Chapter 66 (Heroes)

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(Readers POV)

Me and Goki are walking around Conton City. We looked around, seeing all the Time Patrollers around.

Goki: It's crazy to think that all of these people go to different timelines as a job.

(Y/N): Yeah, I wonder how much they get paid?

Goki: Do you think any Time Patrollers went to our timeline before?

(Y/N): That definitely is an interesting thought, but I'm sure they had at least once.

Me and Goki walked around and saw a clothing store. We looked at it before looking at our clothing, seeing some holes and tears in them.

(Y/N): I guess our clothes are a bit worn out from those fights we had.

Goki: Then let's get some new clothes! We are right here after all!

I saw Goki smile at me. I nodded my head at her. We walked into the clothing store and saw a bunch of different kinds of clothes on display. I walked over to the shop clerk.

(Y/N): Hey, can I just get a replica of my current clothes?

He nodded his head and went into a back room. He walked out, holding a pair of clothes that have some holes and tears in them.

(Y/N): N-No... I meant like without the damage.

He nodded his head again and went back into the back room. He soon came back holding onto a perfect replica of my current clothes, perfectly intact.

(Y/N): Thanks a lot!

I grabbed onto the clothes. I looked over, trying to see where Goki went. I saw Goki go into a room with a pile of clothes in her hands. I started to remember the one time we spent a lot of Bulma's money on some clothes. I hope whatever Goki is buying, it's not that expensive. The door soon opened up and I saw Goki wearing a new pair of clothes.

Goki: Alright, I'm really liking these new clothes!

Goki ran over to me and smiled at me.

Goki: So? How do I look?

(Y/N): You look good! It's definitely different from your usual outfit, in a good way!

Goki: I'm glad you like it! I'm definitely liking it! Gives me a lot of maneuverability!

She said as she started to stretch. I quickly went into a changing room with my new pair of clothes. I took off the old pair of clothes and put on the new pair. I exited the room and went up to the shop clerk.

(Y/N): So how much do I owe you?

The shop clerk pointed at a sign, showing how expensive sets of clothes are. I patted my pockets, but I don't feel any kind of wallet or card. I realized that I'm wearing a new pair of clothes, but that doesn't matter, since I wasn't carrying any kind of money in my old pair of clothes either. Goki looked at me confused.

Goki: Hey, is everything alright?

(Y/N): So uh... Do we get some kind of hero discount?

The shop clerk shook his head no. I let out a sigh. Crap. I looked over at Goki and started to whisper at her.

(Y/N): We are screwed...

I heard someone walk in the store. I looked over and saw that it was Xeno Goki.

Xeno Goki: From the looks of it, it looks like you two could use some help with money.

(Y/N) and Goki: ...Yeah...

Xeno Goki giggled as she wakes up to the shop clerk and handed him a card.

Xeno Goki: I'll pay for their clothes.

The shop clerk nodded his head. Me and Goki let out a sigh of relief.

Xeno Goki: I came over to get you two. We found another Time Rift that might be Fu's doing.

Goki: Then let's hurry up and stop him!

Goki ran out of the store, heading for the Time Nest. Me and Xeno Goki started to run too, catching up to Goki. We all entered the Time Nest and saw the rift nearby. The Supreme Kai of Time, Xeno Trunks, and Vegeta are all standing next to it.

Chronoa: There you all are!

Xeno Trunks: With what Fu has been doing with the last Time Rifts, it's hard to tell what it could be this time.

Vegeta: I will try to make this the last Time Rift he will cause.

Xeno Goki: Now that's the spirit, Vegeta!

Xeno Trunks: Make sure to contact me if you need assistance.

Everyone nodded their heads as me, Goki, Vegeta, and Xeno Goki all jumped into the Time Rift. We all came out the other side to a destroyed city.

Goki: What happened here?

Vegeta: Looks like damage has already been done

I saw Fu appear in the air with his sword in his hand.

Fu: This next experiment is going to be the best yet!

He quickly slashed the air with his sword, making some kind of portal in the air.

Xeno Goki: Everyone, be on guard!

Everyone got ready to fight. I felt a strong energy coming from the portal. Someone came out of the portal. It was a Goki, but wearing clothes that Goku Black wore! And she has a saiyan tail.

Goki Black: Where am I?

She looked around and saw Fu floating next to her.

Fu: I brought you here to this timeline to-

Goki Black: You? A mortal messing with time? As a goddess, I shall punish you with death!

Fu: Now wait just a moment! How about a little deal? You know, you scratch my back and I scratch yours!

Goki Black: Hmm... Sure mortal, I'll rumor you.

Fu: Nice! Look, you help me get the information I need, and I'll help you get what you want!

Goki Black: What I want...

She looked around and noticed everyone on the ground. She smiled when she looked at me and pointed down at me.

Goki Black: I want him!

Everyone took a step back from surprise.

(Y/N): E-Excuse me?!

Goki Black: I have traveled through numerous timelines and I've seen what kinds of power you have achieved! You are perfect for my plans! Once I have you, my plans will succeed without a doubt!

Goki: Well back off! He's already taken by me!

Goki Black scoffed and quickly powered up into Super Saiyan Rosé, making her hair and tail turn pink. Goki and Vegeta started to power up, going into Super Saiyan God.

Goki Black: Hah! You really think those lowly forms will let you surpass me, a goddess?!

Vegeta: For your information, we have already beaten someone like you! And that was before we've gotten even stronger than that!

Goki Black started to laugh.

Goki Black: Interesting! Then let me repay the favor! I've killed at least a hundred Goki's and Vegeta's before!

Everyone was taken aback from that kind of information.

Goki Black: How about we stop standing around, and I add you to my kill count!

She made a ki blade from her hand and flew down at Goki and Vegeta. I quickly transformed into Super Saiyan 4 and made a ki blade of my own. I got in front of Goki and Vegeta, blocking Goki Black's ki blade.

Goki Black: Leave these lowly mortals and join me! Show me that perfect form of yours!

(Y/N): Are you talking about Super Saiyan 5?

Goki Black: Yes! That's it! But we need to change the name! It doesn't reflect how amazing it is! It's the kind of form I strive to achieve! A perfect mix of a saiyan's strength with the power of the gods!

I pushed Goki Black back.

(Y/N): I have no need to transform into Super Saiyan 5. If you can't count, it's a 4 versus 1.

Goki Black started to laugh as she started to power up again.

Goki Black: Then I know just how to even the odds, darling!

Her power started to go higher as her pink hair spiked even more and sparks came from her body.

Xeno Goki: No way!

Vegeta: It can't be!

Goki: A Super Saiyan Rosé 2?!

She stopped powering up and smiled at us.

Goki Black: That's right! I am far more superior than you would think! I am a goddess after all!

Xeno Goki stepped forward and started to power up. The top of her clothes ripped off, leaving her in a sports bra and she transformed into Super Saiyan 4.

(Y/N): Wow, I had no idea you could go into Super Saiyan 4!

Xeno Goki: I may be a Goki, but I've been through a lot of different events from your Goki!

I saw Vegeta dash at Goki Black. She got ready to block an attack. Vegeta smirked and was about ready to attack. He quickly transformed into Super Saiyan Blue and attacked. His attack broke Goki Black's guard. Vegeta went back into Super Saiyan God and went to kick her in the stomach. Right before his kick connected, he transformed back into Blue, knocking Goki Black away.

Goki Black: So you know that kind of technique too?! So tell me what timeline you come from?!

Vegeta: The hell are you taking about? I saw that technique in a Time Scroll before I arrived. I just wanted to give it a test.

Goki Black: I won't accept this! I've grown past your pathetic power levels!

She quickly dashed forward at Vegeta and tried to stab him. Vegeta quickly transformed into his Super Saiyan Blue Evolved state and caught the blade in his hand, crushing it. Goki quickly powered up into Blue herself and went Kaio-Ken. She dashed forward and tried to kick Goki Black. She smirked and quickly used Instant Transmission to get behind Goki and Vegeta. Before Goki Black could attack, Xeno Goki took out her Power Pole and made it extend to hit Goki Black in the face, knocking her back.

Goki Black: Grr! You mortals are starting to get me mad! And I don't want to be mad in front of my darling!

(Y/N): I thought the last woman was weird, but you're just a straight up freak!

Goki Black: A freak for you!

Goki: Hey! I said to back off! The only person to be a freak for him is me!

Goki quickly turned to look back at me.

Goki: Not that I am a freak like her.

(Y/N): I knew what you meant. She is crazy.

Goki Black: Don't you dare insult a goddess like that! I'll make sure to punish you mortals properly!

Fu: Now this is some juicy data, but it's not what I'm looking for. Could you all take this up a notch?

Goki Black looked up at Fu, who was just watching the entire time.

Goki Black: You blasted mortal! You better keep up your part of the deal and help me get my darling!

Fu: Hey, you haven't done your part either. I did mention you scratching my back first when we made our deal.

Goki Black scoffed and clenched her fists. She started to scream out, a pink aura surrounding her body. A bunch of energy started to push everyone back. I looked ahead and saw her hair growing longer.

(Y/N): Oh crap... How can that be possible?

Soon Goki Black stopped powering up, revealing her hair is the length of a Super Saiyan 3, but I noticed that she still has her eye brows. She smiled wickedly. She is in what I guess is Super Saiyan Rosé 3!

Goki Black: This! This is the power I've used to slaughter multiple, inferior versions of Goki! With what I am now, (Y/N) will finally be all mine!

She made a ki blade from her hand and quickly stabbed it into her other hand. She started to scream out in pain as she pulled the blade back out, revealing that it took the shape of a huge pink ki scythe.

Vegeta: So she has that damn scythe too!

(Y/N): Why the hell would you do that if it hurts you?!

Goki Black: Hehehe! Pain will only make me stronger! I'll go through any pain if it's for you! I'll do anything!

(Y/N): Does that mean leaving us alone?

Goki Black: No!

She vanished from sight. She appeared behind Vegeta and slashed her scythe at him, knocking him forward as Vegeta screamed out in pain. Goki Black flew forward where Vegeta landed and slashed her scythe downward, stabbing it into his arm. Goki started to power up.

Goki: Times 20!

Goki dashed forward at Goki Black and kicked her in the back, but she didn't budge in the slightest. Goki Black laughed as she swung Vegeta into Goki, knocking them both back. Xeno Goki dashed forward.

(Y/N): Crap! Gotta try something!

I dashed forward with Xeno Goki.

Xeno Goki: Let's see how you deal with two Super Saiyan 4's!

Me and Xeno Goki tried to attack Goki Black at the same time, but she used Instant Transmission to avoid our attacks. Goki Black appeared in front of us and slashed her scythe at both of us. She raised her other hand up and made a large ball of pink ki form from it. She launched the attack at Xeno Goki. It made contact, knocking her to the ground.

Xeno Goki: Ok, she can deal with it...

I rushed over at Goki Black and threw several punches at her. She dodged them and caught the last one in her hand. She flipped over and kicked me in the face, knocking me down and making me crash into the ground. Before I could get up, I felt several small shards of pink ki stab into me. Goki Black got on top of me and leaned her face down in front of mine.

Goki Black: Stop resisting! I don't want to hurt you, but a goddess must do what must be done!

(Y/N): Like hell I will!

I started to power up. I quickly head butted Goki Black, knocking her back. I got up as light surrounded my body. When the light faded, it revealed that I'm now in Super Saiyan 5.

(Y/N): This is what you wanted to see, right? Well, be ready. Since it's going to be the last thing you'll see.

Fu: Now this is the data I want to see! Man this is getting so good!

(Chapter 66 end)

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