Chapter 56 (TOP)

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(Goki's POV)

Me and Jiren started to fall down towards the arena. He landed first, breaking some of the rock below him. He threw his fist forward, sending a bunch of force at me. I used my legs to block it as I went backwards and landed on the arena. I dashed right at Jiren, but he managed to barely jump out of the way. I went through several pillars of rock. I shook my head to get some small rocks off the top of my head. I landed on the arena and jumped back, seeing Jiren dashing at me. We clashed into each other and started to attack each other at high speeds. The energy from our attacks started to explode everywhere around the arena, breaking the stage.

Goki: ...

While attacking and deflecting Jiren, I closed my eyes, letting my body to do the fighting. I jumped forward at Jiren, feeling my energy get stronger. We clashed fists as I went past him. I landed on some rock and jumped off at Jiren. I tried to knee him, but he used his arm to block it. He tried to counter attack me, but I countered his attack as well. I felt my energy spread out further as me and Jiren clashed blows. We both went back and fired a small ki blast, making them clash together. Jiren powered up as a huge aura of ki surrounded him.

Jiren: Hmmp!

He punched forwards sending a lot of ki at me, I blocked it, but the force still knocked me up high into the air. I landed on a boulder floating in the air. Jiren got on top of the boulder and kicked it down towards the ground. I broke it with my energy and landed on my feet. Jiren quickly gave chase to me as he glared, making a bunch of attacks rain down on me.

Jiren: Ragh!

The rock I landed on started to crumble away from Jiren's attacks. I started to attack back, trying to deflect as many attacks as possible. I felt my hands start to shake as I slowly clenched them into fists. I opened my eyes and looked up, sending an attack all the way up at Jiren. It hit him in the chest, making his barrage of attacks stop.

Jiren: How dare you!


My energy started to spread out immensely, covering the bottom of the entire arena in blue ki. I took a deep breath as all the spread out energy started to come back to me.

Jiren: Well done Goki. You have successfully landed a blow. And you have channeled this extraordinary energy to overpower mine... Ill have to respond in kind!

Jiren started to power up, making a huge amount of red energy come out of his body. A giant ball of orange energy formed from Jiren as he pointed his at down at me. It started to shrink down so it could fit into his hand.

Jiren: Farewell warrior. IT'S OVER!!!

He fired the ki ball at me. A bright light surrounded my body as I jumped up and grabbed the ball in my hand. I landed up to where Jiren was, a couple feet behind him. I flicked my hand, destroying the ball of ki completely. Jiren looked back at me and tried to punch at me, but I'm already walking in front of him. Right as his hand was about to hit me, I jumped back, leaving several strikes onto Jiren's body. He got knocked back by them. He looked at me and glared at me, but I quickly deflected his attacks with a slight movement of my arm. The energy from his attack exploded, destroying a lot of rubble that was floating around.


Jiren powered up and dashed at me. I landed on my feet and opened my eyes to look at him. I dashed past him as he started to stumble. A bunch of my strikes hit his body at once, making him get hit back and forth. The last attack sent him flying, making him crash into the arena. The bright light surrounding my body started to crumble away as I looked over where Jiren landed. I walked over to the edge of where I'm standing to look down at Jiren.

Beerus: It's astounding! This mortal really is something else! Look at that brilliant form! There can be no doubt! This is the true power, complete in all its majesty! This is Ultra Instinct!

The light around me completely faded away as I now have white hair. Jiren tried to get up from the crater he was in thanks to me attack.

Goki: Alright Jiren. The real fight starts now.

Jiren: So it shall Goki.

We stared at each other for a moment. I jumped at Jiren and went past him, cutting his cheek while doing so. I went past a huge rock, completely destroying it too in the process. Jiren stood up and turned to face me. I looked back at him and turned to face him too.

Jiren: I hope you're not letting that power up go to your head!

Jiren dashed at me and tried to punch and kick me, but I easily dodged all his attacks. Jiren dashed at me as we started to clash attacks again. Jiren went to punch me, but I put a hand on his shoulder, stopping his arm completely. I quickly kicked his chest, making him scream in pain as he got knocked back. Jiren jumped back and made a ball of energy in his hand. He brought both hands up into the air, making the ball bigger. He threw it down at me. I put my hand up and made a small bit of ki, cutting through Jiren's attack.

Jiren: You cancelled out that blast!

He dashed at me again. I started to attack him first, putting Jiren on the defensive. I kneed him in the stomach and then uppercutted him. I spun around and kicked his head. I brought my fist back and threw it forward. Jiren tried to block it, but the force made him stumble back. Jiren threw his hand forward and started to fire a barrage of ki blasts at me. I jumped back to dodge them, but Jiren kept shooting them at me. I started to do backflips, dodging any blast that he threw my way. I jumped up and did a front flip as the energy of his blasts blew up behind me. I landed on the ground and started to run at Jiren. He sent out more ki blasts at me, but I dodged them and punched at him. Jiren blocked my punch, but was knocked back. I got up to him and started to attack him again as he tried his best to defend. I quickly kicked him back and before he could recover, I punched his gut, knocking him back into some rubble.

Goki: ...

I stood there as I waited for some kind of response. A blast of energy blew away the rubble as Jiren stood up. He started to breathe heavily as he stared at me.

Jiren: It's not possible! I cannot lose! I won't accept defeat! Might makes right and might alone! Without strength, we have nothing! If I don't win, then all my effort, all I've struggled to achieve! All of it would've been pointless! I'll lose everything like I did before! And I absolutely refuse to go through that again!

The arena started to shake from Jiren as he started to power up again.

Jiren: I cannot! I will not!

A huge amount of energy came from his body as the top of his uniform was destroyed. I put my arms up to defend myself against the massive wave of energy. I never thought Jiren could have a power like this! He got stronger too!


His energy started to explode, destroying anything that touched it. Parts of the arena are falling apart because of it. Jiren stopped scream as his energy covered the arena, making it look like it's completely red now. I saw Jiren start to slowly walk towards me. He stopped as we stared each other down.

Goki: Hmm.

Jiren dashed at me as we started to trade blows. It seems like he has caught up to me again. Jiren tried to punch at me, but I caught his fist in my hand.

Jiren: It doesn't matter how high you climb, I will not lose! Never!

I felt a bunch of energy coming from Jiren's hand. An explosion knocked me back as I crashed into the arena. I saw a red blast coming at me as I quickly jumped above it to avoid it. I landed on some floating rocks as Jiren launched a barrage of ki blasts at me. All I could do is put my hands up to defend myself from them. After the blasts were done, I looked up and saw Jiren up in the air as he threw a ki blast at me. I quickly charged up a Kamehameha.

Goki: Ha!

I threw my hands forward, releasing my blast forward. Mine and Jiren's blasts started to to clash as I tried my best to push his back. Jiren's blast overwhelmed mine, destroying it.

Goki: Huh?

Jiren: It's over!

The blast came at me as I put my hands up and tried to push it back. It started to push me down to the ground and when I came into contact with the ground, it exploded. The blast faded away as I jumped out of the huge crater it made. I went at Jiren and tried to hit him, but he dodged my attack. He tried to hit me but I dodged his attack too. We both kicked each other, making us go back. We dashed at each other and grabbed the other's hands.

Jiren: You're still holding on after taking that beating Goki! You're even tougher than I gave you credit for!

I grunted as we tried to push the other. I quickly kneed Jiren in the gut, making him let go. He tried to kick me, but I dodged it. He kicked at me again, making me block and get knocked back. I threw a ki ball at Jiren. He punched the ball back at me. It exploded at my feet, making me fly up into the air. Jiren appeared above me and punched me down. Before I could recover, I felt a blast hit my back, making me crash into the ground. That attack really hurt.

Krillin: Come on! Get up buddy!

I heard Krillin shout from the bleachers.

Krillin: Every time that it really mattered, no matter how impossible it seemed, you've always found a way to bounce back! And it's never mattered more than this Goki! I believe in you! You can stop Jiren! I know it! Just dig deep and get up!

I slowly started to stand up, even with my body in pain. I took a deep breath as I managed to get on my own two feet. Jiren looked at me surprised, like he never could have thought I'd be able to stand back up.

Jiren: She can't have any strength left. This shouldn't be happening.

Goki: Believe it. This fight isn't over yet Jiren.

Jiren: Tell me how. How do you stand up no matter how many times you fall? Answer me Goki!

Goki: Because (Y/N), Vegeta, and everyone else gave everything they had so that I could keep going. If I do quit, I betray that trust. And I refuse to let all of them down!

I started to power up, being surrounded by blue ki once again.

Jiren: It's useless! Your ideals mean nothing in the face of my power!

Me and Jiren jumped at each other. He tried to punch me, but I dodged it and looked at him.

Goki: You say they don't mean anything. I'll show you that they do. Didn't you get the message (Y/N) was trying to tell you too?

Jiren: How dare you!

Me and Jiren started to throw attacks at each other. I dodged a punch and punched back, hitting Jiren in the face. He tried to punch me back, but I blocked it with my arm. Jiren kicked me down, making me fall down and land on the arena. Jiren tried to kick me again, but I jumped away, making him crash into the ground.

Jiren: Huh?!

I started to punch the air, sending pressurized air attacks at Jiren. They hit him in the stomach, making him go flying backwards. He crashed into some rocks, but he started to throw several ki blasts at me. I jumped and flipped around to avoid them as I jumped up at Jiren and punched him in the chest, knocking him down to the arena below. I landed a few feet away from him and waited for him to get up.

Goki: This is our power, Jiren.

Jiren: Tch. To hell with your friendship. To hell with your trust! Putting such faith in such thin would mean denying all that I witnessed in my life up until now! I know better than to believe in that kind of so called "strength"! I know how easily it's ripped away!

He started to power up, destroying the rock around him. A ball of ki formed in his hand.

Jiren: I'll show you!

He fired the ki blast, but not at me! I looked over and saw that it's going towards the bleachers, where everyone else is! I quickly dashed in front of the bleachers and deflected the blast away, making it hit a nearby rock instead. I landed down on the ground. That was dirty move!

Goki: How dare you.

Jiren: The source of strength you rely on is fleeting! They will all be turned to dust! Just like that rock!

Goki: The truth is, I ain't no hero of justice or anything else like that. But anyone who tries to hurt my friends...

I clenched my hands into fists as I started to power up as much as possible.

Goki: ...Is gonna PAAAAY!!!

I dashed forward so fast that not even Jiren could react in time as I punched him in the face. We both crashed down into a lower level of the arena. He tried to kick me, but I grabbed his leg and threw him over my shoulder. He tried to hit my back, but I quickly dashed around him and kicked him up into the air. I jumped up at Jiren as he threw more blasts down at me. I weaved through them and got to Jiren. We clashed attacks until I started to just dodge his. I uppercutted Jiren, knocking him back. I quickly started to charge a Kamehameha and I launched it at Jiren.

Goki: HHHAAA!!!

Jiren started to scream in pain as the blast covered him completely and made him crash into the ground. The smoke from the collision faded away, showing Jiren on his back and unable to fight. I landed in front of him.

Jiren: ...What's the matter? Why don't you finish me?

Goki: As incredible as you are, now you have to admit what I've been saying is true, right? You understand, don't you?

Jiren looked away from me.

Jiren: Don't waste time trying to preach to me. This fight is over. Throw me off the edge.

(Chapter 56 end)

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