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Ishita POV

I finished my chores in the kitchen and was having lunch, my maid informed me that someone came to meet me. I wondered who might be the person who came to visit me as I don't have any friends in this city.

I completed my lunch and went to the living room. I saw a person sitting on a chair and looked like a decent person. As soon as he noticed me, he looked for a while and stood up from the chair.

" Hi, My name is Varun Mehta. I am a doctor. " he introduced himself to me.

I stared at him as I was so confused why he came to meet me.

" I will come straight to the point about my visit. I used to work in Aarushi's mom's hospital and was supposed to marry Aarushi," he said.

" Then why Aarushi does not come with you?" I questioned him.

" She doesn't want to get married to me. She loves someone deeply" he answered.

I looked at him skeptically. I didn't understand why he was explaining to me their matters.

" That someone is not a stranger to you but he is your husband," he informed me with a serious expression.

My eyes widened with shock.

Then continued to tell me, " Not only that, she is carrying his child. Now she is 20 weeks pregnant" 

I felt like the earth under my feet shook all of the sudden knowing the truth. He showed the photos of them and her pregnancy report. Then I understood why Rithwik was not accepting me as his wife. 

" Sorry to hurt you. I know it is heartbreaking news to you. But as a family friend of Aarushi, I want Aarushi and her baby to be happy with Rithwik. I hate your husband playing games with two women's hearts but I want a father for Aarushi's baby." He said.

" I love Aarushi so much that I wanted to accept her baby. But she refused to marry me and still loves Rithwik. And also she doesn't want to ruin your married life.  Even your husband still loves her, that's why he came to meet her" he added.

" Thank you for telling me the truth. " I said controlling my emotions.

" Hope you know what to do next…" he said and walked out of the house.

At the same time, Rithwik entered the house and found their photos and Aarushi's medical report which I was holding in my hands. His face became pale. 

Then I understood whatever the person told me was 100% true.

" Ishita…. I want to talk with you" he said, looking at me nervously.

I glared at him and walked into the bedroom. Surprisingly I have no tears in my eyes. I felt so relieved that I came to know the reason why he was avoiding me.

I took my luggage and placed it on the bed. I threw all my clothes and other stuff in it. I don't want to see his face anymore. I felt disgusted to stay with him under one roof.

" Ishita…. Once listen to me" he pleaded, standing at the exit of the bedroom.

" Don't show your face to me and also don't try to talk with me. I gave you many chances to talk with me about our relationship. But you always tried to escape from him saying that you need some time. I thought I am not perfect to you and tried to build our relationship. But you were cheating me for your girlfriend. " I shouted.

" I am not an old-fashioned woman to accept the husband who has another woman in his heart and his life." I declared.

"Ishita. ...please let me speak. Just give me 10 minutes. " he pleaded.

" I gave you two months...not one second more," I said angrily.

" I will send you a divorce copy in two days. Just sign it" I informed and strolled out of the room with my luggage.

" Don't go. Please stay. I can't let you go" Rithwik said and blocked my way.

" I am calmly talking with you not to make a scene in front of all maids in the home. I still respect your parents. If you try to stop me then your family reputation will be spoiled" I warned him.

Immediately, he let me go out of his house. 

" I am letting you leave the house doesn't mean that I am allowing you to leave this house permanently. You are still the daughter-in-law of our house." He said.

I halted in my place hearing his words and turned my head towards him. 

" Go to hell. I will never come back to this home again." I said my decision firmly and walked out of his house.

I booked a cab and went to the airport. I booked the flight which was in one hour and boarded the flight. I occupied the seat and leaned back. I closed my eyes thinking about Dr. Vamshi's words. It was hard to believe that Aarushi was quiet all the time even though he married me. I don't understand how she tolerated the pain when the person she loves married another woman in front of her eyes. 


The flight landed in two hours to my city. I came out of the airport and went to my house in a cab. When I stepped into my house, Jhanu aunty was surprised to see me without prior intimation.

" How are you, dear? " My mom asked me while walking towards me. She hugged me tightly. All of the sudden, I felt so emotional and started crying, placing my face on her shoulder.

Hi readers

How was the chapter?
Hope you like the bold side of Ishita? What do think about the next update? Any idea???


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