Chapter 30 (Zamasu)

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(Readers POV)

I launched myself at Black. I reeled my fist back and got ready to punch him. Black smiled and right when I was close enough, I threw my punch at him. Black moved his head a bit, dodging my punch. Black quickly tried to punch me in the gut. I managed to bring my arms down and blocked Black's punch. The force of the punch sent me back a couple feet.

(Y/N): That... Hurt.

I felt a stinging feeling in my arms. This Rosé form of his, it's definitely a lot more stronger than I expected. I need to take this seriously.

Black: I see that you stopped. Why is that? Are you surprised by this level of power?

Trunks: Black has a new form?!

Trunks grabbed the hilt of his sword. I put my arm out, signaling him to stop. Trunks did and looked at me confused.

(Y/N): Don't get in the way Trunks.

Trunks: Why not?! We need to take out Black now!

(Y/N): This fight is mine.

If I beat Black, then it will prove that I can pull my own weight! I jumped at Black again. I went for a high kick. Black used his arm to block the kick. I quickly launched a ki ball, hitting him in the face. I kicked Black up into the air and I flew after him. He smirked to himself and his hand twitched slightly. I saw a pink aura surrounded his hand and a ki blade came out of it. I moved to the side, but the blade grazed my chest.

(Y/N): That was close.

Black: Your reflexes are sharp. Good.

Black started to swing his blade at me. I started to dodge his slashes, looking for an opening to attack. Black is keeping up his offense, making it hard to counter attack him. Some of his attacks barely hit me, making small cuts on my body. I tried to attack Black back, but when I look at his face, I can only think about Goku. Black kicked me down to the ground, making a small crater.

(Y/N): What is going on with me?

Black: I think it's about time I stop the warm up with you and fight Goki. After all, you were only the appetizer.

I slowly got up and got ready to continue fighting.

(Y/N): Our fight isn't over yet!

Black: Know your place. You belong on a table, next to bread.

I started to get mad and I flew at Black. I punched him the stomach. He grabbed my arm and stabbed my arm with his ki blade. I shouted in pain and made a wave of ki, knocking Black back. I looked down and Goki powered up into Super Saiyan Blue and flew up in front of me.

Goki: Black wants to fight me. I'll take it from here.

(Y/N): I want this to be my fight.

Goki looked back at me. The look in her eyes, it's telling me to let her take it from here.

Goki: Please. I can't tell what's going through your head right now, but I can tell it's distracting you from fighting. You should rest up, I may need some back up just in case.

My brain is telling me I should stop for now, but my body is saying that I should knock Goki away and continue my fight.

Black: Ah, Super Saiyan Blue. I've been waiting to see that form in person. Well then Son Goki, are you ready to perish?!

Zamasu: I thought we agreed that I would be the one to end her life.

Who's that? That's a voice that I don't recognize. I saw the clouds in the sky part, letting light from the sun to shine down. I saw a man that has green skin and white hair. He looks a lot like the Supreme Kai. Black flew over to a building and stood on it and the green guy flew down next to him.

(Y/N): Who the hell is this guy?

The two smiled and the green guy turned to Black. Are those two a part of a team?

Zamasu: Surely you didn't forget about our agreement that I would destroy Goki.

Destroy Goki? There's no way that they think they can kill us. They can't be that strong.

Zamasu: My wait is almost over. Soon the world I've been dreaming of for so long will be made manifest. A truly just and perfect utopian existence.

Goki: What is that supposed to mean?

Zamasu: Mortals are unnecessary and more than that unwelcome to my paradise.

Goki: Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's no way I'm going to let that happen!

Goki's aura grew bigger as she powered up. I sensed Vegeta also go Blue and flew up to me.

Goki: Get ready!

Goki flew at the green guy. They started to fight.

Vegeta: I hope you can still fight with that injury.

(Y/N): Like a wound like this could stop me.

I saw Black try to attack Goki. Me and Vegeta flew over and kicked Black away. Black disappeared.

Vegeta: Where did he go?

I saw the green guy hit Goki down to the ground. She landed on some road. The green guy started to shoot ki blasts down at Goki. Goki started to do some backflips to dodge the attacks. The ki blasts hitting the road made smoke cover the area. I saw Black fly into the smoke, but Goki flew out of the smoke.

(Y/N): Vegeta. Let's take on the new guy.

Vegeta: I will. Just make sure not to get sneak attacked.

Vegeta flew at the green guy. Vegeta punched him in the gut and punched him in the face, sending him down to the ground. He stood back up, like that didn't even faze him.

(Y/N): Vegeta! We need to take this guy out quick!

Vegeta: Fine, just don't complain about not getting the kills.

Vegeta brought his arms out and started to charge a Final Flash.

Black: Like I would let that happen!

Black flew at Vegeta. Goki used Instant Transmission to get in front of Black and kicked him back.

Goki: You're fighting me now! Don't just run from our fight!

I quickly flew over at the green guy and tried to punch him. He grabbed my fist and made a ki blade around his other hand.

Zamasu: You dare try to touch a deity with your primitive hands? Mortals like you disgust me!

He tried to slash at me. I quickly wrapped my tail around his leg and pulled my tail back. My tail moved him back, throwing him off balance. I quickly put him in a headlock and held onto him as hard as I could.

Zamasu: Get your disgusting hands off of me, mortal!

(Y/N): Do it now! Vegeta!

Vegeta: Final Flash!

Vegeta launched his Final Flash. A huge yellow beam is coming my way. Right before it could hit me, I used Instant Transmission to go behind Vegeta. Vegeta stopped his Final Flash. A lot of the buildings that got hit with his attack are destroyed.

(Y/N): Did that do it?

I saw the smoke start to clear and the green guy is standing there, not hurt at all.

Vegeta: What the-

The green guy immediately went in front of Vegeta and stabbed his ki blade through Vegeta's chest. Vegeta powered down from Blue.

Vegeta: N-No way...!

Zamasu: You think you mortals can hurt a deity like me? How foolish. I can not be destroyed.

He pulled his ki blade out of Vegeta. Vegeta fell down to the ground. Trunks ran up to him, checking to see if he's ok.

(Y/N): How? How did you not take damage from Vegeta's Final Flash?

Zamasu: Like any true ruler of the all the universes, I can not be damaged. I am indestructible.

Indestructible? Does that mean he can't die from any form of damage? I felt someone crash into me, sending us both to the ground. I looked who crashed into me and it's Goki. We stood up and tried to get ready to fight, but the green guy grabbed us both.

(Y/N): Let us go!

Black brought his hands back and a pink ki orb appeared in his hands.

Goki: He won't budge!

Black: Ka... Me... Ha... Me...

I tried to elbow the green guy in the stomach, but his grip only tightened. I saw Black get ready to fire his attack. This won't end well.

Black: HA!!!

He fired his Kamehameha at me and Goki. We both got hit by the attack. Me and Goki got launched back and we landed on the ground. We both went down to our base forms. Black and the other dude flew down to the ground a few feet away from us.

Black: I think it's about time we destroy these mortals.

Zamasu: I couldn't agree more.

The two raised on of their arms up, the two made ki balls. The two ki balls combined into one. I can sense that this attack is strong, definitely overkill giving the state me and Goki are in. They were about to launch their attack, but suddenly yellow smoke covered the entire area, making the two stop their attack.

Zamasu: What is going in here?

Black: It must be from those annoying mortal pests.

Zamasu: Curse them.

I felt someone grab onto me. I sensed Black and his friend energies going away. I guess they retreated for now. How lucky of us. Whoever is carrying me got out of the yellow smoke, revealing Trunks is carrying me, Goki, and Vegeta. He ran into an alleyway and put us down into the ground. I looked over and saw a black haired woman running up to Trunks.

Trunks: Mai!

Mai: Trunks. I was watching the fight.

She pulled out a capsule and pushed the button on top of it. She tossed it and it hit the ground. Smoke came out and it's the time machine.

Goki: I was hoping that this would've been a one time trip.

(Y/N): Heh... Time...

Trunks picked me, Goki, and Vegeta up and we all got into the time machine.

Trunks: Come on Mai. We're going back.

Mai jumped up and pushed some buttons in the time machine. She jumped out of the machine and the top of it closed.

Trunks: Mai!

I felt the machine start. I looked out and saw Mai smiling.

Trunks: You have to come with us! You can't stay here! Mai! I can't just leave you here again!

Trunks was about to stop the machine, but it started to fly as tears started to come from Trunks's eyes. A bright light surrounded the machine and I felt it start to move. Going back to the present, or I think past. I don't care actually, today sucked.

(Chapter 30 end)

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