Chapter 26 (Universe 6 And 7 Tournament)

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(Readers POV)

I heard my alarm go off. I groaned and rolled in my bed. I shut it off, getting rid of the blaring noise. I got out of bed and stretched, hearing some popping noises. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clean clothes.

(Y/N): I don't like being awake.

I took my dirty clothes off and put the clean ones on.

(Y/N): Well... I guess it's time to talk to Goki.

I put two fingers to my forehead and sensed Goki's energy. I used Instant Transmission. I looked around and I'm outside of her house. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. The door opened, but I didn't see anyone. I looked down and saw Goten.

(Y/N): Heya Goten.

Goten: Hello Mister (Y/N).

(Y/N): Is your mom here?

Goten: Yeah, but she's feeling weird today.

(Y/N): What does that mean?

Goten: I don't know. She said that her energy is acting funny.

That doesn't sound good.

(Y/N): Can I come in?

Goten: Sure thing.

Goten opened the door wide, letting me walk inside. I closed the door behind me and walked into the living room. I saw Goki sitting on a couch. She looked over and saw me, her eyes lighting up.

Goki: Good morning (Y/N).

(Y/N): Good morning. Goten told me that you're not feeling good.

Goki: So remember me using Kaio-ken while in Super Saiyan Blue?

(Y/N): Yeah?

Goki: Well apparently that messed up with my energy, so I couldn't really do anything. I tried to go to King Kai to get some help, but I kept going around the place.

(Y/N): So that's why you showed up in my room last night?

Goki nodded her head.

Goki: And King Kai told me that I should rest up for a bit, until my energy goes back to normal.

(Y/N): Man, well I'm glad to hear that you're expected to make a full recovery.

Goki: Thanks.

I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Goki.

(Y/N): I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today.

Goki: Really? You want to?

(Y/N): Yeah. Seeing as you can't train right now and we haven't actually hung out besides training together.

Goki: I'd like that. Let's get going!

Goki stood up and grabbed my hand, forcing me to stand up.

Goki: I'll be back later Goten. Tell your dad that I'll be out for awhile.

Goten: Ok mommy. Have fun.

Goki, while dragging me behind her, ran out the front door of her house.

Goki: Do you have any ideas on what we should do?

(Y/N): I haven't actually thought that far ahead. I guess we can just look around and find something to do.

Goki: Sounds like a plan.

I picked Goki up and started to fly. I quickly flew over to a the nearby city. I landed on the ground and put Goki down on her feet. We looked around and Goki pointed at a restaurant.

Goki: I haven't had breakfast yet! Let's get something to eat!

She grabbed my hand and ran at the restaurant, dragging me again. We went into the restaurant and sat down at a table. We both looked at the menu and there's a lot of options.

(Y/N): So many choices. I don't know what to get.

Goki: Then let's get everything!

Wait, what?! Does Goki just get everything every time she goes to a restaurant. I looked over and saw a waiter walk up to us.

Waiter: Are you two ready to order?

Goku: We want everything on the menu!

His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. He leaned over to me.

Waiter: She can't be serious, right?

(Y/N): Trust me, she means it.

The waiter sighed.

Waiter: Your food will be ready in a moment.

He walked off. I looked back at the menu and a lot of the food is pretty expensive. There's no way I could pay all this by myself. That gives me an idea.

(Y/N): I'll be right back Goki.

Goki: Ok, where are you going?

(Y/N): Somewhere.

I put my two fingers on my forehead and used Instant Transmission to Bulma. I looked around the room and I'm in a lab.

(Y/N): Bulma!

She looked over at me.

Bulma: What do you want? I'm working on the time machine to bring you back to your timeline.

(Y/N): Can I borrow something?

Bulma: What is it?

(Y/N): Your credit card.

Bulma: No! Why would I?!

(Y/N): Listen. After Goki's fight with Hit, her energy is acting weird and I'm trying to make sure she's doing better.

Bulma sighed and reached into her pocket.

Bulma: You brought her to a restaurant, didn't you?

(Y/N): More like she brought me to the restaurant.

Bulma pulled a card out of her pocket and handed it to me.

Bulma: Here. Don't get carried away with it!

(Y/N): Thanks Bulma!

I gave her a quick hug. I used Instant Transmission over to Goki and I'm sitting back at the table in the restaurant.

Goki: Hey (Y/N). That was fast.

I looked over and saw a bunch of waiters holding food walking over to us. They managed to place all the food on the table.

Waiter: Enjoy your food.

Goki: Time to dig in!

Goki grabbed one of the plates of food and quickly ate the food on it. Goki reached for another plate. I quickly grabbed a plate and ate the food on it.

(Ten Minutes Later)

Me and Goki put our last plate on a stack of plates. There is five stacks of empty plates.

Goki: That was good.

(Y/N): Yeah it was.

I saw one of the waiters walk up to me.

Waiter: Your bill.

He handed me a piece of paper. I sighed and took out Bulma's credit card.

(Y/N): You take cards, right?

He took the credit card and swiped it through a machine. He handed the credit card back.

Waiter: Have a good day.

Goki: Come on (Y/N)! Let's find something fun to do!

She stood up and grabbed my arm. I was about to tell her don't, but she already dragged me out of the restaurant. She looked around and saw a clothing store. She ran into it.

Goki: So many different kinds of clothes here.

(Y/N): Why do you want to buy clothes?

Goki just laughed nervously.

Goki: I want to look good today.

Goki ran across the store, while grabbing different clothes. She ran over to a changing area and went inside one of the rooms. I walked over to a chair and sat down, waiting for Goki.

Goki: Am I wearing this right?

(Y/N): I don't know. I can't see you.

Goki: Wait, figured it out.

The door opened, revealing Goki wearing a black shirt and a black coat with the words "By any means necessary" all over it. She has white pants and red sport shoes on.

Goki: Does this look good on me?

(Y/N): I don't think it's your style.

Goki pouted at me and went back into the changing room. I waited a bit longer and she came back out in her normal orange gi.

Goki: I thought you'd like those clothes.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. Do you want to do something else?

Goki thought about it.

Goki: Let's just look around!

Sounds about right.

(Nighttime) (Goki's POV)

(Y/N), while carrying me, is flying over to my house. He landed on the ground and put me down on my feet.

Goki: I had a lot of fun today.

(Y/N): Yeah, me too.

I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and kissed his cheek.

Goki: It's been forever since Chi has ever done something like that for me. I want to say thanks for what you did for me.

I smiled at him. (Y/N) started to blush and his tail started to swing back and forth. I giggled and pointed at his tail.

Goki: Your tail is going crazy.

(Y/N): What?!

He looked back at his tail. He grabbed it, trying to stop it. I reached over and gently started to pet it. His tail started to slow down. I looked back at (Y/N)'s face and it's really red now.

Goki: When I think you're done being cute, you become ten times cuter.

I smiled at him. (Y/N) crossed his arms and turned around.

(Y/N): I'm not cute.

Goki: I'm not saying that to be mean. It's true.

(Y/N) just stayed silent. He turned around and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled to myself and hugged him tightly.

(Y/N): Um... I think you're beautiful.

I looked up at him. We locked eyes together. His eyes shining in the night light. We slowly started to lean closer to each other. We heard a door open, making us stop.

Chi: Goki!

Me and (Y/N) stopped hugging each other. I turned around and saw Chi standing at the door.

Chi: You were gone for the whole day!

Goki: Didn't Goten tell you I'd by gone?

Chi: He did, but I would appreciate it if you told me yourself!

Goki: Sorry, Chi.

Chi sighed and rubbed his forehead.

Chi: Just come inside.

Goki: Alright.

I looked back at (Y/N) and gave him one last hug.

Goki: Thanks again. Have a great night.

(Y/N): You're welcome. Hope you have great dreams.

I smiled at him. (Y/N) flew up into sky and headed back to Capsule Corp. I into my house and went over to my room. I opened the door and walked in. I took my shoes off and laid down on my bed. Chi walked in and laid down next to me.

Chi: Good night Goki.

Goki: Good night.

All I could think about was (Y/N) calling me beautiful. It makes me feel good on the inside. I smiled and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.

(Readers POV)

I made it to Capsule Corp. I walked up to the front door and was about to open it, but Bulma opened. She looks really mad.

(Y/N): Oh, hi Bulma.

Bulma: You really have some nerve.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Bulma: I looked at the stuff you bought with my credit card.

Oh no. Bulma started to hit me on the head over and over again.

(Y/N): Ow! That hurts!

Bulma: I'm never letting you borrow money ever again!

(Y/N): Ow ow ow ow!

(Chapter 26 end)

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