Part 11 - The Gurudakshina

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The next morning everyone one went to the Rajya sabha as they were informed the Dronachary wanted to to discuss somthing important ,The sisters too were called as Krishn wanted them to be present

Everyone gathered in the sabha

Dhritrashtra sat at the magnificent throne while Bhishm and Vidur sat on the seats which were beside the throne , a bit low

Shakuni sat at the seat reserved for the guests

(Honestly I don'thave have an Idea if he ever even went to Gandhar to rule over it cause half of the time he was busy plotting against Hastinapur)

The pandavs were sitting beside the Kauravs and Ashwatthama as their reletionship was much friendlier then before except Dusshasan and other 5 Kauravs

Kunti Gandhari along with Dusshala were seated on the balcony from where they could see the proceeding of the sabha

Krishn , Balram and the Sisters were seated right at the opposite side of the Kuru Princes

The sabha was mummering some about the 6 mysterious beauties who were seated along side Dwarkdheesh and Mahabali Balram , some about their casual talks while some were talking about what was the reason for the Sabha

"Di why am I getting a feelin that Guru Dron is going to ask his gurudakshina in this sabha "

Priya asked as she looked at Guru Dron who was standing at the middle of the gigantic sabha

"Even I think that , cause after the training of the princes he asked them for his Gurudakshina and Rajkumar did say that he has not asked for his gurudakshina yet "

Came the reply of Sonali but then she bit her tongue about the second part of her conversation as all her younger sisters and Krishn started teasing her

"Rajkumar Karn ? hmmmmmmm"

Krishn said in his teasing tone while the others too gave her teasing looks Sonali glared at them but couldn't stop her cheeks from turning red, while they were busy with their teasing session Dronacharya narrated the story of his insult by Maharaj Drupad

Krishn and the sisters broke out of ther teasing world when they heard the word 'avenge' , Krishn who was seated nearest to Balram asked him what happened

Balram gave him a weird look and whispered

" yaha puri Ramayan khatam hogayi aur tum ab puch rahe ho ki Sita kaun thi ?!"

Krishn gave him a mock glare and said

" seedhe seedhe bata digiye ki kya hua "

Balram told him and the sisters about the about the current happenings, The sisters shared a look as this Gurudakshina' outcome will be the birth of Draupadi and Drishtadhyumn or in other words end of Dronacharya

Pooja asked Krishn

" Can we please request Guru Dron to kill Drupad "

As she remembered the horrible way Dron died on the battlefield , also the sisters were sad as they knew Draupadi would marry the pandavs and they already had started to develop some feelings for them

Krishn said with his usual smile

"Of course you can "

Now those words made the sisters faces brighten up like the moon or sun and thunder in Sonali and Pooja's case

As the other members of the sabha had left ,leaving only the Kuru family and Dwarka brothers Sonali approached Dron and requested him to allow his students to kill Drupad

All the people present there discussed about this topic for a very long time but eventually allowed the permission to kill Drupad as the elders know (except brainless Shakuni) that they are from the future so they must be trying to avoid something bad

After the sabha got over the Kauravs left early as they had to go to Gandhari and our Dwarka brothers went early cause someon of these two was hungry for makhan

Pandavs and the sisters were on their way to the palace temple as kunti called them there to get blessings form Lord Shiva

On the way Nakul asked while looking at Meena

"By the way why did you request guru dev to allow us permission for killing maharaj drupad ?"

Meena being Meena replied

"Do you know the outcome of this war ?"


"Do you know what will happen after the war ?"

"No "

"Do you know the future ?"

"No "

"Then don't ask why we said it as we are trying to avoid a big problem which will appear related to Guru Dron , Do you want that ?"


Came the immediate reply of the pandavs , they were very devoted to their guru especially Karn and Arjun they were the favourite students of Dron

They all reached the temple , all the kuru princes had to depart today itself for Panchal the Kauravs were already waiting for the Pandavs patiently except (you all know who 5)

As the pandavs went to take their wepons the sisters went to Dhritrashtra for something

Very soon all the 105 Kuru princes were standing at the gate of the palace Kunti and Gandhari did their Aarti
As all of them were about to leave they heard Dhritrashtra speak

"Wait putro !!!"

They all turned to Dhritrashtra and he continued

" I want all of you to take the sisters of Dwarkadheesh with you as they themselves requested "

All of them were surprised while Kunti and Gandhari panicked what if they get hurt!? , what if the scratch their elbows !? , what if they run into some wild animals ? And worst of all get kidnapped ?!
Were the thoughts running in the minds of the Maharani and Rajmata

Krishn who learned what they were thinking assured them by saying

"Relax Mata Gandhari and bua , my sisters are capable of taking care of themselves and if they weren't then I wouldn't have even allowed them to step out of their chambers "

They both relaxed Karn asked Duryodhan to start the journey and said him that if all of them moved all together that might attract the attentions of the Panchal secret spies and also advised him to move in small groups as a small group can move faster that too without getting any sort of attention

Duryodhan happily obliged and thus the kauravs decided to move in groups , each group consisting 10 princes
And with that they departed

Four more horses arrived for Sonali , Myra , Priya and Pooja as for Meena and Meera they sat with Nakul and Sehedev in front of their horses as they both were in the early stages of horse riding and were not that confident to ride a horse individually . Nakul and Sehedev were more than happy to ride with them

And as for the other four great brothers they were jelous of the fact that their younger sibling were enjoing the ride with their lady loves but their jelousy was very less compered to the happiness they had for them

After few hours they reached the outskirts of Panchal were they met the others they descide to take rest today and attack King tommorow

Near the Pandav tent

Karn , Sehedev and Yudhisthir along with Duryodhan were discussing about the chakravhyus and formats , Bheem was practicing his mace , Nakul was sharpening his sword and Arjun was meditating

The sisters were just standing and talking casually when Bheem's Question caught their attention

"Is Drupad really very cunning ??"

To which Yudhisthir replied

" I don't know Bheem but we have to fight with all our might and fulfill our gurudakshina it is our dharm "

Arjun said with eyes closed

"Vijay keval usse hi milti hai jo apne indriyo par niyantra rakh sake"

Pooja went and waved her hand in front of Arjun's face ,who without opening his eveys caught it and opened his eyes smirking and said

" what you thought?? I wouldn't be able to see you so you can do anything you want huh ? "

Pooja's face turned red and she tried to take her hand back but he held it more tightly
She said while trying to free her hand

" Leave my hand everyone is here "

Arjun grinned more and said teasingly

"So you are ok with no one being here?"

She did not answer but snatched her hand back from him her cheeks turning red in the process then Bheem said

"Meri bhati indriyejeet bano Sehedev"

Nakul while sharpening his sword said

"Ladoo khaeingein bhrata Bheem?"

"Ladoo ?? Kaha hai ladoo ?? Tumhare pas ladoo hai ?? Lao lao"

Bheem said advancing towards Nakul who started laughing soon joined by others Karn said after laughing whole heartedly

"Toh ye hai mera anuj jise koi vastu ki lalsa nahi hai"

And everyone again burst out laughing Bheem pushed Nakul on the ground and started laughing but they stopped when they heard Myra screaming

" stop right there Meena I won't leave "

They all turned their heads only to see Meena running towards them with a scared face and Myra behind her

"What happned ??"

Bheem asked amused as he saw Myra hunting down Meena Priya replied with a really tired voice

"Meena must have done something with Myra this is their daily routine and they follow it with outmost care "

They all just gigled watched as Meena came and hid behind Pooja and said

"Pooja di please save me you always save me from her no? Then please save me this time also please please "

She gave her best puppy eyes to Pooja who winked at her indicating she will help her while Myra said

"Kaha ja rahi ho Meena ab mandir aayi ho toh prasad bhi lete jao "

Meena ran and as My ra was about to follow her Pooja stopped her and said

"Didi leave why to waste your energy on catching her?? by the way there are ladoos in our tent for you why don't you go and eat them ?"

As soon as Myra heard this she hugged Pooja tight making her breathless and went to eat her ladoos , Meena came out of her hiding spot and thanked Pooja who winked at her

Sonali shook her head and said

" This is sort of our daily outine Meena and Meera trouble Myra who gets angry and chases them to beat them while Pooja comes to their rescue , Priya tries to stop the fight and I -"

Before she could say Meera completed her sentence

"And she just sits there enjoying the fight as a source of entertainment "

Making everyone chuckle, after some time everyone went to their tents to get some sleep

Hey guys

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