who you tryna impress with this spelling test?

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"Sonya Sophia?"

No response.

Then again.

"Sonya Sophia?"

The plane to Casablanca was landing shortly, and Karalana had literally just woken up from her two hour nap.

In the meantime, Sonya Sophia was dozing off right next to her, using a neck pillow to support her, and now Karalana was trying to wake her up.

Failing to try and wake her up more like.

But no. She wasn't dead.

Crud, I forgot how much of a deep sleeper she is, Karalana realised. I don't know how to wake her up.

Anytime Sonya Sophia had slept over at Karalana's house and vice versa, she would have usually been like this.

And sometimes the acting school that they had gone to in Ethiopia had hosted sleepovers, mainly because they needed people to spend the night there for one reason or the other.

To be honest, Karalana didn't really want to go to an acting school in the first place, but her parents had kind of forced her to do so, and she was too petrified to say otherwise.

She had liked her acting school and all but she didn't really want to pursue a career in acting much at all— fashion was more of her thing instead.

Sonya Sophia had eventually woken up when Karalana had literally screamed her name into her ear, loud enough to wake her up and loud enough to wake up the dead as well.

Sonya Sophia had silently screamed to herself when she had heard her name, before then lightly whacking Karalana with her neck pillow before saying anything else.

"What the heck was that for girl? You could have made me deaf! Is that what you wanted?"

"No, but we're landing in Casablanca real soon. That can give us some time to learn those hard spellings for the spelling test."

Before anyone could have gotten into this acting school in Casablanca for real, they had to take a spelling test.

Not just any spelling test.

A really hard spelling test.


Because this acting school was all about memorising lines correctly, as well as script writing too sometimes.

Mainly the former though, hence why it was an acting school.

Sometimes actors and actresses (if they didn't do well in their audition but they had aced their spelling test) had helped to write their own script, and oftentimes the people in charge of the school would have told them to use fancy words.

Also, when acting, some actors and actresses would have had to flawlessly say some very large words that were hard to pronounce and spell too.

Assuming one hadn't gotten any parts for Love Don't Cost A Thing, there was another movie that they could have auditioned for called Opposites Attract instead.

This was about five school children going into another dimension (after going the wrong direction on a school trip) where they switched genders, but the producers of that were still thinking of character names as well as looking for people for that too.

If one hadn't gotten the part for that or for Love Don't Cost A Thing, then they could have helped script write.

But if their spelling test was really bad?

They had to go back home.

Karalana and Sonya Sophia had gotten told what kind of words would have been in the spelling test, but obviously they didn't get told what the actual words were in the spelling test— as where was the fun in that?

"Girl. I don't need to learn no spellings," Sonya smiled. "I got this all under control."

"We don't want you risking anything though," Karalana sighed back, before bringing out the spelling list from her bag. "OK, let's start easy. How do you spell asphyxiate? And what does it mean?"

If asphyxiate was easy, then what the hell was hard?

And not only did they have to learn words for a spelling test, they also needed to know what the words meant as well.

And if they had aced the spelling test, that was when they had all started learning their lines for Love Don't Cost A Thing.

Sonya Sophia had folded her arms sternly because she didn't want to have to spell the word asphyxiate, especially when this was kinda sorta supposed to be a vacation.

"Sonya Sophia? How do you spell asphyxiate and what does it mean?"

She had tried researching it, but Karalana had kind of caught her in her act halfway, telling her that flight mode was on, so there was no internet anyway.

Even if she wanted there to be.

"It means to suffocate," she hissed. "And it's spelt..."

But that was the thing.

She didn't know how to spell it.

Not fully anyway.


She had then started spelling it out letter by letter but she had gotten the y mixed up with i.

In other words, she had spelt is as asphixiate instead with Karalana shaking her head at her in disappointment & disapproval too.

"Swap I with Y," she corrected her, but Sonya Sophia had just rolled her eyes at her.

She didn't care though.

They had just arrived at Casablanca.

Now it was time for them to go to that flipping acting school.


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