Chapter 37 (Zamasu)

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(Readers POV)

I looked at Zamasu. I can't believe we never thought about this outcome. Of course a Kai would have the Potara earrings.

Zamasu: My form is justice and my form is the world. Worship me. Give praise unto me. Me the beautiful, the sublime. Me the invincible, the almighty, and divine... All hail Zamasu.

This guy got real fancy with his speech. I guess he likes hearing himself talk. I looked over at Goki and Vegeta and they look worried. I'm sure we would've won if Black and Zamasu didn't fuse together, but now... I don't know. I looked back at Zamasu and he raised his arms.

Vegeta: What is he doing?

A bright purple light surrounded Zamasu. I covered my eyes from the light. A bunch of wind started to push me back. This is just from him powering up?! I noticed the light disappeared. I looked at Zamasu and he has a white halo behind him. Purple lightning shot out from the halo, hitting the ground near me, Goki, and Vegeta.

Goki: Woah, you see that?

Vegeta: His energy is off the charts.

Zamasu: Your efforts in stopping me will be futile.

He shot more lightning at us. Me, Vegeta, and Goki all shot ki blasts at the lightning to stop them.

Goki: Man Vegeta, guess you got your moments every now and then, huh?

Vegeta: Please. I haven't sunken so low that I need validation from you.

(Y/N): Even in a time like this you two find it necessary to out preform the other.

Zamasu: You insolent, minuscule saiyans. Beware witness as I show you the power of my divine light.

The lightning disappeared, making the three of us to stop our ki blasts. A bunch of red ki blades appeared behind Zamasu.

Zamasu: Blades of Judgement!

All the blades flew down at ground. They surrounded us, but none of them came close to hitting anyone. They started to glow. They blew up, sending me, Goki, and Vegeta back. That attack hurt like hell, but I'm still standing.

Vegeta: We let him have the high ground for long enough!

Vegeta flew up towards Zamasu.

Goki: Vegeta!

Me and Goki flew after him.

Zamasu: Foolish mortals.

Zamasu shot more of his purple lightning at Vegeta. Vegeta flew around the lightning, dodging them. He shot several ki blasts at Zamasu. The ki blasts hit him, covering him in smoke.

(Y/N): Did that get him?

The wind blew the smoke away, showing that Zamasu wasn't even fazed by the blasts.

Vegeta: He's a cockroach.

Zamasu: Lowly saiyans. Still denying the inevitable. Perhaps a further demonstration of my power will help you face the truth.

Purple energy started to grow out of Zamasu. It went upward and formed into a bird.

Goki: What is that?

Zamasu: And now watch as I breath the life of a new age into this world. Behold, Absolute Lightning!

A bolt of lightning shot out of the bird. It hit Vegeta, sending him down towards the ground while screaming in pain.

(Y/N): Vegeta!

Zamasu: Now your time is up, Goki and (Y/N).

The lightning shot at us. I tried to dodge it, but it bent around to hit me. I felt pain shot through out my body. I fell down to the ground, but at least I'm still in Super Saiyan 4. I looked up and Goki got struck too. She fell down to the ground and powered down to her base form. Zamasu started to shoot lightning everywhere, making explosions cover the area. I slowly got up. I can't give up yet, I won't give up yet!

(Y/N): Zamasu! Don't think you've won yet!

I saw Goki and Vegeta get up. They walked up to me and stood by my side.

Vegeta: You'll have to get through me first!

Zamasu: You saiyans still try to fight even when you're at your limits?

Vegeta: You should know by now, saiyans don't do limits!

Vegeta and Goki both powered up into Super Saiyan Blue. I powered up too, making myself as strong as I could.

Goki: Let's take him out!

Me, Goki, and Vegeta flew up at Zamasu. He sent his giant purple bird at us. Me, Goki, and Vegeta dashed into the bird and started to release ki inside of it. The bird exploded and the three of us continued to fly at Zamasu. Goki and Vegeta dashed ahead of me and tried to punch Zamasu at the same time. Zamasu stopped Goki's punch with his right hand and Vegeta's punch with his left hand. I got in front of Zamasu and punched him in the gut.

Zamasu: How dare you...

He clenched down onto Goki's and Vegeta's hands, making cracking noises. He sent ki through their arms, making them scream in pain. Zamasu kicked me away.

Zamasu: Trying to attack a god... Is punishable by death!

He tossed Goki and Vegeta at me.

Zamasu: Blades of Judgement!

A bunch of red ki blades shot at us, hitting us. The blades exploded on contact, making me, Goki, and Vegeta to fall back down to the ground. I tried to get up, but more of Zamasu's blades surrounded us, exploding. I felt all this pain go through my body and I'm sure Goki and Vegeta are feeling the same.

Goki: (Y/N)... We can really use you going into that new form of yours.

(Y/N): New... Form...?

Goki: Wait, you don't remember?

Vegeta: So much for using that plan...

I heard someone land on the ground. I looked up and saw Trunks. He powered up to Super Saiyan 2 and got his sword out.

Trunks: That's it Zamasu! You're up against me now!

(Goki's POV)

I looked at Trunks and he flew up at Zamasu.

Goki: Trunks wait...

He just kept flying at Zamasu. Zamasu shot more of his red blades, but Trunks slashed through them. I looked over at Vegeta and (Y/N). They're breathing, that's good. My arm feels numb.

I saw Trunks land on the ground. He brought his hands back and fired a purple beam out of his hands. He's using Vegeta's Galick Gun! It clashed with an orange ball from Zamasu. Trunks's attack started to get pushed back. Vegeta stood up and walked up to Trunks.

Vegeta: That's right Trunks, you show him.

Trunks: Father!

Vegeta brought his hands back and a purple aura surrounded him.

Vegeta: Here's some free advice Zamasu! Don't underestimate mortals! Especially not a saiyan!Galick Gun!

He fired his Galick Gun, combining with Trunks's. Their attacks started to push Zamasu's back.

Trunks: This is the power of mortals!

Trunks and Vegeta managed to push Zamasu's attack back at him. The attack exploded when it hit Zamasu. Yes! That's definitely going to do some damage! The smoke from the attack cleared away. Zamasu doesn't look too hurt, but he's panting. Trunks and Vegeta fell down to their hands and knees.

Vegeta: Oh come on, you invincible son of a bitch.

Zamasu: Begone!

Zamasu shot purple lightning at Trunks. Vegeta got up and went in front of Trunks, taking the attack head on. Vegeta's armor broke and he powered down from Super Saiyan Blue. Zamasu formed another orange ball in his hand, getting ready to fire it at Trunks and Vegeta. I got up and flew over to the left.

Goki: Hey!

Zamasu looked over at me.

Zamasu: You are back for more?!

Goki: Zamasu!

I brought my hands back, getting ready for a Kamehameha.

Goki: Ka... Me... Ha... Me...

Zamasu: Take this! Holy Wrath!

Goki: HAAAA!!!

I launched my Kamehameha and Zamasu fired his ball. Both our attacks clashed together. I try to push Zamasu's attack back, but it would quickly push my Kamehameha back too.

Zamasu: You will never best me, you filthy mortal!

His ball got bigger and started to over power my Kamehameha. I don't know if I can keep this up! It feels like my arms are about to give out!

(Y/N): Kamehameha x10!

I saw a red beam swirl around mine. Both beams combined, making a red and blue swirling Kamehameha. I looked to my right and saw (Y/N). He looked over at me and smiled.

(Y/N): Come on Goki, let's beat this guy already!

I smiled at him and looked back at the blasts.

Goki: Right! He won't beat us!

Me and (Y/N) put more power into our attacks, pushing Zamasu's ball back.

Zamasu: Blasphemous fools! You continue to defy a god?!

The orange ball got even bigger.

Goki: I'm not losing this time...

(Y/N): We just need one last push!

I need to do this! If I don't stop this attack, then me and (Y/N) are going to die! I refuse to let something like that happen!

(Y/N) and Goki: Here's our full POWER!!!

We put all the power we could into our attacks. Our Kamehamehas blasted right through Zamasu's attack. I heard Zamasu scream in pain. His attack went up and hit Zamasu too, exploding. Me and (Y/N) stopped our attacks. I really feel my arms, I think I can give one last punch before my arms go completely numb. Me and (Y/N) looked up at Zamasu. The right half of his face is now a weird purple goop.

(Y/N): Hey Goki, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I looked at him in the eyes. He nodded his head at me. I smiled too. This is going to be so cool! Me and (Y/N) flew up at Zamasu. We both thrusted our fists forward.

(Y/N) and Goki: Dragon Fist!

We each got surrounded by a golden dragon. The two dragons went through Zamasu, making him scream in pain. The golden dragons disappeared. Zamasu fell down to the ground and the halo behind him shattered. Me and (Y/N) are breathing heavily. We powered down to our base forms and we started to fall down. Trunks flew over and caught us.

Trunks: I can't believe you two are still conscious.

(Y/N): Heh, we barely are.

Trunks brought us behind some rubble, where Vegeta is. I also saw Supreme Kai and Gowasu there too.

Gowasu: Where's Zamasu?

Goki: He's knocked out right now, so that should give us some time to recover.

(Chapter 37 end)

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