Chapter 54 (TOP)

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(Readers POV)

I dashed forward at Jiren, dashing past him and tried to kick the back of his head. My kick actually connected and knocked Jiren back. He gasped in pain as he quickly tried to keep his footing.

(Y/N): Such strength...

I said to myself as Jiren turned around to look at me. He tried to punch me, but I caught his fist. He glared at me as I felt several strikes hit my chest, but it doesn't hurt as much as it did before.

(Y/N): AH!!

I quickly punched Jiren in the gut and let go of his fist, making him fly back. Jiren stopped himself as he started to power up, a large red aura of ki surrounded his body.

(Y/N): Taking this seriously now? Maybe you should get your buddy to help you.

Jiren: Buddy? I don't have such need for pointless connections.

(Y/N): Really? That's a shame.

Jiren dashed forward at me. He punched me in the face, making me take a step back. I saw Jiren about to punch me again. I kicked his arm away from me. I spun around and kicked Jiren with my other leg. He blocked the kick and tried to punch me again. I bent back to dodge his attack and I wrapped my tail around his arm. I threw Jiren back with my tail and let go of him. I made a ball of ki in my hand and jumped at Jiren.

(Y/N): Take this!

I tried to slam the ball into Jiren. He blocked the ball, but it exploded and sent him down to the ground. Jiren threw a ki blast at me, hitting my chest and knocked me back. I landed on my feet.

(Y/N): Why don't you want friends? Why against the idea?

Jiren just looked at me.

Jiren: Why would I rely on such a fleeting source of strength?

It was pretty clear that Jiren is dead set on being alone. I brought my hands back and a ball of ki appeared in between my hands.

(Y/N): Kamehame...

I threw my hands forward at Jiren.

(Y/N): HA!!

A large beam of ki came from my hands. Jiren couldn't get out of the way and was forced to block. The beam started to push him up into the air. A giant red aura came out of Jiren, destroying the Kamehameha. A bright light covered everywhere. I shielded my eyes from the light and when it disappeared, I looked back at Jiren. I noticed that the entire World of Void wasn't green anymore and was now blue and purple. Did Jiren stopping my attack distort the World of Void?

(Y/N): From what I can tell with my own power, I can still beat Jiren. Even if he got stronger.

I saw Jiren landed on the ground. I saw a large purple orb of energy far away to my right. I looked over and the large orb reminded me of Beerus's energy. I saw the orb disappear and saw Frieza fall down from it. I also saw Toppo now really buff and covered in the same purple energy.

(Y/N): Didn't think Toppo had a transformation.

Jiren: Hmph. So he got rid of his sense of justice. Pathetic.

I put my attention back towards Jiren.

(Y/N): That really is one way to talk about your teammate.

I dashed at Jiren and started to attack him. I sent a barrage of punches at him. He tried to block them, but some of my punches went through his guard. Jiren tried to punch me away, but I quickly used Instant Transmission to get behind him. I tried to punch him, but Jiren grabbed my arm. I quickly made a blade of ki from the arm he has ahold of. The blade grazed his cheek, making him let go of me and launch a ki blast at me. I blocked the blast with my blade and started to cut right through Jiren's blast.

(Y/N): That won't work!

I tried to cut Jiren, but he blocked each swing of my blade. I brought my blade back and quickly pointed my other hand at Jiren and launched a ki blast at him. He powered through the blast and bashed me with his shoulder, knocking me away. I stabbed my blade into the ground to stop me in my place. I saw Jiren dashing right at me. I quickly kicked him away. I got my blade out of the ground. I pointed it at Jiren.

(Y/N): After giving it some thought... I think I wanted to be like you.

Jiren: Be like me?

(Y/N): Yeah. I wanted to be powerful, strong, not needing to rely on others... But you helped me realize that I never want to live like that.

Jiren: Do you really want to have to rely on others?

(Y/N): It's nice to have people you can always trust, no matter what happens. I have people that I trust and I know they trust me back.

Jiren: That won't last forever. I thought the same at a time, but I learned from that mistake.

(Y/N): ...Now I've really made up my mind. I'd rather stay in Goki's and Vegeta's shadow if it means I don't end up like you.

I brought one of my hands back and a ball of greenish blue ki appeared in that hand. I brought my other hand at the ball and started to put more ki into it.

(Y/N): Final Shine Kamehame...

Jiren got mad at me and launched several balls of ki at me. I dodged them, making the balls crash into the arena, covering the area in smoke. I ran out of the smoke, still charging up my attack. I started to run straight at Jiren. Jiren tried to kick me, but I blocked his kick with my shoulder. I smirked as I wrapped my tail around his leg.

(Y/N): HA x100!!

I threw my hands forward and launched the greenish blue blast right at Jiren in his face. Blue sparks of energy started to go everywhere around the arena. I stopped my blast and took a deep breath. I put a lot into that attack. I looked forward and saw Jiren and he looks kind of dazed actually. His outfit got torn up in some places.

(Y/N): Looks like I did some major damage to you. I hope you don't care for your outfit as much as Toppo.

Jiren got mad at me. He punched my stomach really hard, making me gasp out. He grabbed me by my tail and started to spin me around. I crashed into some rubble.

(Y/N): I'm impressed that you're still standing after that attack, but I'm still going to beat your ass!

I started to scream out as I started to charge up as much as possible. I'm going to hit Jiren with absolutely everything I can. I dashed forward at Jiren. I threw my fist forward and a golden dragon covered my body. Jiren put his arms up to block. I punched his arms as the force pushed him back. I kept going forward and tried to punch through his guard. I was pushing Jiren all over the arena, crashing him through rocks.

(Y/N): DRAGON!!!

I kicked Jiren forward, making him crash into the giant pillar in the middle. I dashed forward at him and kicked him again, kicking him through the pillar. I dashed through the pillar and punched Jiren down. He crashed into the ground and I quickly fell down to finish him.

(Y/N): FIST!!!

The golden dragon let out a loud roar as it's body surrounded the arena. I punched down at Jiren as hard as I could. The dragon started to glow before disappearing. I went down to one knee and started to breath heavily. I looked down at Jiren. He let out a groan as some of his blood came out of his mouth. He managed to stand up and wiped his mouth.

Jiren: You are very impressive. You saiyans continue to get more fascinating. That attack was quite the strong one. I never had to use so much of my power to defend from an attack before.

(Y/N): Heh... You're damn right. Not so high and mighty now are you?

Jiren: It's over.

Jiren punched me in the gut. He put his other hand in front of me face and launched a large ki blast directly at my face. I started to scream out in pain as I was launched back. I was quickly flying towards the edge of the ring. I felt someone grab onto me. I looked up and saw Goki was the one holding me in her arms.

Goki: You did amazing out there. Your timeline would be proud.

She smiled at me. I couldn't help but to smile back at her as I went down to my base form. She landed on the ground and put me down on my back.

Goki: Let me handle this from now on. You deserve some rest.

She powered up into Super Saiyan Blue. I chuckled to myself. I actually completely forgot for a moment that I am fighting for the survival of my universe. It will be fine though. I have Goki and Vegeta to help fight for the protection of our universe with me. I took a few more deep breaths.

(Y/N): Make sure to give him hell. I know I did.

Grand Priest: Toppo of the eleventh universe has been eliminated!

I looked over at the bleachers and saw Toppo sitting in them. I saw Vegeta jump over to me and Goki. He's in his base form.

Vegeta: Let's take Jiren down once and for all!

(Y/N): I see you just got done dealing with Toppo.

Vegeta scoffed as he screamed out, powering up into his new form, his hair going a dark blue color and his muscles growing a bit in size.

(Goki's POV)

Me and Vegeta dashed at Jiren. He has taken a lot of damage thanks to (Y/N)'s efforts and I'm not going to waste this opportunity he gave us to win. Vegeta dashed forward as his hand got covered with a dark blue ki. He punched at Jiren, but he blocked his attack. I tried to punch Jiren, but he also blocked my attack. Me and Vegeta started to fire blasts at him. Jiren made a barrier around himself to protect himself from our attacks.

Goki: Kaio-Ken!

A red aura surrounded me as I tried to break through Jiren's barrier. Vegeta put more energy into his beam too, but it wasn't making Jiren budge in the slightest. I saw a third beam clash with Jiren's barrier. I looked over and saw (Y/N) was the one shooting it, still in his base form.

Jiren: ARGH!!!

Jiren yelled out as a bunch of pressure came from his body, destroying our blasts. A bunch of attacks hit me and Vegeta at once, making us fly back and land next to (Y/N). Me and Vegeta went down to base form and tried to stand up.

Vegeta: Looks like Jiren isn't messing around anymore.

Goki: Yeah... I felt it.

Jiren: I will finish this now!

Jiren launched a very large blast at me, Vegeta, and (Y/N). I tried to get up to get out of the way, but I didn't have enough energy to do so in time. (Y/N) stepped forward and put his arms up to protect me and Vegeta.

Goki: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hey... This is the least I can do for you.

I tried to get to (Y/N), but the blast hit (Y/N). I can hear him screaming out in pain as a large light made me close my eyes. After the light disappeared, I opened my eyes and saw (Y/N) unconscious in front of me, blood coming from his body. I can still feel a faint ki presence from him. I let out a sigh of relief.

Jiren: Who shall be the next to fall?

I got mad looking at Jiren. Vegeta grunted as he stood up. He held onto his arm and looked at Jiren.

Vegeta: You think I'm not going to go down without a fight?

(Chapter 54 end)

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