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Hi, hello. This chapter is really cringe but,

I just want to say thank you to my friends this year for being by my side, and reflect on myself in 2017.

2017 is a shit year for me, no filter, it was fucking horrible. I went through a lot of friendship feuds (srsly tho its always happening on the last year of school im???), betrayal of many sorts, overload of stReSS because GCE 'O' Levels which is our nationals for those of you who aren't from Singapore (and i'm taking my results in two weeks oHMY STRESS), random breakdowns like everyday??? TL;DR, I went through many shit. 

In 2017 also I lost many people and it was the hardest for me to cope. My anger management worsened and I am a mess. I kept procrastinating on my studies and I just wanted to die okay.

Of course, there are some good moments but if I were to to compare the good and bad it'll be 1:6 with 1 being good.

And I was gone from Wattpad for quite a while and I lost my passion for writing and I deleted a lot of my stories (I'm sorry). I haven't been a "real author" and I am really sorry for that.

But anyways,,, I hope 2018 will be better.

Now for my friends in Wattpad.


I guess I could just text you but then I'll see it and I'll just cringe so I'm writing here and let it rot in this book lmao. But thanks for not giving up on me unlike how my mental health did and for still being my friends after half a decade? Or more?? But yeah thanks for not being a SnEK. You know stuff about me that even my family doesn't know and I really hope you don't tell anyone, please. You the real MVP. Thank you.


Hi Jun, um we didn't talk much this year lmao but whatever it is, thank you for being my friend and helping me with Fictionlike!!!! (and also the taehyung spam in the group lmao) Thank you.



You are one of the first people I made proper friends with on Wattpad and I'm really grateful. We didn't talk much this year but I'm still really grateful to you because you were there for me when I needed you even though our time zones are different. You are always believing in me and having faith in me when I don't myself??!!???!??! You're so kind to me and I really appreciate it. You are amazing. Thank you.


HEY A B CEE!!! Honestly, I think we barely spoke to each other this year?? With you being on hiatus and me being literally MIA, we really didn't interact much lmao. But still, I just want to thank you for not forgetting me lmao. Also, I took down Chimera for major construction and I think I'll republish it next year so heh :) Anyways, Thank you. For being a friend.


Hey Ai!! I'm pretty sure you are on hiatus and idk when you'll see this but whatever. You are also one of the people on Wattpad I became friends with and I'm really grateful to you! Still remember going crazy about Taekook on my old Taekook book lmao. I really want to thank you for being my friend so, Thank you.


XUAN HELLO We became friends this year (I think?) Even though we talked to each other but we still don't know much about each other so let's do that in 2018 okay!!!! Really, I love your books, they're just amazing and you are also amazing and I never regret making friends with you. Thank you.


Hey Zar!! Even though we just knew each other recently and became friends, I'm really grateful and appreciative to you because you showed care to me and kept checking up on me for quite a while because of what happened to JH. Even though I'm still really sad, your words really helped me and I'm so thankful to you. Thank you.

Also, let's get to know each other more in 2018!!


Hey! I know we aren't really friends(?) but we talked sometimes and our love for Taekook and toptae/bttmkook is the same and I hope for us to be friends in 2018! (Yes i'm shamelessly asking lmao)

Cheers to 2018 everyone!


I realised that I didn't talk to a lot of my friends but that's partly my fault because I disappeared from Wattpad for quite a while lmfao, I'm sorry.

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