Chapter 15

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"Is this your younger brother?" Fubuki asked Shu

"Yes, you can play with him till I make lunch," Shu said to Fubuki

"Ok," Fubuki said

"So... what is your name?" Luka asked Fubuki

"Fubuki, Fubuki Sumiye" Fubuki said

"Oh, nice name. I am Luka, Luka Kurenai Shirosagi" Luka said (I didn't know what to write his full name)

"So will you battle?" Fubuki asked Luka

"Of course!!" Luka said

Shu and I went to the kitchen. He started to cut vegetables. Shu was very good at it.

"What should I do?" I asked him

"You don't have to do anything, you are my guest," I said to him

"You are my family," I said to him

"Okay, okay, just prepare the table," Shu said

"Ok," I said

Shu continued cooking

"Boys!! Come I have made it" Shu called the little once

"Ok!!" Both of them shouted running

"Go and wash your hands first," Shu said

"Ok" Both went to wash their hands

"Shu, I will help you," I said

"Ok, love *kissing*," Shu said as we kissed

"Ew~," Luka said

"Gross!!" Fubuki said

" Oh yeah, sorry~ I am bringing," Shu said

(Shui: This looks tasty!! Make me one pate too and take orders from others too!!

Shu: Ok, give your orders)

"Wow!! This looks so tasty!!" Fubuki shouted

"Yes, his spaghetti is the best!!" Luka said

Both of them started munching

"Is it tasty?" Shu asked both of them

"Yes!!" Both of them said simultaneously

"Mom, come too!" Shu called his mom

"Where is Lui?" Shu's mom asked him

"He is with the love of his life," Shu said teasingly

"I heard you!!" Lui said

"You came?" Shu asked

"Yes," Lui said

"So is Free your love, Lui?" Shu's mom asked Lui

"Yes" Lui answered

"I invited Free too," Shu said

"No problem, we can have lunch together," Shu mom said


"Hehe" Shu laughed a bit

"So, did Valt go home?" Shu's mom said

"Yes, his mom made beybread," Shu said to his mom

"Yes," I said

"Mom, ya know, Shu and Lai are in love!!" Lui said teasingly

"Really?" Shu's mom asked us

"Um... yes," We both said simultaneously

"Wow!! I am happy for you two too!!" She said

"Why doesn't mom allow me?" Luka asked

"*laughing*" We all laughed except for Fubuki and Luka

"Because you are still small. We are at the legal age for this!!" Shu said

"Yes, dear. You are still younger to do these things!!" Shu's mom said

"Ok, love, let's eat," I said to Shu while kissing him

"So... you are in love?" Fubuki asked

"Yes," Shu said to him

We all sat to eat

"Wow!! Shu, it is really tasty!" Free said

"Wow, I didn't know that you like spaghetti," Shu said

"It is really tasty," Lui said to him

"Yes Shu, I love it," I said

"Thank you all" Shu said

"You have learned to cook so well," Shu's mom said

"Thank you, mom," Shu said

We all ate lunch. Shu and I planned to go and watch a movie as Lui and Free went on date. Fubuki played with Luka

We went out

"Kai, when will you go?" Shu asked

" after a week," I said

"Can't you stay a bit longer?" Shu asked me

"Um... I guess, I can only extend 2 days only" I said seeing his sad face

"I don't want you to go away from me," Shu said  hugging me

"Why don't you come and stay with me. You can also study there, and be a part of our team" I said

" It is okay, I have to ask mom and also come here pretty often, I guess," Shu said

"Don't worry, I will always love you" I said

"I know that, love!!" Shu said

"Now let's go and watch the movie!!" I said

"Hmm," Shu said



















- To Be Continued

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