Chapter 6 (BOG)

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(Goki's POV)

I took a deep breath. It's time to finally fight Lord Beerus! Beerus flew over at me and tried to punch me. I bent backwards and dodged his punch. I grabbed his arm and threw him away. I rushed at Beerus and punched him in the stomach, sending him back a bit more.

Goki: Ha! What do you think about that one?

Beerus recovered and disappeared. I felt his presence behind me.

Beerus: That one wasn't great.

I turned around and tried to hit him. Beerus grabbed my arm and chopped my arm. I grunted in pain. I grabbed one of his big ears and shouted into it. Beerus kicked me away and started to rub his ear.

Beerus: That wasn't very fair!

Beerus dashed at me and kicked me in the stomach. I got sent flying really fast. I started to focus and I stopped myself. I looked around and I'm above a city. I saw Beerus flying at me. I flew away from him. Beerus caught up and tried to hit me. I blocked the hit and went to kick him. He also went for a kick, causing our kicks to clash and sent a shockwave.

Beerus: You've probably gotten used to you godly power by now. Tell me, how is it?

I flew back to get some distance from Beerus. I looked at my hand.

Goki: I don't really like it.

Beerus: Oh, what do you mean?

Goki: I didn't achieve this power on my own. I needed help from my friends to attain it.

Beerus: Aren't you glad that your friends help you reach this power?

Goki: I am grateful for that. It's just that I know that there is a level of power I can't achieve on my own.

Beerus: And that limit disturbs you?

Goki: Yeah. It does!

My red fiery aura started to blaze again. I flew at Beerus and gave him a flurry of punches to his stomach. I kicked him on the side of his head, sending him to the right. I went after him. I'm starting to get the hang of this new power. Beerus disappeared from my line of sight.

Goki: That won't work again!

I turned around and punched. I hit Beerus's chest. Beerus wrapped his tail around my neck and tightened his grip, trying to choke me out.

Beerus: You're getting cocky!

He brought his tail back, causing me to spin around in place. I felt Beerus kick me in the side, sending me flying.

Goki: That one hurt a lot.

I said to myself. I noticed that I'm near a cliffside, next to a huge lake. I saw Beerus about to punch me. I punched at him. Our fists clashed, the resulting shockwave broke the cliffside. The huge cliff went down and crashed into the lake. Me and Beerus flew down and we landed in an underground cave.

Beerus: You know, you saiyans are quite prideful creatures.

I cracked my neck.

Goki: You're wrong about saiyans. It's Vegeta that's obsessed with his pride. But he will swallow his pride if it means protecting the ones he loves. He would probably do some embarrassing dance to do it.

Beerus stood there and thought to himself.

Beerus: That's quite the mental image. So he's kinda like you, like how you swallowed your pride to use your borrowed power, I suppose.

I chuckled and rubbed my nose.

Goki: Yeah that's pretty much it.

I stretched a little. I can tell the real fight hasn't begun yet.

Beerus: You should know, I'm not satisfied either. At least, not yet.

Goki: Oh yeah, why is that?

Beerus: I still haven't come close to use my full power.

Goki: Oh, that makes sense. I've been going at about 70% myself.

Beerus gained a shocked look on his face.

Beerus: What?! You're holding back?!

Beerus got anger and got ready to resume the fight.

Beerus: Alright fine! Let's see how you deal with this speed!

He ran at me. He jumped up and tried to kick me. I blocked it and tried to counter him. Beerus jumped back and lunges forward, elbowing me. Beerus head butted me, sending me back a few feet. He rushed at me, putting me on the defensive.

Beerus: Are you taking me serious now?!

I tried to punch him, but Beerus jumped back. I jumped forward at him.

Goki: You're about to find out!

Beerus elbowed me in the face. I got sent back. He kicked me up. I landed on the ceiling. I used instant transmission and teleported behind Beerus. He turned around and looked shocked. I flew up at him and kicked him away. I used instant transmission again and went behind Beerus again. I punched him hard on his back and flew past him. Beerus gasped for air. He quickly recovered and started to yell in anger. A bunch of ki blasts came from his body.

Goki: I see we're using blasts now!

Beerus: This no game you're trying to live!

I started to jump around, trying to dodge Beerus's blasts and falling debris. I saw a bunch of huge rocks falling at me. I punched and kicked them to break them. More and more came at me. I started to get buried at m the rubble. I tried to struggle out. I started to get mad.

Goki: I will not let you destroy my WOOOOOORLD!!!

I powered up and flew right out of the rubble. I flew out of the underground cave and into the sky. I looked down and saw Beerus chasing me. Me and Beerus clashed attacks. I got under him and punched him in the stomach, sending him up higher and through some clouds. I flew higher and into space. Beerus looked down at me and got in front of me. We punched each other, trading blows.

Goki: I've got a ki blast for you!

I punched him away.

Beerus: Go ahead. Give it your best shot.

I started to use instant transmission all around the place. Beerus tried to keep track of where I was going. I got behind him and quickly charged a Kamehameha.

Goki: HAAAAA!!!

I threw my hands forward and my Kamehameha hit Beerus, completely covering him. I stopped my blast and didn't see Beerus anywhere. I looked behind me and saw Beerus holding up a huge ball of ki.

Beerus: My turn!

He threw down at me. I put my hands up and caught it. It hurts to touch. The ball slowly started to push me back. If this hits the earth, it's as good as gone!

Beerus: I'm surprised you haven't realized it yet!

Goki: Realized what?!

Beerus: That your god power ran out sometime ago!

Wait, what?! I looked at myself and realized that I'm only in Super Saiyan.

Goki: How have I been able to fight you?!

Beerus: It seems like your body learned from the experience. Merely having that power pushed you to new heights. Even without the god power, you've surpassed it! Congratulations, this power is now yours!

Goki: If only I could be happy about it!

Beerus: You should be!

I felt my arms getting weaker. I kept them up and tried to push the ball back.

Goki: Just one problem! This energy blast! If I don't stop it then it will do some major damage!

Beerus: Give up and accept your planet's fate!

Beerus shot a blast from his finger and it hit the ball, making it way bigger. It started to hurt like hell. I felt myself drop out of my Super Saiyan form. I closed my eyes and started to lose my consciousness. Is this really how it ends? With me dying, along with everyone on earth? I can't give up! Everyone is counting on me! I have to win!


I powered up as much as I can. I released all the ki in my body and was able to get rid of Beerus's ki blast. I did it. I got rid of it. I took a few deep breaths.

Beerus: What was that power?

Goki: I... Don't know.

Beerus: You don't know? You're an interesting creature.

Beerus raised his hand up and a dark purple energy surrounded him. The energy went away and he lowered his arm.

Goki: What? Why did you stop?

Beerus: I want to hear you say that you lost to me.

I laughed a little and rubbed the back of my head.

Goki: I admit defeat. I couldn't beat you.

I felt my eyes get heavy. I closed them and started to fall. I can't stop myself and I went unconscious.

(Readers POV)

I was looking up at the sky. There was this huge orange ki ball, but it got destroyed. Did Goki do it. I looked more and saw something falling. I looked closely and it's Goki! I flew up and caught her in my arms. She knocked out. I landed back on the boat.

(Y/N): Did she do it?

She slowly opened her eyes and groaned. I saw Beerus land on the boat. Crap! She didn't beat him!

Beerus: That was the most fun I've had in awhile.

Beerus raised his hand and a ki blast formed.

Beerus: Time to destroy earth.

Everyone looked worried. I closed my eyes and waited to see King Kai again. I heard snoring. I opened my eyes and saw Beerus asleep.

Whis: Oh my. It would appear that his fight with Goki drained him from his energy.

Whis walked up next to the sleeping cat.

Whis: It seems he won't be able to destroy earth.

Whis formed a bubble around Beerus.

Whis: We will be leaving now. Thank you all for the great time!

A beam of light appeared fromWhis and it went up into the sky. It disappeared, along with Whis and Beerus.

(Y/N): We're... Alive.

(Chapter 6 end)

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