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Hi readers
I know you are surprised to see my quick update. Anyways, enjoy the update, and don't forget to vote and write comments.

Ishita POV

" From his childhood, Rishab was misguided by Ragini that he was the illegitimate son of Abhiram Varma and hers. She corrupted Rishab's mind that Mr.Abhiram left his mother for Mrs. Jhanavi. So he wanted revenge for his mother. When Ragini told the plan of revenge by marrying you. He tried to convince that devil, Ragini, that it was wrong to ruin your life by marrying a girl for their revenge. And also he wanted to find you and wanted to express your love. She convinced cleverly that your parents were the reason for their separation. But she asked to prove his love for her by marrying you. At the same time, he came to know that Rithiwk was going to marry you.  Finally, he married you but he always feared losing you after knowing the truth" Vivek said.

I felt bad for Rishab because he was separated from his parents and brought up by the wrong person. 

" I know it's hard for you to forgive him. But as his friend, I want you to give him a chance" Vivek said.

" I am very happy that my brother has two best friends, " Rithwik said.

Suddenly, I realized that Shravan was going to come to meet me at our home. I expressed the same thing to Rithwik and Aarushi. 

" Why is that bastard coming to meet you?"  Vivek shouted all of the sudden.

" He is my friend from college," I replied.

" He is not your friend but a mother fucker. He was involved in drugging in the night fashion show on that day" Vivek said.

" What are you saying?" I asked him with shock.

Before the person injected you with some drug through a syringe. We came to know that your food was also spiked with medicines when you were admitted to the hospital. We didn't understand who was the person behind at that time. After a few weeks, Rishab saw Shravan with Ragini. Then he inquired about him and came to know that he has many criminal records against him in dealing drugs and supplying girls. 

" You are lying. I knew him for eight years. He is from a good family. " I cried.

" Ishita...It's my job to warn you to stay away from him as my best friend's wife. " 

"You don't know how much Rishu suffered after he found you when someone tried to ruin your dignity. He felt guilt and shame as he failed as a husband, " Vivek explained.

" Vivek….I have an idea. " Rithwik interrupted.

" Let that bastard come to meet Ishu. We have to know why he came to meet her. If we catch him and get arrested then Raagini will come to know about us. Then it will be dangerous" Rithwik suggested.

"  Okay. But be careful. " Vivek warned us.

Rithiwk and Aarushi left for home whereas I stayed back to spend some time with Rishab.  Vivek left me alone with him. I sat beside him and took his palms into my hand. I kissed his knuckles while tears brimmed down my eyes.

" Please recover fast. I have so many complaints about you. I need to fight with you. " I cried holding his hands.



After a while, I pecked his forehead and started in the car to our home. When I entered my home, I found Shravan sitting in the hall. As soon as he noticed me, he came to me and hugged me tightly.

" How are you, Ishu! " he asked with excitement.

" Good. " I replied in one word whereas Rithwik was watching us from the top.

" Where were you till now? " he asked me.

" I went for a long drive as my mood was not good. I needed some fresh air" I lied.

" Okay, let's go to dinner. My friend recently opened a new fancy restaurant. We can have some fun" he said.

" I ate roadside food just now. I am not hungry " I lied as I remembered spiking my food which Vivek said earlier.

 " You are looking upset. What happened?" He asked, touching my forehead. He was behaving weirdly and trying to touch me intimately.

" Who is he?" I heard Rithwik's voice.

" Her friend…" Shravan said.

" Nice to meet you," Rithwik said and signaled to me secretly not to be scared. I felt relieved. 

" Please...don't mind, I have to go back to my hometown as my mom was worried about me. '' I informed Shravan.

" What? I planned so much, " he said, trying to hide his irritation.

" Sorry. But I have to go. " I informed and walked to my room.

I packed my luggage and messaged Aarushi as she was sleeping in the guest room. When I was getting down, I noticed they both were talking. I hide without Shravan's notice and heard the conversation between Rithvik and Shravan.

" Please help me. I planned everything tonight to make her mine in my friend's restaurant. After having sex with me, she will listen to my every instruction because I hide the camera in the room where I planned. " Shravan was pleading with Rithwik.

" How can I help you? " Rithiwk asked him.

" Just use this powder in the juice or water. And give it to her with any maid of yours. Then my work will become very simple" he said with a wicked smile.

I felt disgusted to be friends with him. I trusted him so much but he betrayed me. I wiped my tears and started walking with my luggage. 

" Ishita...why do you have some drinks with your friend?" Rithiwk asked me. I looked at him confusingly as to why he was asking even if he knew what that powder was.

"Yes, Ishu. At least a drink with your best friend" he asked me in sugar-coated words. 

" Come on...Ishita. Your friend wants to spend some time with you. Don't disappoint him. You still have time to catch the flight" Rithwik winked his eyes while standing behind Shravan. 

I went to the kitchen and brought three glasses of lemonade. All of the sudden, Shravan asked me to bring sugar as it was not sufficient for him. I went to the kitchen to bring some sugar, then Rithwik followed me.

" Even though you knew he was trying to spike my drink, how could you allow me to drink it? " I yelled at Rithwik in a low voice.

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