Chapter Forty One

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"...... Noooo don't touch me... stay away from me don't do this ... no please no... shivaaay ...", she screamed waking up sweating profusely. Shivaay jerked and got up only to see Annika crying hysterically and rubbing her body, he pulled her close but she kept repeating, "no no no...don't do this "

"Annika, baby it's me.. your Shivaay am here, no ones going to hurt here"

"No no... he is coming close he will he will.." she crawled back to the end of the bed clutching her knees close to her chest.

"Annika look at me, it's me there is no one here... it's me Shivaay..." , he forcefully made her turn her face so she could look at him . She stared at him with so much of fright, her hands trembling and finally she she lept onto him.

"Shivaay... I called you so many times... he slapped me. He tore my clothes, Shivaay...I tried to push him but..he touched me I feel disgusted.. feel unpure" she cried holding onto him.

"Annika, am sorry I couldn't come to you earlier. Please forgive me.. but am here now for you.. am not going to leave you and believe me he is never going to come close, and listen to me one thing carefully baby you aren't unpure and can never be. Yes, what happened was wrong and he will be punished but never blame your self for it. Men like him are unpure. I will make everything alright trust me", caressing her hair constantly he kissed her forehead.

He pulled her further close making her sit almost onto his lap, she dug her face into his chest sobbing lightly. Om Ru entered the room and on seeing them Annika again went to her daze and started hiding her face more in Shivaay cursing the men coming towards her to not come closer. Om and Ru were shocked and so was Shivaay but understood that this was just due to the effects of the incident. They walked out. Annika clutching onto Shivaay slowly fell asleep not leaving his kurta for even a second.

Everyone was waiting for Shivaay at the breakfast table... but he didn't come all were worried. "Where is Billu, why isn't he here yet? We don't have breakfast without him doesn't he know?" Dadi asked no one in particular at the dining table.

"Dadi woh.."

"What happens...", cut Pinky in middle looking at the tensed faces of Om and Rudra.

"Choti Maa..." , and all were horrified by the time Om and Rudra finished narrating everything.

"Ruk mein ja ke dekhti hoon it's ok he brought her here but why is she in his room..." pinky got up when Dadi stopped her.

"No one will disturb them.."Dadi spoke sternly.

"But mummyji..." pinky tried to interrupt.

"I said no means no... and anyways after this you'll are leaving for London so you shouldn't delay.. finish your breakfast."

Shivaay woke up to see Annika all snuggled into him like a baby, her mouth slightly open and hand fisting his kurta.

Her hair falling on her eyes. The way she was sitting on him her breath fanning the crook of his neck and her legs exposed to him due to his kurta.

He just couldn't stop smiling looking at her but when the thoughts of yesterday flashed, the smile vanished. What would have happened had he not seen his phone. The mere idea of it sent shivers down his spine and he kissed Annika numerous times. She got up looking at him innocently their faces so close and the sunrays peeking through the curtains was falling on her face lightly making her skin glow and at the same time showed the paleness in her eyes. Their eyes locked speaking of a connection, on its own accord his hand moved to her face caressing the marks. The eye lock still intact. He moved his fingers towards her cut lip when she winced. He so wanted to kiss her but he knew she wasn't comfortable with the way she was moving away when he came close. He didn't want to scare her more so only placed a kiss on her forehead and hugged her again. She hugged him again but the flashes of the night running a marathon in front of her eyes. Annika shut her eyes tight trying to not see the images but she was struggling. Shivaay could sense her restlessness and patted her back to soothe her.

He helped her walk to the washroom and called for Priyanka to help her change.

"How is she now, It's good you brought her here, Shivaay let her stay here for the next couple of days or even weeks I don't mind", Dadi spoke with utmost concern.

As soon as Annika came out and saw Dadi sitting in the bed she ran to her hugging her and crying. She may be Dadi to Shivaay and Om Ru But to Annika she was like her mother, who never judged her and was always with her.

Dadi lovingly stroked her hair, letting Annika remove all that was within. Seeing his girl so vulnerable Shivaay had made up his mind to punish who had done this to such an extent that he will regret he was born. He didn't know why he cared so much for Annika, heck he had never felt like this for anyone. Her sadness made pricked his heart, and her happiness bloomed his heart. Her tears were like hot lava ready to burn him. He believed in love but was this love? He loved his family also his brother's that he could go to any extent for them but what was the deal he had with Annika that he could go beyond anything for her.

"Annika, I want you to stay here for the next couple of weeks and don't you argue.. this is your Dadi ordering you.." Annika only nodded.

"But mummyji, how can she stay here. We are also not going to be here. I don't trust such a girl in my house.. what if all the that was planned by her only to gain sympathy...." pinky spoke spitting venom like always as she hated middle class girls. Though she appreciated Annika's work but couldn't stand her being friends with Shivaay.

Annika instantly teared and looked down. "I agree with Pinky for the first time, we Oberoi's have a reputation to withhold and I don't want any malign on the name due to this girl.." Tej spoke almost instantly.

Om Rudra and Shivaay were shocked with how their parents spoke , Shivaay was almost at the end of his patience.

"Annika, will stay here and that's final. Tej your deeds have brought enough malign so don't give me a lecture on that.. and Pinky don't forget you also belonged to a middle class family and so did I and my husband. Never insult my daughter again.." Dadi spoke sternly silencing everyone in the room.

"Prinku go with Rudra and Om and get Annika's clothes here and the rest of you please disperse of you guys have a flight to catch. Annika please take rest and you will not come out of the room, I will send your breakfast to the room.." Annika couldn't make sense of all happening around her. Everyone walked out of the room leaving Shivaay and Annika.

Shivaay was about to leave when she held onto his wrist. "I didn't do anything purposely Shivaay. I don't know the man. I ... I .." she stammered.

"Listen to me Annika, I know u didn't do any of that. I trust you completely. You don't have to explain to me anything.." he whispered to her, wiping her tears.. he rubbed his thumb on her cheek.

"Get some rest, I will come in sometime.."

"Where are you going? Please don't leave me.."

"Annika, I have some work to be finished off but I will be back soon I promise.." explaining everything like a mother to a child. "Also Annika, I changed your clothes yesterday, but I swear my eyes were closed the whole time. Please believe me.."

She only nodded.

He tucked her in and walked out of the mansion ready to make that one person suffer and pay for everything Annika went through...

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