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Hannah POV
I was sitting on the couch texting Evie being bored like always. I got a notification. I wanted to ignore but it was a pals video! I mean what can I do! I click it and about 20 mins later it's over it was something about Alex coming to Kelowna any-. Wait,ALEX COMING TO KELOWNA?! I text Evie.

H-Evie come to Kelowna!
H-Because Alex is.
E-Im already packing!!!
H-lol okay bye
(End of cov.)

Evie POV
I can't wait to see my friends! But most importantly Alex! Wait what are you thinking Evie it's not like your gonna meet him! Whatever.

Lexi POV
I was sleeping till I got a phone call. "Hello" I said grumpily. "Yet up Lexi!" Hannah said. "Why? It's still time to sleep!" I groaned. "Well to bad your just gonna have to miss Corl then." Hannah said. "I'm on my way over!" I yelled. Was she lying. She wouldn't ever lie about something like this! Right?

Kendra POV
Hannah told me to come over because the pals were in town! Wow it's a dream come true!

Evie POV
I got on the plane and as soon as my head hit the seat I was out cold! I woke up sitting by a guy. He had purple hair. I rubbed my eyes and saw Alex!!! Wow. "Hi! Wait are you Evie from The Fangirls?" He asked. He knows me?! "Yes and are you Alex from The Pals?" I replied back. "Yes." He replied surprised.

Alex POV
I just met EVIE! Wow this is amazing! And she's beautiful! Wait what am I saying? Am I straight! Idk but need to figure out.

Bye my little fangirls!

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