Chapter Sixty One

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The train halted at the station jerking Saahil awake, rubbing his eyes with his soiled hands he looked around to see the board of Mumbai Central. One of mumbai's most crowded places for outstation trains. Trains arriving and departing from this station connectt various destinations mostly across states in the northern, western and north-western parts of India. The noise and commotion everywhere startled Saahil, he was never used to this place being alone. People were everywhere, somehow he got up and started to walk towards the exit point. His tiny body getting pushed from all sides. His stomach growling with no food for over a day now. The last meal he had, consisted more of water than of actual food. Slowly slowly he walked until he came out of the station.

Coming out of the station, he walked to the near by municipal tap , drinking a little water he sat beside it wondering what to do and where to go. The paper vendor sitting next to him was dusting the paper, when Saahil saw the photo of Shivaay and his sister at an event recently. His eyes immediately lighting at the prospect of being close to Annika. He would just need to gather a bit of energy to make it to the steps of Oberoi Industries.

Annika was still in Shivaay's arms, his soft caresses made her feel loved and protected but still there was this eerie feeling in her heart which wasn't leaving her at all since the last 2 -3 days. She tried thinking of all possible issues but still it wouldnt leave her, sighing she lifted her head from chest. 'Whats wrong, Annika, you seemed tensed? Dont worry nothing is going to happen,'
she shook her head, 'I dont knoww Shivaay, something is just not right, I can feel it till my bones, something bad has happened or is going to happen but I just can't put my finger on it.' Shivaay pulled her back and she closed her eyes resting her head on his chest.

Saahil walked and walked and walked asking directions from people to Oberoi Industries. The glances he got from people were terrifying but he still continued and after what seems like half the day had passed Saahil reached the magnanimous Oberoi Industries Building. Luckily it was only 4 in the evening so the chances of his di or Mr Oberoi being at the office were higher but would he get the chance to go in especially the way he is dressed, gathering enough courage he walked into the office hiding behind large groups of office people running in and out of the offices. Hiding himself amongst large suitcases he reached the 40th floor where situated was Mr Oberoi's Main office. Getting out of the lift he stood near the main entrance of the office doors, very slowly he entered but was immediately cited by the receptionist who screamed her lungs out on finding such a filthy boy standing on the pristine floors of Oberoi Offices. Calling the guards, she came close to him scrunching her nose so badly as though he wasn't a human but a garbage box. His whole trembling with the loud curses hurled at him, his consciousness almost losing and his mouth whispering, 'Annika di'. The receptionist and the guards were literally dragging his tiny feet out of the office when Shivaay and Annika walked out of the office hearing the commotion. The minute Annika's eyes fell of Saahil, she screamed Saahil, running towards him. Shivaay was surprised at Annika's reaction snapping his head in the direction making the guards and the receptionist abruptly halt.

Shivaay ran towards Annika and looking at the fragile body of Saahil, shivery picked him up not before glaring at the guards and the receptionist making them shudder with the eyes they got from the boss. Annika was a crying mess looking at the tattered clothes, the bleeding feet and and unconscious saahil. 'Khanna, Khanna, call the doctor immediately. Shivaay walked into his cabin with Saahil in his arms and holding Annika's hand in another because  he knew his girl will be a mess by the end until Saahil gains consciousness.

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