on the cheek.

So it was true.

They were cousins.

"Hope you can make it!"


Rutendo had then looked at Sonya Sophia, then she had looked and Clarissa and she she rolled her eyes at both of them.

They had just looked at her, then she she turned to face Khalfani again.

"Hope you don't bring these idiots with you," she had whispered.


He was saying one word answers because not only did he not like her, he was also not really that bothered to talk to her either.

She had then sashayed off Khalfani just watching her.

Even though Khalfani was just about to text one of them to ask them where they actually were?

It had turned out that Sonya Sophia had read his mind or something because she too wanted to know where he was.

You finished your conversation with Rutendo? 😒😒 hate her so much though, no offence

Khalfani didn't really take offence in that because he too didn't like her, wishing that anybody else besides her was his cousin to be honest.

None taken, I don't really like her either tbh
Where are you and Clarissa though?
You guys just left without me
And yeah, I've finished the conversation

Sonya Sophia had then explained to the guy where both of them were, telling him to come upstairs quickly because there was something that they had found out.

As fast as he could have done so, with some girls actually greeting him along the way, but Khalfani had completely ignored all of them...

He had gone upstairs, where the girls were hiding behind some sort of wall with the lights off, they were heading KA$EY and Annunziata talk to each other about something.

"Yeah, Rutendo had said that they would have been at this party," Khalfani realised. "But why aren't they socialising with anyone?"

That was what the girls had wanted to find out as well.

Rutendo was in the room with them. She had her bikini top on, which had still revealed a lot of cleavage, but she had jeans now.

She had put on a sweatshirt above her top as she was going to get back to the swimming pool soon with Alyshialynn, she just needed to talk to both KA$EY and Annunziata.

"Thanks for coming here mum and dad," she beamed. "Now let's talk Nation of Sensation... or should we say, Nation of Tension and frustration?"

Sonya Sophia freaked out internally.



She hadn't heard that right.

Yes she did!

"KA$EY and Annunziata are Rutendo's parents?!" she had whispered, with Clarissa in the meantime telling her to calm down."

Honestly speaking, if any of them had found out that they were here, then they were all going to be dead meat and they knew it.

They didn't want to risk anything.

If anyone had found out that they were up here, especially when they weren't supposed to be, then they were in huge trouble.

"Khalfani, did you know that they were her parents?"

"Yeah," he had told Clarissa after she had asked him that, him looking away and blushing because he was too embarrassed to say anything else. "I mean, of course I did. She's my cousin."

That was probably why she had gotten away with everything back at Nation of  Sensation, and it had all made some perfect sense now.

Sonya Sophia had realised that.

They had continued listening, and damn.

It wasn't good at all.


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