Chapter 52 (TOP)

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(Readers POV)

Me, Goki, Vegeta, Gohan, and Frieza stood there, staring at Jiren, Toppo, and their purple bunny friend. Goki started to walk forward as did Jiren. They kept walking until they got right in front of each other. Goki powered up into Super Saiyan Blue and started to scream. Jiren just stood in front of her while she powered up. A light surrounded Goki as she released a ki wave from her body, making a bunch of smoke cover her and Jiren. Goki jumped out of the smoke and so did Jiren, chasing after her.

(Y/N): Never thought Goki would use such a tactic.

Vegeta: Kakarotta! You already had your fight with Jiren!

Vegeta powered into Super Saiyan Blue and jumped after Goki and Jiren. I looked ahead and looked at Toppo.

(Y/N): Toppo. I don't think we had a match yet. Want to see who will win that fight?

Toppo: You will fall to my justice, warrior of Universe 7!

I smirked and powered up into Super Saiyan 4. I dashed right at Toppo and tried to punch him. He blocked my punch with his arms, but the force of my punch still knocked him back.

(Y/N): I will fall? Please!

I dashed forward at Toppo and tried to attack him with a barrage of punches and kicks, but he blocked them. I made a ball of ki in my hand and jumped back, throwing the ball of ki forward at Toppo. He jumped to the side and pointed his hand forward at me.

Toppo: Justice Flash!

I bunch of ki balls came from his finger tips. I deflected the balls coming at me. I kicked one of the balls back at Toppo. The ball flew right by his face. I smirked as I put two fingers to my forehead and used Instant Transmission to go right to the ball the flew past Toppo. I was now behind him and I kicked his back. He grunted in pain, but turned around and grabbed my leg.

(Y/N): Let go!

He slammed me into the ground. I tried to get out of his grip, but Toppo made sure he has a hold of my leg. I quickly made a ki sword come out of my hand, cutting some of his cheek. He let go of my leg and I landed on my feet. I pointed the ki blade at Toppo.

(Y/N): I remembered doing this trick while fused with Vegeta.

Toppo: A blade made from your energy. I would have never thought you could do a trick such as that.

(Y/N): I'm a box of surprises. Now be careful, or I'll cut that mustache of yours.

(Goki's POV)

I dashed at Jiren, trying to hit him. Vegeta tried attacking Jiren from the side. Jiren punched Vegeta in the face, knocking him back. I tried to punch Jiren, but he blocked my punch. I tried to jump back, but Jiren threw a barrage of punches at me. I got knocked back. I made sure to stay on my feet.

Goki: Ow. You really don't pull your punches, do you Jiren?

Vegeta: Stay back Kakarotta!

Vegeta got up and tried to get close to Jiren. Jiren started to through a barrage of punches at Vegeta, but he managed to weave through Jiren's strikes and punch him in the stomach.

Goki: No way!

Jiren looked down in shock. Vegeta smirked at Jiren. That was really impressive.

Vegeta: Not so high and mighty now are you?!

Jiren glared at Vegeta, making Vegeta gasp in pain as he was attacked by several instantaneous attacks. Vegeta was sent flying past me.

Goki: I think I know how to deal with Jiren.

I dashed forward and tried to attack Jiren. As I was close to him, I placed a small bit of ki in the ground. Jiren knocked me back. I put some more ki in the ground below me and I used Instant Transmission to try to attack Jiren at a different angle. I kept putting small bits of ki around the area. Jiren knocked me back one more time.

Goki: Time to see if it works.

I saw Jiren take a step forward. He stepped on one of the bits of ki, causing it to explode. The explosion caused a chain reaction, making the rest go off too.

Goki: ...

I waited in silence as the smoke cleared, Jiren stood there without a scratch on him.

Goki: Agh!

That didn't work?! I need to think about another way. Maybe I can knock him out of the arena if I can get the slip on him. I dashed at Jiren and punched at him. He blocked it, but I quickly jumped back. He dashed at me, but I made a Destructo Disc in my hand.

Goki: Take this!

I threw the disc at Jiren. He grabbed it in his hand and threw it back. I dodged it, making the disc cut a pillar of the arena. It crashed down, about to fall off the arena. Jiren punched at me. I blocked his punch, but the force still knocked me back. I landed on the pillar and Jiren did too. I made more Destructo Discs and threw them at Jiren. He punched them, destroying them. I quickly made some more Destructo Discs and threw them downward.

Beerus: Goki! Get out of there! He's about to knock you out!

Jiren dashed at me and started to punch at me. I blocked his punches, but each one was slowly knocking me back. Me and him are at the edge of the pillar. I smiled as I made the Destructo Discs I threw down earlier come up and cut the pillar into a bunch of pieces.

Jiren: Huh?

I smiled as I used Instant Transmission to get behind Jiren and I kicked him down, making him start to fall down. I used Instant Transmission to get over to Vegeta and watched Jiren start to fall.

Goki: There's no way he's getting back up!

I looked down to watch Jiren. I noticed the pieces of the pillar are falling next to him. He put his foot on one of the pieces and jumped off of it. He jumped off another pieces and kept doing that until he made it back on the arena.

Vegeta: Looks like that didn't work. Looks like we'll have to take Jiren out the old fashioned way!

Jiren started to walk towards me and Vegeta.

Jiren: Don't you see how futile it is to fight me? Just give up.

Vegeta: Give up? Who do you think I am?

Vegeta took a step forward.

Goki: Vegeta wait-

Jiren: Do you really think you can defeat me with your arrogance?

Vegeta: Arrogance? Damn right! That "arrogance" is my pride! Pride of being the strongest warrior race to have ever existed!

Vegeta started to power up. He brought his hands back and put them forward, a yellow ball of ki forming in his hands. He's going to try a Final Flash!

Vegeta: If you think you are so strong, then you won't try to dodge this attack will you?!

Jiren: ...Hit me with everything you got.

Vegeta started to laugh as he kept charging up his attack. This energy is intense. It's even strong than that Kefla girl (Y/N) fought.

Vegeta: Very well then! Don't regret when you fall from this! Final Flash!

A large yellow beam came from Vegeta's hands at it went towards Jiren. Jiren quickly tried to block the attack, but I couldn't see if he did because the beam covered his body completely. After a bit, Vegeta stopped his attack. He was breathing heavily as smoke covered the area Jiren was at. As the smoke cleared, I can see Jiren laying down on the ground.

Vegeta. Hahaha... Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHA!

Vegeta started to laugh. I blinked and saw Jiren in front of Vegeta. Jiren made a ball of ki in Vegeta's stomach, making him grunt in pain.

Goki: Vegeta!

Jiren: I actually felt that one.

Jiren launched the ball of ki into Vegeta's stomach. Vegeta was sent back by the ball of ki as he was screaming. I looked back and saw the ki ball explode. Vegeta was on the ground, trying to get up. I looked over and saw (Y/N) fighting Toppo and Frieza and Gohan fight the purple guy. I smiled to myself.

Jiren: You two can't win.

I looked back at Jiren. I saw Vegeta get up next to me.

Goki: Still standing after that one?

Vegeta: As long as Jiren is standing on this arena, then I'll get up after anything!

Me and Vegeta started to power up. I started to scream out as a red aura surrounded my body as I am now using Kaio-Ken. Vegeta started to power up more as his blue aura started to go darker and his muscles getting a bit bigger too.

Goki and Vegeta: HHHAAAAAAAHHH!!!!

I went Kaio-Ken times 20 as Vegeta's power skyrocketed. He achieved some kind of new form. His hair was now a darker blue. That's good, just what we needed. We started to walk towards Jiren.

Goki and Vegeta: Here we come Jiren!

(Readers POV)

I slashed at Toppo with my ki sword, knocking him back. I can sense a huge energy spike coming from Goki and Vegeta. I looked over and they are walking towards Jiren. Goki is using Kaio-Ken times 20 and Vegeta is in some new form.

(Y/N): They're always so amazing.

Toppo: Don't you take your eyes off our fight!

I looked back and saw Toppo about to hit me, but a huge rock flew into him, knocking him away. I looked over and saw Frieza.

Frieza: Since those two monkeys are having their fun, I figured I should have mine.

(Y/N): Frieza? Where's Gohan and the other guy?

Frieza: The annoyingly fast one? Those two were eliminated from the tournament. Gohan sacrificed himself to take the other one out.

I looked over at the bleachers and saw Gohan and the purple guy sitting there. Now it's a two versus four situation. If we can keep this up, we'll win this tournament for sure.

Toppo: You interrupted our fight!

Toppo said to Frieza. Frieza looked over at Toppo.

Frieza: Let me fight him. I want to break that bravado of his.

I looked over at Frieza. I got rid of my ki blade and went down to my base form.

(Y/N): Have fun. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Frieza: I'm sure that list is a short one.

I scoffed and jumped over to watch Goki and Vegeta fighting Jiren. At this level of strength that they are at now, they might actually stand a chance against Jiren. I'll stay back and take this time to also catch my breath.

(Y/N): Goki. Vegeta. Don't screw this up.

(Chapter 52 end)

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