Chapter 28

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"Why are you soo cute?" I asked him

"I don't know, God made me like this" Shu said cutely, as complete nosebleed

"Umm?" Hiro was laughing madly

"Are you okay?" Shu asked me giving a tissue

"Kinda" I replied

"Shu, take good care of him and you can also make him nosebleed to stop him," Hiro said laughing

"Good idea," Shu said laughing

"Shu~" I called him out pushing him on ground

"K-Kai?" Shu asked

"Yes," I said

"What are you doing?" Shu asked blushing

"Kissing," I said as I kissed him

"Mmm~" Shu moaned out

I got off him and saw everyone with big eyes and Kenny started recording it

"Stop recording!!" Shu said blushing

"You both look adorable!!" Kenny said

I got off him. I gave him a soft kiss on his head.

"Sorry, Shu," I said to him

"No problem," Shu said kissing me

I brought him closer to me

"I love you," I said

"I love you too," Shu said

We looked at each other

"Now, wanna practice?" Hillary said

"Sure!!" Shu said

We went to practice

We decided that Tyson will battle Shu


" So are you ready?" Tyson asked

"Sure," Shu said

"3...2...1 Let it rip!" Both of them shouted launching their beys

"Dragoon!" Tyson shouted

"Spryzen" Shu said calmly

"I can beat you very easily," Tyson said

"I didn't even do anything and your bey is not able to make my Spryzen move," Shu said calmly

"Ugh~ Dragoon!! Go and finish him" Tyson said

"You can't do that, Spryzen!! Go" Shu said

"Your wish is my command, master," Spryzen said

"Sure," Shu said

Spryzen went and hit Dragoon so hard that it had gone out of the stadium.

"Yes!" Shu said

"Dragoon!!!!" Tyson shouted

They broke that stadium within 3 min (Poor person who has to pay for this stadium)

They ran and went to the jungle

There was an empty space there

"This is a place we should fight," Tyson said

"Yes" Shu replied

"Dragoon!" Tyson called his bit-beast out

"Spryzen" Shu said

"Call your bit beast out," Tyson said

"Sure, Spryzen" Shu shouted as Spryzen came out (I had to add something to join these two series, I called Shu's bit-beast out)

"Is this a pure bit beast?" Tyson asked

"Yes, he is. He is one of the most powerful bit-beast. No one knows this, I got him from Eris mountains. He was stuck while I put him into my bey. Now he is happy with me" Shu said

"This is amazing!!" Kenny said

"I have never seen this kind of bit beast," Ray said

"This is awesome," Max said

"I have never seen a bit-beast this cool. It is better than Tyson's" Daichi said

"Dragoon! Go and finish him, he is only cool from outside but not strong as us" Tyson said

"You are wrong!! Spryzen!! Now! Ilsutro Felis attack" Shu said (This name is made by me, I had to add some changes, if you don't like it, you can skip)

"What is this?" Tyson said in shock

"This is our special move," Shu said

Spryzen and Dragoon gave a strong hit to each other

It was a huge force. We all fell behind. I got worried for Shu because he was near them than Tyson.

"Dragoon, now!!" Tyson commanded

"Spryzen" Shu shouted

It was a boom!! Not boom boom paw. (Meow, In my heart, it is going, boom boom paw)

There was a burst. A huge black smoke came out.

Slowly the smoke started to disappear.

We all ran towards them.

I saw both of them laying on the ground. Dragoon stopped spinning while Spryzen was still.

"Shu won?" Kenny asked

"Yes, wow!! the world champion lost!!" Hillary said happily

"What is there to get happy so much?" Ray and Max asked at the same time

"Someone is better than Tyson!" Hillary said

"Indeed, Shu is an awesome blader, right Kai?" Ray said

"Kai?" Max asked

"What are you doing there?" Daichi said

They all ran towards me

"Hey Kai," Max said as he saw Shu in my hand, he was unconscious

"Shu," I said shaking him

"Tyson!!" Kenny said

"Wake up!!" Hillary said

"Hey, Tyson, Daichi will eat your food," Max said to him

"No!! Daichi can't" Tyson shouted out

They all laughed

"Who won?" Tyson asked

"Actually, Shu won," Kenny said handing him his Dragoon

"You did well Dragoon," Tyson said to Dragoon.

"Yes but Dragoon is damaged," Kenny said

"Yes, but where are Kai and Shu?" Tyson asked

"Oh yeah, Kai!! Is Shu okay?" Max shouted running towards me

"What happened to Shu?" Tyson asked

"He was near that boom smoke when it burst it hurt Shu," Kenny said

"I am going to see how Shu is," Tyson said running towards me

"Shu, open your eyes" I again shake Shu. I brought him near my chest

"Shu!!" Ray said

"Do you have a first aid, Kenny?" Max asked

"What happened?" Daichi asked

"You won't understand, kid" Tyson said to Daichi

"Ugh!!" Daichi said angrily

"Does anyone has water?" I asked them

"I have a bit," Daichi said

"First time you brought something useful," Tyson said

Daichi gave his water to me

I slowly put water in Shu's face. I also made him drink a bit

"*cough**cough* K-Kai~," Shu said

"Shu!!" I shouted

"Mmm~ What happened?" Shu asked

"You passed out and you won," I said

"Help me to get up," Shu said

"Sure," I said helping him to get up

I made him sit on a chair.

"Are you okay?" Others asked

"Yes, I feel better. I haven't faced that kind of smoke before" Shu said

"Oh," Tyson said "Congrats, I have to say you are an amazing blader" 

"Thank you!" Shu said

"You are my one of the strongest rivals," Tyson said "Who are yours?" 

"Lui, Kai, and You," Shu said keeping his head on my chest

"Don't you feel good?" I asked him

"I am fine," Shu said

I picked him up bridal style. 

"Aaa" Shu said

"I will carry you," I said

"You don't have to, I can walk," Shu said

"Ok," I said putting him down

"Is anyone hungry? I brought food!!" Hillary shouted

"Yes!!" All of us replied her




















- To Be Continued

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