Chapter 47 (TOP)

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(Readers POV)

I was knocking away some people that were trying to come at me. No one in particular caught my attention. I jumped away, looking for a good fight. I stopped when a red beam flew past me. I looked over where the source was and saw Frost.

Frost: It's about time we meet again, (Y/N).

I clenched my fists and smiled, getting ready to knock Frost out of the tournament. I dashed right at him, but Magetta got in front of me and blocked my punch. I powered up into Super Saiyan and pushed Magetta away.

(Y/N): If you really want to lose the tournament right now, then I won't mind knocking you out here Frost.

Frost: Please, I don't plan on losing anytime soon. You are outnumbered in this situation.

I smiled as I remembered what happens if Magetta gets insulted.

(Y/N): You two won't be able to beat me, your rusty hunks of scrap metal!

Magetta stood there, unfazed. I was confused until I noticed a pair of hands covering his ears. The pair of hands belongs to Botamo as he jumped up onto Magetta's shoulders, keeping his hands over his ears.

Frost: You really thought we didn't think of any counters for you to exploit his weakness?

Botamo: With the three of us, you'll fall for sure.

A three versus one situation? This certainly got more interesting. Frost started to shoot red beams at me, making me dodge them. As I was dodging, Magetta ran up to me and tried to attack me. I dodged his fist and tried to counter attack, but Botamo took the punch. Magetta punched my stomach, making me get knocked up into the air. Frost hit my head with a red beam. I fell down to the arena, but I landed on my feet.

(Y/N): You really are a bastard. I should've expected Frost of all people to bring teammates to do the work for him.

I saw Magetta running at me again. I jumped up and tried to knock Botamo off with a kick. His body absorbed the force of my kick. Magetta tried to knock me away, but I blocked his attack.

(Y/N): I hope you two enjoy going for a ride!

I managed to throw Magetta and Botamo over my shoulder. They crashed into the arena, making some of the stone that made the stage break upward. I dashed over at Frost. He started to constantly fire ki attacks at me. I dodged and blocked them as I kicked his stomach. He gasped out in pain and I punched his face. He started to fly away, but I grabbed his tail and jumped up. I looked over and saw Magetta start to spit out lava at me. I put Frost in front of me and started to fall down towards Magetta. Botamo forced Magetta to shut his mouth, forcing the lava to stop.

Botamo: We almost roasted Frost to a crisp!

I swung Frost into Botamo, making Frost bounce off and I let go of his tail, making him crash into the arena. I started to constantly punch Botamo.

Botamo: That won't do any damage to me!

(Y/N): I'm not trying to damage you!

My punches got faster as Botamo was getting pushed off of Magetta.

Botamo: Wh-What's going on?!

(Y/N): Me and Gohan have been discussing some strategies with how to beat you people from Universe 6! You maybe able to absorb my punches, but that doesn't mean there isn't some kind of limit!

I saw Magetta try to punch me away. I dodged it, making him hit Botamo. He lost his balance and fell off of Magetta's shoulders. I kicked away Magetta and I grabbed Botamo's legs. I started to spin around, getting a lot of speed before I let go of him, sending him flying off of the arena. He disappeared and reappeared in the bleachers.

Grand Priest: Botamo of Universe 6 has been eliminated!

I smiled as I looked back at Magetta and Frost. They looked at me. I cracked my knuckles, getting ready to eliminate them too.

Frost: Let's fall back for now, Magetta!

They turned around and started to run away from me.

(Y/N): Hey! Don't run away you filthy tin can-

I was cutoff by Frost shooting a beam at me. I deflected it and saw Frost and Magetta a good distance away from me. I decided to not follow after them and I went out of Super Saiyan.

(Y/N): Whatever.

I jumped away, looking for someone to fight. I looked over and saw a giant pink heart in the air.

(Y/N): What the hell?

I looked over and saw Vegeta shoot a small beam through the heart, but the heart turned into a pink mist and started to cover the arena. I smelled some of it.

(Y/N): This stuff smells weird.

I looked around and saw that a lot of people are in some kind of daze. Is it because of this mist? I looked around again and it doesn't look like anyone from my team is affected by it, so that's good. I went over to Vegeta.

(Y/N): Vegeta. Who made this weird mist?

Vegeta pointed up at a tall rock that was broken off from the stage. I saw three women that are wearing weird clothes.

Brianne: You really are impatient, blasting through our attack like that!

The big woman wearing pink said. She looked over at the other two women standing next to her.

Brianne: Su! Sanka! Now that we are transformed, we shall fight for our universe and it's love! Good luck!

Su and Sanka: Right!

They jumped away from her to start fighting. The pink wearing woman jumped at me and Vegeta. Vegeta pushed me out of the way and went Super Saiyan.

Vegeta: Get out of the way! This fight is mine!

(Y/N): Geez! You can just tell me!

I saw Vegeta jump at the woman as the two started to throw attacks at each other. They either dodged or blocked the other's attacks. The woman made a red ball of ki in her hand and threw down at Vegeta. He dodged it, but the ball came down at me.

(Y/N): Oh crap!

I quickly kicked it away, making it it some of the broken parts of the arena. Man whoever is destroying the arena must be really strong, since whatever this stage is made out of is really tough stuff.

Vegeta: Out of the way!

I looked over and saw the woman rolling on the ground at high speeds right at me. I jumped out of the way and she was rolling right at Vegeta. He was about to attack her, but he got this look on his face. He jumped away.

Vegeta: You can fight her (Y/N)! I'm going to find someone worth my time!

The woman rolling in a ball stopped and turned to look over at me.

Brianne: Your friend sure is a coward. I guess he couldn't handle the power of my love.

(Y/N): Power of love? That certainly is something I've never fought in my universe. The names (Y/N) by the way.

Brianne: I am Brianne! I'll show you just what my love can do!

She jumped forward at me. I quickly went Super Saiyan again and tried to punch her. She blocked my punch. She tried to fire a red ball of ki at me, but I grabbed it and slammed it back onto her, sending her back. She started to do her rolling attack again. I waited until she got right in front of me so I can counter attack. I saw her face up close and now I understand why Vegeta left. I kicked her up into the air and quickly jumped up after her. I put my hands together and slammed them down on Brianne, sending her down to the arena. She landed on her feet and so did I.

Brianne: I can feel it. I can feel a strong sense of love in your heart! It's clear that their is someone that you love dearly! Will you share to me who you hold dearly to your heart?

A love in my heart? I looked around and I saw Goki fighting the two women that were standing next to Brianne before. I smiled to myself and looked back at Brianne.

(Y/N): A love for someone? Please. The only love in my heart is a love for fighting!

I dashed past her, going behind her and went for a kick. Brianne looked behind her, but my foot kicked her face. She screamed out in pain as she was sent flying into some rocks.

(Y/N): I'll give you some credit. You are holding your ground way better than I thought you would.

She got out of the rubble and pouted at me. A air of butterfly wings came from her back and she formed a bow and arrow in her hands. The arrow has a red heart at the end of it. She shot it at me. I grabbed it, but it exploded on contact. I was sent back a bit, but I easily recovered. Brianne started to fire a barrage of arrows at me. I started to dodged them. I felt someone grabbed me by the back of my clothes, pulling me away. I looked over and saw Android 18 has a hold of me.

Android 18: You shouldn't waste your time with her. I'm sure there are stronger people that you'll need your energy for. I'll take it from here.

(Y/N): Thanks for that 18. I was getting a bit bored of Brianne anyway.

Android 18 let go of me and went to fight Brianne. I went to my base form and looked around. I figured Krillin would've been with 18. I looked at the bleachers and saw him seating there.

(Y/N): Krillin?! Come on man!

Krillin: Oh come on (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Who knocked you out?! I'll make sure to give them a punch just for you!

Krillin: That isn't necessary! 18 already got them!

I sighed and started to look around again. Those saiyan girls from Universe 6 do come to mind for strong opponents. They definitely have a lot of potential.

(Y/N): I've made up my mind. I'll take those two down next!

(Chapter 47 end)

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