Chapter 5

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"Thank God!! you don't have that fever" Mom said in a relief

"Yeah" Lui also said

"Sis!! Sis!!" Luka shouted

"Yes?" I asked him

"Can you cook Spaghetti tomorrow?" He asked with star eyes

"Ok," I said smiling at him

"Only if she is okay" Lui joined in

"Ok!!!" Luka said happily

I love him so much!! He is so cute! I am just 2 years younger than Lui.

"Hey!! Can I come here?" Kai asked

"Yes, of course," I said letting him in

"How do you feel?" He asked pretty worriedly

"I am fine than before" I replied

"Good!!!" He replied


"Yes" I replied

"Ok, then come for dinner," My mom said as Kai nodded

He is pretty cute. Btw, Lui helped me to get up. I got up and walked towards the dining. Luka jumped on me making Lui lose my balance which made me fall.

"Luka!!" Lui shouted as I laughed

"Ye!" Luka said

"He is a kid Lui, don't get angry on him," I said making Lui get calm

"Chu~" I kissed Luka's head

"*laughs*" Luka laughed 

"So... let's go" I got up when Valt came running.

"Shu!!!!" Valt again jumped on me!!

"Valt!!! Get off!! I can only take Luka's weight because he is light!! You are heavier than me!!" I shouted at him

"*laughs*" Kai laughed as all of them followed him laughing

"Okay okay now come!!" Mom called us

"Okiee!! Mommy!!" Luka went shouting

"Coming," I said going towards the table

"I am hungry," Lui said 

"Me too," Luka said happily

"Hmm" I kind of hummed

"Wow!! The food looks so tasty" Valt shouted out

"I told your mom," Mom said to Valt

"Isn't dad coming today?" I asked

"No dear, he has worked so he won't be coming," Mom said to me

"Oh," I said and started eating

"*munching*" Valt was munching his food

"Valt!! Slow down!!" I said to stop him eat like a hungry lion

"Don't worry!!" He said and food got stuck in his throat

"I said you not to eat like that and also not to talk while eating!!" I said to him passing a glass of water

"*drinking water* thank you!!" Valt said as I sighed

"Valt!! you should eat properly!!" Lui said angrily

"Aww... don't be sad he is like that," I said as I sighed again

"Eat Valt," Mom said to him

"Okay" He replied

"*sigh*" Kai also sighed

"Lui!!" I shouted because of Lui and his pranks

"*laughing*" Lui laughed

"What happened?" Valt asked

"N-nothing!!" I said

"Oh really *smirk*" Lui smirked as he said

"Shut up!!" I said him to shut up and started eating angrily

All of them laughed at me also Kai!!




















- To Be Continued

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