talking to Khalfani is a lot easier said than done

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Whilst Sonya Sophia and Karalana were talking about wanting to talk to Khalfani instead of actually doing the damn thing...

Khalfani in the meantime was seemingly listening to music on his phone.

He wasn't listening to music though.

He was listening to an audio version of the Bible instead. He had listened to the bible once before and now he was listening to it again in order to take notes and all of that.

So because the kid was starting again, he was therefore listening to Genesis 1 vs 1.

As he was doing this, that was low-key when Sonya Sophia and Karalana had silently argued with each other just to go and talk to the kid.

Karalana was supposed to talk to him as she was better at talking to guys and all of that but now Khalfani had seemed occupied with his phone.

And she didn't really want to disturb him.

To be honest, it wasn't even that deep on whether they had talked to Khalfani or not, but then again they were concerned about him as he was always by himself and all that.

Either way, now Karalana was right opposite Khalfani on the table, with Khalfani not actually realising this as he was too busy taking notes about the bible.

He was that religious.

He had then realised that he wasn't alone when he had looked up to see some towering kind of shadow right opposite him.

Internally freaking out to himself, Karalana had smiled at him, with Sonya Sophia just watching everything in the distance, giving her a thumbs up sign when Karalana had looked over at her.

And Khalfani wasn't paying attention.

Watch and learn, Karalana had mouthed to Sonya Sophia when she had seen her. Here's how you talk to a boy.


Karalana didn't even start the conversation between them, as Khalfani had done so instead. He wasn't very happy when he had seen her though.

He wasn't sad either. It was just neutral really, but that was it.

"May I help you...?"

"Hey, Khalfani!" Karalana had beamed way too over enthusiastically for Khalfani's liking. "I know you don't know me but my friend and I just wanted to say hi to you, hope that's OK."

If Khalfani was OK with that, then he didn't show it.

He had just stared at her.

And wouldn't stop.

In fact, he was quite suspicious actually.

Who the hell had sent her here and why the hell did they do so in the first place?

Karalana had sent herself here, kinda.

Maybe she genuinely wants to be my friend.

But maybe she also had some ulterior motives.

"How do you know my name?"

Karalana had then pointed to his name tag, which Khalfani had totally forgotten was there.

"Right." He fell silent, but that was it.

Then he looked away because he really wanted to be alone but he didn't say anything about that at all, for some reason.

"If you don't mind me asking, how comes you're always alone?"

Khalfani just looked straight at her again, not saying anything else.

"Not—not that there's anything wrong with that!" Karalana had added quickly before Khalfani had the chance to get annoyed. "I was just curious. It's not right for you to be alone."

Maybe he wanted to be alone though.

Khalfani was becoming pissed now but he didn't say anything to show that.

He had just sighed gravely to himself instead.

"I don't always like talking to people," he had confessed candidly. "Plus making eye contact with people scares me. I'd rather be left alone. No offence though. I know how much you're trying."

Hopefully Karalana would have gotten the message that Khalfani really wanted to be left alone right now, but it was a shame she didn't.

She had realised that he was listening to an audio version of the Bible, asking him things about it and if he was religious.

Hell yeah he was religious if he was reading the Bible.

Flipping hell Karalana. Use common sense.

Though there were some instances where non religious people had read the Bible, hence why Karalana had asked.

She had then started asking him some personal questions though not too personal, aka what acting school he had originally come from and all that, as she had never seen him before.

Poor Khalfani. He had felt extremely suffocated right now. So when he had eventually had enough, he had decided to say something to her.

"Uhm... you know what?" He had then packed his things and stood up before saying anything else. "I suddenly realised I have to go somewhere. So I'll see you later."

Hopefully not though.

Khalfani had thought that but he didn't say anything.

Karalana had then told him that she wasn't rude but it was too late. He had gone.


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