Chapter 3

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"Thank you!!" He said cheerfully

I was also very happy to find a person like her. She looked like a caring person and was also a good blader. My heart kinda fell for her but I still didn't know that yet.

I was getting attracted to him. Hillary, Chief, Ray, Tyson, and Max also liked him after seeing her beauty. His older brother was stronger than him, he also beat him. I will practice more and make him lose. I want to get stronger.

"So let's continue," I said to Shu as she nodded again

"Ready? Set" Valt said

We sat in our launching position

"3...2...1 Let It Rip!!" We both shouted again but we also had stress in our voices as we shouted so much.

So many kids came to see our match. They all were cheering. Mainly for Shu, not many of them knew me but a few of them cheered both for us.

We both launched as all of them got more excited. Both of the beys crashed. Dranzer hit Spryzen with full force. Spryzen used its power against my bey Dranzer making it fall out of the stadium but Spryzen also fell out of the stadium. It was a tie again.

It continued. Tie and tie. We had played 89 matches (Just an imagination. I would have fainted until now, XD)

We played a lot as it was evening now. We were panting a lot.

"*pant**pant" Shu panted a lot

"I *pant*" I panted as well

"L-L-Lu-Lui *pant*" Shu called Lui as he fell on the ground

"Shu!!" Lui shouted worriedly as he supported him

"*pant**pant*" I also fell on my knees

"Are you okay?" Valt asked me as I nodded

"L-Lui *pant* I-I *pant**pant* I c-c *pant**pant* can't b- *pant* b-breath *pant**pant" Shu somehow managed to say these few words

"Don't worry I am here. The doctor also said not to overdo it. You never listen. " Lui said to Shu

"Is she alright?" I asked Lui

"No, I guess" Lui replied

"Uh~ I feel so numb" Shu barely made it out

Lui picked Shu in a bridal style as he started to walk towards his home.

"You can stay at our place. You are pretty hurt, my mom will give some medicine to you." Lui said as I followed him.

"I am coming too!! Shu is not well I am worried!!" Valt shouted as he followed us

Lui rang his apartment bell as his mom opened the door.

"*shocked* Shu!! Lui, what happened to him?" She asked Lui

"He practiced too much and now he can't breathe properly," Lui said to his mom

"Who is this boy?" His mom asked

"He is Kai Hiwatari. He will stay at our place. He is hurt too. Both of them battled 89 times. I mean the matches they played. All of the matches were tied. Give him some medicine" Lui said to his mom

"Oh, Lui, take Shu and get him fresh, and lay her down. Nice to meet you, Kai. Come with me and Valt come inside, you can do dinner here, I will tell your mom.

Lui took Shu to his bedroom, and I went with Shu's mom. Valt also came with me. Shu's mom asked me to lie down as she started to treat me. I was really tired almost felt like fainting


Shu's pov

I was really tired. Lui got me fresh as he laid me down. I felt like heaven. Lui came closer to me making me blush. He kept his hand on my chin as he came closer. Our lips almost touched as it got interrupted by Luka. Luka is my brother and also Lui's for sure. He kinda blushed after seeing our romantic atmosphere.

"Um... Did I interrupt?" Luka asked nervously

"N-no" I somehow replied

"I-I just came to see whether you were ok or not," Luka said

"Y-yes, I am ok than before," I said with a completely embarrassed red face

"You can go now," Lui said to him

"Ok," Luka said as he left the room

"Um... Lui, I guess you should have locked the door" I said to Lui

"Yes," Lui said

"*sigh*" I sighed hard

"We can continue now," Lui said as he kissed me

At Kai's side~

"What are they doing, Luka?" Mom asked Luka

"Um... um ... when I went there Lui was almost gonna kiss Shu" Luka said nervously as he thought mom will scold him instead

"Uh~ Ok you go, dear, and play. I will see them" Mom said to him

"Were they really doing that?" Kai asked mom

"Yeah, must be Lui. He will spoil Luka too" Mom said as she sighed

"Oh," Kai said a bit confused

"How do you feel now?" Mom asked him

"Better" He replied 

"I will see what are they doing," Mom said as she headed toward our room

She opened the door to see Lui petting my hair softly and seeing me sleeping peacefully. Lui kissed my head slightly.

"Uh? Mom?" Lui asked

"Yes, were you gonna kiss Shu when Luka came in?" Mom asked Lui

"Um... yes," Lui said

"Listen, if you want to kiss her then please lock the door. Don't let Luka in it will affect his mind" Mom said as she came near me and kissed my forehead and also Lui's.

"Ok," Lui said calmly

"I love you two very much!!" She said as she petted my head

"Don't you love me?" Luka asked Mom with teary eyes

"Aww... how can I forget you. Come here my baby" She called Luka in a sweet voice

Luka ran toward mom as he sat on mom's lap

We enjoyed a lot














- To Be Continued

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