Chapter 20 (Universe 6 And 7 Tournament)

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(Goki's POV)

I sat down next to (Y/N), ready to watch Piccolo's match. I haven't seen him fight in awhile, so I'm interested to see him fight Frost.

Announcer: Let the match begin!

Beerus fired a little purple ki ball at a floating bell, making it ring. Frost jumped at Piccolo, but Piccolo flew up into the air and put his fingers up to his forehead. A yellow ball of energy appeared from his fingers.

Goki: So he's going to finish it with one shot with the Special Beam Cannon.

Frost: It looks like your charging up some kind of spectacular technique. But it takes time doesn't it? Requiring a huge amount of energy before you can use it.

Frost is way smarter than I thought. He already figured out Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon. Frost fired a red beam at Piccolo. Piccolo was able to easily dodge it. Frost continued to fire more beams. Piccolo fired a ki beam upward, making him go down to the tournament floor, dodging more of Frost's attacks.

Beerus: Keep it up!

Piccolo jumped up and shot out electricity from his antennas, trying to paralyze Frost.

Frost: Nice try, but no!

Frost fired another beam, clashing with Piccolo's attack and making a small explosion. Frost continued to shoot out his beams. Piccolo was able to dodge them, but one hit him and pierced his knee. Piccolo gasped from pain and landed on the arena.

Frost: Your concentration is amazing, but with that wound you won't be dodging for much longer.

Piccolo kept charging his attack. A lot of Piccolo's appeared around Frost.

Champa: Hey! These are supposed one on one's! Not one on thirty! Disqualify him!

Announcer: There are no rules against that technique.

Frost shot at the clones, making them disappear, but he can't find the real Piccolo. If this keeps up, Piccolo will win this!

Frost: Enough of this!

Frost released a red ki wave in all directions, making all of Piccolo's clones disappear. Frost charged at Piccolo, but Piccolo extended his arm and wrapped Frost with it.

Frost: What is this?!

Piccolo: You played right into my hands, Frost. Two things are going to happen. I hold you in place while I charge myself up, and then... Special Beam Cannon.

I looked over at everyone else and I can tell they know Piccolo has won this fight. I also noticed Jaco sitting next to Vegeta. That's weird, when did he get there?

Frost: When I got rid of your clones I thought all chances of you winning were gone.

Piccolo: So you let your guard down, didn't you?

Frost: So you getting shot in the leg was part of your plan?

Piccolo: That's right.

Frost: I can't believe it. You had this trick up your sleeve the whole time. There's no way I can dodge your ultimate move now.

Piccolo: I may not look like much, but in the seventh universe I pass for resourceful. In the end, underestimating me proved to be your biggest mistake.

Piccolo charged his Special Beam Cannon some more. The energy on his finger grew in size. I think it's ready.

Piccolo: You ready? Special Beam-

Piccolo gasped for air. He stepped back and his arm unwrapped itself from around Frost.

Frost: Now's my chance!

Piccolo aimed his hand forward at Frost.

Piccolo: Cannon.

Frost dashed Piccolo and ended up in front of him really fast, catching Piccolo off guard.

Goki: Piccolo!

Frost shot a ki attack right on Piccolo's stomach, causing him to fall over and fire his Special Beam Cannon up. It hit the glass dome, breaking a hole in it. Piccolo went unconscious. The announcer ran up to Piccolo to check up on him.

Announcer: He can't continue, but he's still alive. Which makes Frost the winner!

Goki: Oh man.

I thought Piccolo was going to do it.

(Y/N): Piccolo. Dammit.

Beerus: He lost?!

I looked over and saw Jaco stand up.

Jaco: Frost is cheating!

Wait, what?! Is that why Frost was winning?!

Announcer: What do you mean by that?

Jaco: Nothing can escape my eyes! Frost is using an illegal tactic! Search him!

Beerus: You better not be throwing out this accusation lightly, or you'll be destroyed.

Jaco: You can see it on Frost's face! He's obviously cheating!

The announcer went up to Frost and started to search him. He made it to one of Frost's arms and a little spike came out of it. The announcer poked his finger at it and got a little dizzy.

Announcer: What is this? Some kind of poison weapon?

Frost just smiled and raised his arm up.

Frost: I assure you this is not a weapon! It's a part of my body!

Announcer: No. There's clearly some trickery at play here. Since Frost has cheated, he is dis-

Vegeta: No! I want to fight him!

Vegeta jumped down to the arena. He pointed at Frost.

Vegeta: I want to knock this bastard out myself! He can use whatever tricks he likes!

Announcer: Are you sure?

Vegeta: I'm positive.

Why does Vegeta have to do this now? I looked over at (Y/N) and he looks pissed.

(Y/N): I can't believe I lost to a scumbag.

I put my hand on him. He looked up at me.

Goki: Vegeta will give what Frost deserves.

(Y/N) just looked down again and didn't say anything.

Piccolo got up and looked at Vegeta.

Piccolo: Are sure you want to give him the advantage?

Vegeta: Are you really questioning me?

Piccolo just scoffed and flew back up to the platform I'm on.

Piccolo: Sorry I couldn't be of much help.

Goki: It's fine Piccolo. You did what you could.

Piccolo sat down and crossed his arms.

Announcer: Let the match of Frost versus Vegeta begin!

Frost ran up at Vegeta. Vegeta powered up immediately into Super Saiyan and punched Frost in the stomach. Frost lost all the air in his lungs. Vegeta punched Frost in the face, knocking him out of the arena. It felt pretty satisfying to see Frost get eliminated so easily after he got caught cheating.

Vegeta: Scum like him disgust me.

Announcer: Vegeta wins by knock out!

Goki: Nice going Vegeta!

Beerus: Wait a minute. (Y/N)! Stand up!

(Y/N): Ok, but why?

Beerus: Just do it!

(Y/N) stood up and Beerus looked all around him. Beerus looked at the palm of (Y/N)'s hand and found a mark on it.

Beerus: Hey! There's a mark on (Y/N)'s hand! And since he was eliminated by cheating, he should be brought back in the tournament!

Champa: Sure! Fine! Whatever.

Nice! (Y/N) is back in the tournament!

Goki: Nice (Y/N)! I can't believe you actually get to participate again!

(Y/N): Yeah. It's pretty cool.

He sounds very dismissive of the idea of fighting again. I got concerned with him. I grabbed his hand and dragged him away from everyone else.

Goki: Hey. What's wrong?

(Y/N): It's just... I lost to a cheater and I just get back in the tournament like nothing happened.

Goki: Isn't it a good thing you got back in?

(Y/N): It's not that. I actually thought I lost to Frost because he was a better fighter than me, but he wasn't. He's just like Frieza and someone else had to come in and take care of it.

(Y/N)'s body tensed up. I put my hand on his shoulder, trying to make him feel better.

Goki: It's not your fault Frost is a bad person and cheated.

He moved his shoulder, getting my hand off of it.

(Y/N): It's my fault for losing to a bad person.

(Y/N) walked back to his seat. This is really getting to him. I started to think if him fighting again is a good thing. I went up to Beerus.

Goki: Lord Beerus. I think we shouldn't let (Y/N) fight-

Beerus: What do you mean? We just got back all our fighters for the tournament. Why would I not take this advantage to beat my brother?

Goki: I just think-

Beerus: I don't care! (Y/N) will go after Vegeta and Piccolo will go after that!

Piccolo: Actually, I don't care for fighting in this tournament anymore. I'm afraid I'll just get in the way.

Beerus: What?!

Whis: It's his choice to make. If they don't wish to fight anymore, then that's their wish. (Y/N), do you want to stay in the tournament?

(Y/N): ...

I don't like it when (Y/N) does the silent thing. (Y/N) opened his mouth to answer, but Beerus looked over at the arena and got mad. I looked over and saw Champa and Vados over the arena, making some green colored glass cube around it.

Beerus: What is this?!

Champa: After seeing all the fights so far, I realize that putting an extra layer of protection from attack to keep the spectators safe would be a good idea.

Beerus: You can't just add new stuff like that!

Vegeta: I don't care! Let him do what he wants!

Champa smiled at Beerus.

Champa: See? Your contestant doesn't seem to mind.

Beerus: Whatever!

Beerus flew back over and sat down.

Announcer: With this new cube around the arena comes with a new rule. You are not allowed to touch it or you will lose! Now onto our next fight. It is Vegeta versus Magetta!

The big metal man came down and entered the arena. Vegeta just scoffed and got ready to fight.

(Chapter 20 end)

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