Chapter 42 (TOP)

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(Readers POV)

I looked around at the other platforms, seeing if anyone will challenge me. I saw the red dog man from one of the platforms jump off and landed on the arena I'm standing on.

Basil: I'll fight you!

(Y/N): Seriously? I have to fight some mutt?

Basil: I am no mutt! I am Basil, one of the brothers of the Trio of Danger!

I looked back over and looked at the other two dog people. The blue one and yellow one smiled at me. Guess they think I'm some weakling. I looked back at Basil.

Grand Priest: Let the fight between Universe 7's (Y/N) and Universe 9's Basil start!

Basil jumped forward at me. He tried to kick me. I blocked his kicks and punched him away. He was sent back a bit by my punch, but he was able to stop himself.

Basil: You actually know what you are doing? That's a surprise.

I just chuckled to myself as I went Super Saiyan. A yellow ki aura surrounded my body.

(Y/N): You're going to learn just what a saiyan can do.

I dashed forward at Basil. I tried to punch him in the stomach, but he blocked my fist with his foot. A red aura of ki surrounded his body. Looks like he's getting serious too. I quickly grabbed his foot and threw him away. I flew forward and caught up to Basil, punching him into the ground. I jumped back and made a ball of ki in my hand.

(Y/N): You might as well give up now. I'll give you a chance to surrender.

Basil: No... I won't quit. I will beat you.

(Y/N): I'd love to see you try.

Basil got up and dashed at me, doing a flurry of kicks at me. I dodged his kicks and did a sweeping kick, knocking Basil off balance. I threw the ki ball in my hand at his face, knocking him back. Basil landed on the ground, about to pass out.

Grand Priest: Basil is reaching his limit. I believe it is safe to say that (Y/N) is the winner.

Zeno: That fight wasn't that exciting. I want to see more.

So Zeno is disappointed? What could I do to make this entertaining for him.

(Y/N): Basil! You got any tricks you can't do by yourself?

Basil sat up and looked at me. A confused look went on his face.

(Y/N): For this match, let's do any trick we can think of. For Zeno's entertainment.

Zeno: Yeah! I would love to see that!

I looked up at the platform Basil was on and the Supreme Kai on it reached into his pocket and pulled out some kind of fruit. He threw it at Basil, who quickly ate the fruit. A dark red auru surrounded Basil's body and his power skyrocketed.

Basil: Now I feel amazing! There's no way you can beat me like this now!

Basil dashed at me with speeds he didn't have before. I tried to block his up coming attack, but he kicked my arms away and kicked my stomach. I tried to punch him back, but Basil blocked my punch with his leg. Whatever he ate, definitely isn't a normal fruit.

(Y/N): You think you're the only one not going all out?

I pushed Basil away and sighed.

(Y/N): Everyone look closely! You're about to see what a saiyan can do! What you see now is Super Saiyan!

I quickly powered up into Super Saiyan 2.

(Y/N): Now this is Super Saiyan 2!

My hair grew longer as my ki aura got larger.

(Y/N): This is Super Saiyan 3! And this isn't all of it either! RAAAAAH!

My hair started to shorten in length as it went back to its usual color. Red fur grew on my body and my tail turned red too. I finished transforming into Super Saiyan 4.

Zeno: Oooohhhh! He changed his appearance! He has to be a lot stronger now!

Grand Priest: You are right, Sire. (Y/N) surely has gone through an interesting transformation.

I smiled to myself and looked at Basil.

(Y/N): With the way I am now, even 1% would be overkill for you.

Basil got mad at me and dashed forward at me. I effortlessly dodged his kicks and punched his stomach hard. He gasped in pain and fell down to his knees. I raised my hand into the air as a huge ball of ki formed above it. I threw it down at Basil, making him scream. An explosion covered most of the arena. Smoke that came from the explosion slowly went away, revealing Basil unconscious.

Grand Priest: (Y/N) of Universe 7 is the winner.

I sighed and went back into my base form. I flew back to the platform where Goki and Gohan are on.

(Goki's POV)

I saw (Y/N) land next to me.

Goki: That was great match, even if you over did it.

Gohan: I'm sure Super Saiyan 2 would've been enough to close the gap of power.

(Y/N): Yeah, I guess. But I did it to give the watchers a good show.

Goki: I think you did a good job, seeing that Zeno was amazed at Super Saiyan 4.

Grand Priest: Who would like to participate in the next fight?

Zeno: I want to see more exciting fights! They're so fun to watch!

An idea popped into my head.

Goki: I know Zeno! How about the next match be tag team match! A two versus two fight!

Zeno: I would love to see that!

I looked over at Gohan and smiled at him.

Goki: Come on Gohan! Let's give our match everything we got!

Gohan: Alright mom!

Me and Gohan jumped onto the arena. I saw the blue and yellow dog people jump down. Looks like me and Gohan will have to fight them.

Goki: So you two will be our opponents. Me and my son look forward to a great match.

Me and Gohan bowed down. We both got ready to fight.

Bergamo: Don't think this match will end the same way as with our brother and your teammate.

Lavender: We will make sure you stay on the ground!

These two are definitely riled up for a fight. Can't wait to fight people from a new universe.

Grand Priest: Let the match begin!

Me and Gohan rushed over at the two dogs. I went to punch the blue one, but the yellow one got in front of him and he's about to hit me.

Lavender: You're already finished!

Gohan pushed me away. Gohan got hit by the yellow dog's fist that's covered in purple. Gohan gasped, but quickly kicked him away. Gohan jumped back and got close to me.

Gohan: What's going on? This sensation...

Bergamo: You just got hit by Lavender's poison.

Poison?! I looked back at Gohan and saw some purple spots on his body.

Bergamo: It won't be long until he's out of the match.

Gohan: Then I'll just have to win before this poison gets me.

Gohan took off his glasses and tossed them up at (Y/N). Gohan got ready to fight.

Gohan: I'll take on the yellow one, mom. If I take him out, that might get rid of the poison.

Goki: Ok, Gohan. Just be careful.

Gohan dashed over at Lavender to fight him. I looked back at the blue dog.

Goki: My name is Goki. Sorry for not saying my name sooner.

Bergamo: I'm Bergamo, the oldest brother of the Trio of Danger!

They got a group name? Bergamo looked at me and let himself wide open.

Bergamo: I will let you have the first attack.

That's weird, but I won't argue against it! I went over at Bergamo and punched him. He smiled at me and punched me back. It feels like it's the same strength as my punch.

Bergamo: That was to demonstrate my ability!

He punched me again, knocking me back. This guy hits hard. Did he get stronger because I hit him? So he must take the strength of my attacks and add it to his own. I felt someone crash into me, knocking me down. I looked to see Gohan above me. There is some purple over his eyes, making him close them.

Goki: Gohan! Are you ok?

Gohan: I'm fine mom, just can't see because of this poison.

Me and Gohan stood up. I looked over at Bergamo and Lavender. They smirked at us.

Goki: Gohan, let's kick this up a notch!

Gohan: Right!

The both of us went Super Saiyan. We both dashed forward at the two dogs. Gohan forced Lavender to go on the defensive by throwing a kick at him. Before Lavender could counter attack, I kicked him away. Bergamo tried to hit me, but I got out of the way and grabbed his arm. Gohan punched his gut and I threw him over at Lavender, having them crash into him.

Goki: That one should've hurt!

Bergamo stood up as a red aura surrounded his body and he grew in size. Lavender stood up and smiled. I looked over at Gohan.

Goki: I'm surprised you're able to keep up with those two without being able to see.

Gohan: It's a good thing I've been training with Piccolo before this, otherwise I would've been done already.

Bergamo: We're not going to give up just yet!

Lavender: We'll get vengeance for Basil's loss!

Goki: Gohan, you ready to show these brothers the power of a mother and son?

Gohan smiled and nodded his head. We both ran forward. I flew up at Bergamo and punched his face, he tried to hit me, but since he's bigger, it's easier to dodged his attacks. I flew back down while Bergamo tried to punch me. I quickly grabbed Gohan and got out the way, making Bergamo accidentally hit Lavender.

Bergamo: Lavender!

Lavender: That one hurt!

Gohan got out of my grasp and grabbed Lavender's leg and threw him to me. I transformed into Super Saiyan Blue and kicked Lavender up, making him crash into Bergamo. Gohan jumped up and threw a ki ball at the two dogs, making smoke covered them so they can't see. Gohan jumped back to me.

Goki: Let's finish this Gohan!

Gohan: Right mom!

Me and Gohan brought our hands back.

Goki and Gohan: Ka... Me... Ha... Me...

A blue ball of ki formed in our hands as he threw our hands forward, releasing our ki blast.

Goki and Gohan: HAAAA!!!

Our Kamehameha's combined and hit Bergamo and Lavender. The two brothers quickly fell out of the arena. Me and Gohan stopped our Kamehameha and we went back into our base forms. The purple on Gohan quickly faded away and he opened his eyes. I saw Bergamo and Lavender appear back on their platform.

Zeno: That was amazing! I want one more match to watch!

Grand Priest: Goki, can you participate in one more match for Grand Zeno?

I looked up at the Grand Priest and gave him a thumbs up.

Goki: Of course I can! My blood is already pumping!

I looked back at Gohan and kissed his cheek.

Goki: Good job Gohan. I'm proud of you.

Gohan: Thanks mom, that means a lot from you.

Gohan flew back up to the platform where (Y/N) is. I looked around, trying to see my next opponent.

Goki: Who wants to have a match with me?

I saw the man in the cloak step forward. They took of the cloak. I can see a big man that's bald with a big mustache. He's wearing a tight red and black uniform with white gloves and boots.

Toppo: I will fight you, Son Goki!

He jumped down to the arena and looked at me. So I get to fight him now. Just by looking at him, I can tell he has a lot of experience. My heart started to beat in excitement. I just can't wait to fight him!

(Chapter 42 end)

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