Chapter Thirty Eight

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I had written the chapter yesterday but got deleted whilst almost finishing... but nevertheless was more happy with what I wrote today.. Enjoy Reading !!

This part got tooo long if I write at a stretch so decided to break it down... but only in 2 /3 parts !!

Please let me know your thoughts because this is the first time Am writing something so dramatic... !!

The morning was beautiful, with a red hue spread across the sky and the moon and the sun shining together in its glory as lovers met after days and the result the blush in the sky. The birds singing a melodious tune as if they are happy for the lovers. A morning was never so beautiful for Annika, she had woken up early and the smile on her face had never left especially after last night. She couldn't believe that she and Shivaay were so close with each other and still there was no awkwardness at all. He had forgiven her and that's all that mattered to her, she touched her forehead again as if she could still feel his lips on them and her fluttered again for the umpteenth time, making her cheeks heat up.

She was about to walk back in but turned again, as she felt someone looking at her. She strained herself to get a view but alas, there was no one. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked back in to get ready for the day. The masked man heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't want Annika to see him now especially when his face is naked. He had come to see how he can enter and he had found what he wanted.

Annika had entered office just a few minutes before the scheduled time and had set to work, but the blush on her face not leaving even for a second. Shivaay entered just a few moments later only to see Annika lost in her thought and her face still adorned with the pinkness which he saw even yesterday. To grab her attention he responded to the good mornings of his staff to which she immediately looked up and fumbled with her things murmuring a quick good morning. He chuckled and moved to his cabin and sighing Annika sat down again. Both engrossed in their own work but thoughts kept moving to last night every now and then. They would look upto the glass mirror, though Annika couldn't see through but she felt that Shivaay looked at her everytime she looked up and same was with Shivaay though he could see her he didn't know how she looked up at the same time as him.

After about lunch, Annika entered Shivaay cabin only to find it empty. She looked around but he wasn't there but his cologne still lingered in the room breathing deeply with closed eyes she was about to leave the room when she collided into something rather someone and both fell onto the couch. She slowly opened her eyes only to meet his. His hand had held her back when they had fallen and was now pressed under her, legs entangled and his one hand close to her temple caressing there slightly which was causing goose bumps by the second. They stared at each other no one ready to let go, her hand fisted his shirt  creasing it completely. Their stare game broken by the loud rings of his phone. They got up straightening themselves looking at each other awkwardly but at the same time blushing. Annika moved out soon enough not remembering why she was there in the first place.

Shivaay had walked out of office an hour later for an important meeting and Annika finishing her work had gone home. She entered her home at around 9pm all exhausted with the day, though her body still tickled with the sensation it felt when she fell with Shivaay. She cooked a quick meal, had a shower and settled onto the couch to watch something before she could retire to bed for the night.

*** The sequences now are happening simultaneously at Annika House and Oberoi Mansion. ***

As the clock struck 11 she lazily yawned, but closed her mouth suddenly and widened her eyes listening to the whisper and the breath that fanned her ears, "Helllloooo Annnnnikkkaaaa."

Sweating she turned slightly only to come face to face with the attacker who had multiple times stalked her, the mask she can never forget. It still gives her flashes but she had overcome it with  Shivaay's help but now was again saying hello to him.

She shut her eyes close thinking to be a dream but when she opened them again, he stood there in all his glory, her worst nightmare with eyes dark red and the smirk not leaving.

She wanted to scream and run but somehow looks like her body had a mind of its own and now had stopped listening to her. It refused to corporate and had muted all her senses.

He laughed seeing her face and knew she was too shocked to even react and he pinched her hand to break her trance. She shrieked and realised the nightmare was turning true.

"Am here Annnikkkaa to claim you mine", and he laughed like a maniac. Luckily her phone was in her pocket, she pushed him with all her might trying to escape to the door but he had caught her quick by the ankle making her fall hitting her head against the side table. The red hot liquid came rushing out disbalancing her for a few seconds. She could feel the metallic taste of her own blood on her tongue and she wanted to close her eyes,  but she knew she had to stay awake for her own sake. She tried freeing herself but the hold too strong for her to move but gathering all her strength she pushed him and ran towards her room locking it from inside and through the side partition jumped into Saahil room hiding her self behind the cupboard she dialled the one person her heart screamed for.

Shivaay was sitting with his brothers with legs dipped into the pool discussing Rudra's love life when suddenly his heart started to beat fast. Sweat beads adorning his forehead trickling down his face. He placed his hand on his heart to calm its beating but it only increased. Om saw the look on his brother's face.

"Shivaay, are you ok? You seem all tensed up?" his voice filled with concern looking at the state of his Brother.

"Come on O, Bhaiya is just thinking about his love life, hain nah?", spoke rudra nolchantly only to be reprimanded by Om.

At that very moment they heard Shivaay phone ringing in his room. It was almost midnight. Shivaay was moving towards his room but was stopped by Rudra," bhaiya you promised no calls tonight." Looking at his brother's puppy face Shivaay ignored his phone which was constantly ringing.

Annika was losing hope by each second but he wasn't answering. She decided to try Om but his phone was also ringing and so was Rudra's. She didn't know who else to call. Her friend Chanda has also gone out of town and the other neighbours were  useless. She should have saved Khanna's number but no point crying over that now and she continued to call Shivaay.

The brothers continued their talks but the uneasy feeling that had crept into his body and mind was now getting deeper and deeper. He didn't know what it was but it was like a feeling pulling him into the depths of darkness and he was having difficulty in breathing.....something wasn't right, he could feel it right upto the depth of his bones but couldn't decide what it was..shrugging he decided to leave it for now not knowing the consequences of his one decision may topple his whole world upside down.

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