Chapter 40 (TOP)

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(Readers POV)

I slowly woke up in my bed. I let out a yawn and sat up, stretching my arms, back, and legs.

(Y/N): Good morning world.

Goki: Good morning.

I let out a scream and moved to the corner of my bed. I looked over to my left and saw Goki standing near my bed.

(Y/N): What are you doing in my room?!

Goki let out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of her head.

Goki: I wanted to surprise you.

(Y/N): Surprising and scaring to death are two different things!

Goki: Ok, fine.

Goki got up near me and kissed my cheek over and over again.

Goki: Is this making you feel better?

I huffed and crossed my arms.

(Y/N): I'm still mad at you.

Goki: Now you're being unfair!

She pouted at me. She stopped and smiled at me. She gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. Goki looked at me.

Goki: There. Feel any better now?

(Y/N): ...Ok. I'll forgive you.

Goki celebrated and cheered.

Goki: I knew that would cheer you up!

(Y/N): Why are you here so early? Do you want to train or something?

Goki: Well... Remember when I told you about me and Chi separating?

I nodded my head.

Goki: We asked Bulma if Goten can stay here and she said yes. But I didn't want to leave Goten here by himself so I decided I would live here too and I chose your room to stay in.

(Y/N): So you are staying here in my room for now on?

Goki: Yep. Pretty much.

(Y/N): There are like a hundred rooms here. Why stay in my room specially?

Goki pouted and looked away from me.

Goki: You're so mean! You just said that you don't want to be with me!

(Y/N): Wait! That's not what I meant!

Goki: It's what you said!

(Y/N): Don't act like that.

Goki: You acted like this! I say it's fair!

Crap, what am I going to do? Man this is what I get for being a butt. I slowly wrapped my arms around Goki and I wrapped my tail around her waist. I rested my head on her shoulder.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. Will you please forgive me?

Goki giggled and hugged me back.

Goki: Only because you said please.

We got out of bed and walked out of my room.

Goki: You mentioned doing training earlier. You still want to do that?

(Y/N): Of course I do! Let's go get Vegeta and see if he want to.

Goki nodded her head yes. We walked through Capsule Corp, looking for Vegeta. We walked into the kitchen, seeing Bulma and Vegeta talking to each other. Bulma looked over at me and Goki.

Bulma: If you are asking about Vegeta training it's a no!

(Y/N) and Goki: What?! Why?!

Bulma: I'm pregnant and I want Vegeta to be here!

(Y/N): Oh, so Bulla is going to be born soon.

Vegeta: Bulla? That's no name of a saiyan!

Bulma: Well I like it! Thanks for saying it, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): You're... Welcome?

Goki: Congratulations. But why does Vegeta have to be here? The baby doesn't come out of him so what's the big deal?

Vegeta: You idiot! How are you still mar-

Vegeta quickly stopped himself and coughed, quietly saying sorry under his breath.

Vegeta: If I leave, then Bulma will keep me up at night about it.

Bulma: Hell yeah I will!

Vegeta: Just go. Don't waste your time here anymore than you need to.

Me and Goki just walked out of the kitchen while Bulma continued to yell at Vegeta. Poor guy, how does he not go insane with that woman as his wife? Me and Goki walked outside.

Goki: Stay here. I'll go find a place for us to train. You can Instant Transmission to me when you sense my power go higher.

I gave her a thumbs. Goki flew away, getting out of my line of sight. I waited for her power to go higher, so I can go to her. I felt her power go higher for a moment, but it quickly went down.

(Y/N): What is Goki doing? Is she still messing with me because of earlier in my room?

I felt a different person's energy and it's high. I think Goki is in trouble! I quickly used Instant Transmission over to the person. I'm in a rocky field. I saw Goki unconscious on the ground and there is a man standing over her. He has blue skin and white hair. He's wearing red clothing.

(Y/N): Who are you and what have you done to Goki?!

He looked over at me.

Mira: Interesting. This timeline is very different.

This timeline? Oh no. I've had enough of different timeline crap!

(Y/N): Listen buddy! If you knocked Goki out, then I'll be forced to give you some pay back!

I quickly went over to Goki's body and got here away so she doesn't get caught in the cross fire. I looked back at the blue man and dashed at him. I threw a punch at him, but he stopped it with his hand.

(Y/N): This guy is strong.

I said to myself. He punched my gut. His punches hit hard! I got knocked back into a cliff.

(Y/N): Who the hell is this guy?

I quickly powered up into Super Saiyan 3, causing the cliff around me to get destroyed.

Mira: You are powerful, I can sense it. Show me your power.

I don't like this guy. Whatever timeline he's from, I'll punch him back there! I dashed over to him and kicked his back, sending him down to the ground. Before he could make it to the ground, I flew under him and shot a blast point blank range at him. My blast sent him up, but he started to push my blast back with his own. It got close to me, forcing me to dodge. If that blast hit, I would be in a bad condition.

(Y/N): You're way more of a threat than I thought!

I quickly went Super Saiyan 4, making my power skyrocket. I dashed at the blue man and punched his gut. He punched mine back and punched my face, knocking me back. He brought his hand back, forming a dark red ki ball in his hand, throwing it at me. I caught it in my hands, but it hurts to touch.

(Y/N): Why are you here?!

Mira: I don't need to tell you.

I got mad. I filled this ki ball with my ki and shot it back at him. He got hit by the ball, knocking him back. He dashed at me and tried to hit me. I made a ki blade in my hand and stabbed it through his chest, taking a page from (F/N).

Mira: Gah!

(Y/N): I'm surprised you fell for this. Don't feel upset about it, you're not this trick's first victim.

I slashed at him, pushing him away. He threw several ki balls at me. I dodged them, but saw one of them aiming for Goki. I quickly got in front of it, getting hit by it. I took a few deep breaths. That ball was way stronger than I thought, but at least Goki is safe.

(Y/N): This will be your only chance to flee back to your timeline.

He just stayed quiet will looking at me. He simply shook his head no. I got really mad and started to power up. My mind filled with rage as I saw my fur slowly turn grey. A ki blast flew past me and hit the blue man, making me stop powering up. I looked back and saw another Goki, but she's wearing black and red and she has her Power Pole with her. I noticed she also has her tail.

Xeno Goki: I'll take care of this guy. Sorry he messed around here in this timeline.

Mira: You again...

(Y/N): Wait, who are you?

Xeno Goki: That's a lot to explain and I don't have the time for it sadly. Also glad I stopped you from transforming. That would've been a mess to fix.

Now I'm just confused. Who is this Goki? She flew past me and got ready to fight the blue man.

(Y/N): Be careful. He's strong.

Xeno Goki: Different timeline, same (Y/N) that worries too much about me.

(Y/N): I do not worry too much!

Xeno Goki: Hehe. Never change.

I saw the blue man open a portal. It looked a lot like the portal that sent me to this timeline. The man flew into it.

Xeno Goki: You get back here!

That Goki quickly flew into the portal. The portal closed, disappearing.

(Y/N): I hope that guy doesn't show up again.

I powered down to base. That Goki mentioned about me not transforming. I think I was about to transform into the form Goki talked about that one night. My mind was beginning to fill with rage and anger. I heard Goki start to wake up.

Goki: H-Huh? What happened?

She looked up at me and gave me a confused look.

Goki: Did I fall asleep or something?

(Y/N): Sure... That's what happened.

I figured it would be better to not tell Goki what happened, to avoid making her as confused as I am.

Goki: Weird. I could've sworn I got enough sleep last night. Never mind. Let's get to training now!

(Chapter 40 end)

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