A woman who loves (Part 4A)

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He tells me "I miss you," and I tell him "I miss myself too." -- L.T. Phoenix


Khushi entered the AR office looking consciously around. The day he shouted at her in front of his employees was still fresh in her mind. She didn't want the repeat of that yet the blinding concern for his health has brought her here.

Through Jiji she got to know that he was having fever since the morning and yet he went to work ignoring his family's reasoning or his Di's pleading.

"I will endure his screaming as long as he heals." She whispered to herself as her fear vanished into thin air as she made her way to the reception confidently.

Her vigor wavered as she was told to wait for he was in a meeting. The look that receptionist gave her made her avert her eyes nervously because she knew she recognized her from the other day. The day ASR shouted at her. In front of everyone!

She must be new or she would have known that Khushi has worked here before and that yelling and insulting sessions was something Khushi has endured everyday here once upon a time but never had it ever hurt her that much the way it did that day. Because before she wasn't madly in love with her Laad Governor. His every action greatly affects her moods now.

She sat in the waiting area looking apprehensively at the conference room where usually he holds his meetings. It continued for another one and half an hour before she saw him barging out of the conference room followed by his team who left to their assigned works while he went straight to his glass cabin without looking around.

She has stood up the minute she saw him because others might not notice it but she did. His stiff posture and the paleness on his face despite his well sophisticated look. It only rose her worry.

"He is out. Can you inform him now?" Khushi asked the receptionist impatiently.

Giving her an annoyed look the receptionist took the intercom but before she could speak she zipped her lips and listening to the other side for a few more moments she placed the receiver back before looking at her smirking.

"ASR told not to transfer any calls or send any person up until his next orders. I think you should come some other time." She gave her an exaggerated pity look which Khushi ignored as only his tired face swam before her eyes making the hazel orbs prickle.

Swallowing Khushi rubbed her throat before nodding dejected.

"I can wait." Khushi said instead of leaving. The receptionist gave her a long weird look but said nothing except for shrugging her shoulders.

Coming back to sit in the waiting area she rubbed her forehad in worry. It looks like he was finally taking some break from the work after the exhausting meeting she shouldn't be disturbing him.

But the concern just won't let her feel peaceful. She needed to see him and make sure he was recovering not making it worse by working nonstop. Oh did he even take the medicines let alone eat the food?

Her phone rung. She picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" She mumbled distracted. Oh the continuous worry would make her nerves burst. She massaged her temple from the free hand closing her eyes.

"I wish you were here." The husky voice made a lump form in her throat and her eyes tear up behind the closed lids. She gulped rapidly blinking her eyelids to ward off the moisture before slowly opening her misty eyes.

"I miss you." He said quietly. It only added up to her torment. At that moment she desperately felt the need to have such rights on him where no one would ever dare stop her when she needed to see him or him, her.

"Won't you say anything?" His tone depicted intense emotions that she bit back a sob.

"Aa-aap theek ho na? (You are alright aren't you?)" She choked out the desperate words placing her palm on her mouth to stifle the cries. Suddenly it became too much to bear whilst the tears rolled down her cheeks but she didn't let out any sound from her mouth.

While on the other side Arnav who was leaning agains his leather chair sat up straight as her tone alerted him.

"Khushi?" He asked concerned. "Are you crying? What's wrong?" His soft tone coupled with worry was her undoing that a quiet whimper left her mouth and fell in his ears making him close his eyes. He understood the problem in a moment.

"Who told you?" His voice depicted urgency. As if he could barely hold himself back from rushing over to her to comfort her.

"Please Khushi. Don't torture me like this." He pleaded through the phone as he heard her muffled sobs pinching his heart. "I am okay. Nothing is wrong. Will you calm down? Or you'll get yourself sick. Don't scare me like this."

"You have fever." She cried out accusingly as if he was responsible for it. Despite the seriousness of the situation he felt his lips quirk up into a smile. He was already healing by her concern. Does she know that?

"Yes. A little bit." He whispered the truth.

"A little bit? It was 102 in the morning according to Jiji!" She burst out wiping her face with the back of her hand in vengeance.

"Oh why I am not angry when you are yelling at me?" His mischievous tone made her blood boil.

"But I am angry with you!" She stated sniffling feeling another wave of emotional turmoil washing over her.

"Don't be." He said hoarsely. "I can bear this physical illness. But the emotional sickness might as well take my life." He was dead serious. It twisted knives in her gut that she found herself yelling at the top of her voice.

"SHUT UP!" Her voice echoed in the hall downstairs earning every worker's attention who peeked from behind their desks to look at the source of the noise only to frown seeing the familiar face sitting in the waiting area.

The infamous Khushi Kumari Gupta who once worked with them and was the target of ASR's wrath for 15 days before she quit herself in return making ASR win the bet. Now what was she doing here and who was the poor person who was being shouted at by her?

Arnav heard her shout twice. Frowning he brought his phone a bit away.

"Maybe I do need some rest." He mumbled to himself before a thought stuck him.

"Khushi, where are you at this moment?" He asked her and at the same time stood up from his chair to walk to the glass walls outlooking every corner of the space downstairs.

"I-I am home where else?" Her nervous voice devoid of any anger made his suspicion rise. His grip on the cellphone tightened.

His eyes frantically ran across every desk until it settled on a particular person hurriedly picking up the bag she was carrying before walking around the couch to-

"Stop right there!" He ordered through the phone and heard her gasp before she stopped dead in her tracks. With a thudding heart he gritted his teeth as he asked the obvious question.

"How long have you been here?"

"I-I j-just came." She stuttered. "I brought you some soup. I am leaving it at the reception. Have it and don't forget to take your medicines on time. Will you do it for me? Please?"

"I SAID DON'T MOVE!" He bellowed this time opening his glass window and sending chills down everyone's spine who quickly went back to their work not knowing at whom was he shouting.

Khushi shut her eyes once before turning around and looking above at him finally with her red-rimmed eyes. His heart churned.

"To my cabin, Khushi. Right now!" He gritted through the phone suddenly feeling angry as he saw the answer written in her eyes that she has been waiting for quite long. Seeing her standing against the reception looking at him without moving he huffed.

"You know about the CCTV cameras here, Khushi. I will get them checked and will get to know for how long you have been waiting here. And when I did I swear I'd fire that receptionist who made you suffer. Do you want that?" He whispered harshly through the phone.

She looked up at him incredulously before giving a look to the lady behind the desk who has already noticed the exchange between them and understanding it made her tremble in her shoes.

She definitely looked scared of losing her job. Khushi shut her eyes to release a breath knowing very well that he meant what he said.

He doesn't show mercy to anyone who make his family suffer. Especially the one he cares for. And she has understood a while ago she has been added to the list of the very few people he ever cared for in his entire life.

She saw him walking away from the glass doors without cutting the call. She realized why when she heard the intercom at the reception buzzing. He didn't put his phone down so she heard him say,

"Arpita, send Khushi up. And don't you dare make her wait again. Also, add her name in the VIP lists at all the entrances. From now on whenever she came she would be sent straight to my cabin whether I am busy or not. Got it?"

Her insides warmed up hearing his protective tone.

"Y-Yes sir." Khushi heard the receptionist say to which she sighed when she heard him say on her cell after he thrust the receiver on the cradle that she heard it through the phone.

"Come up already Khushi or do you want me to come down and carry you up?" She heard his annoyed voice to which she shook her head at his obvious attempts to overdo things she picked up the bag she has had placed at the reception and made her way upstairs after cutting the call.

She knew soon this news would spread all over AR as she made her way in to his cabin and saw him shutting the blinds while sitting on one of the couches arranged at the corner of his cabin.

"You brought me something." He said quirking his eyebrow. "Come on give it to me. Now that you mentioned I realized I am actually starving." He rubbed his stomach smirking at her giving him accusing look.

"You skipped your meal!" She hurriedly went up to him and sat besides him opening the tiffen box quickly and serving the soup handed it to him with the spoon before placing her palm on his forehead worriedly.

The bite got stuck in his throat feeling her soft hand over his burning body. Upon that she didn't just stop there. Her hand slipped from his forehead to his cheeks which she cupped worried sick before she touched the back of her hand on his neck.

"I am already feeling hot. Have some mercy on me." He murmured stirring the spoon in the bowl. She quickly pulled back her hand seeing his eyes darkening and exclaimed.

"How could you be so careless?" She breathed. "Do you even think about me?" She asked a completely irrelevant question but he understood the meaning behind it.

"When do I not?" He asked instead. "You are in my mind 24/7." He resumed eating enjoying her fussing over him.

"I don't think so." She huffed with misty eyes and wiped the corner of his mouth subconsciously while giving him a good scolding throwing her hands up in frustration.

He bit back a smile and didn't realize when he finished the whole bowl in midst her chatters. Placing it on the table in front he leaned and placed his head on her lap spreading his legs on the couch crossing his arms on his chest before closing his eyes taking her breaths away and sucking off her ability to produce another word.

"Drop it, Khushi. If I told you how much I think of you you'd rather run away from me than sit this close to me." He spoke huskily forming knots in her stomach.

"Medicines?" She barely let out the words looking down at him lying so comfortably in her lap.

"I will have them after I rest for a bit." He yawned lazily.

"You're burning up, Arnav ji. Please rest only after taking medicines." She said softly. Her eyes shining with both tears and love for him.

"Later, Khushi." He whispered sleepily before taking her hands. Holding one against his chest he placed the other on his head. Moistening her dry throat she slowly started running her fingers in his thick hairs understanding what he wants.

"Okay." She murmured leaning down to drop a lingering kiss on his forehead. His lips quirked up into a smile before he fell into a peaceful slumber.


Mohabbat ki dori, wafaon k dhaagay,

Agar tot jayen toh judtay nahin hain!

"You did it again." Payal spoke angrily heading to Arnav. "You say you'd help her but then you do the exact opposite. You are only burdening her with more suffering as if she hasn't had enough already!"

"Your sister knows me very well." Arnav exclaimed. "She knows that there is no one in my life other than her. Neither would there anyone be, ever. But still she is taking everything in the pessimistic way in order to torture herself and in return me." He croaked at the end pointing at himself.

"But you don't worry she would go to the engagement for sure!" Soon determination followed his stance and without waiting for their reply left upstairs aiming towards her room.

"No matter where I go. Wapis toh tumhare pass hi ana hai. (I will come back to you only)" He has murmured against her hairs when once he was late at the cafe where they usually met every day.

She breathed hard closing her eyes as memories of the past haunted her. All over again. She fell on the couch with her head in her hands. Her head shot up as the door banged open the very next moment.

"You are coming with me and you know Khushi Kumari Gupta when I resort to stubbornness no one can beat me to it." He commanded entering inside her personal space as if he owned it. And the person sitting on the couch in front.

Her blood boiled as it all came back. From his every evil to the point where he asked Sheetal to take him to the engagement party just to torture her. As if he hasn't done enough already.

"Yeah I know. I know about this trait of yours for sure. The very first time you resorted to your stubbornness you handed me over to your sister's killer. The second time, you killed my baby."

His face blanched as he didn't expect her to retort so harshly. Yet he knew everything she said was true.

"Come back to your senses, Khushi because I already have." He managed to say it without breaking down.

"So? What do I do? Fall back in your arms now that you have gained your sanity?"

"I don't have any right to ask you this. But one thing is for sure, Khushi. I am not leaving your side until I return you back to a tolerable version of yourself."

"Tolerable for whom? You?" She scoffed. "Selfish moron!" She growled.

"For you, you fool. Can't you see you are ruining yourself? You have pushed away all of your precious relations and has hidden yourself in a gut-wrenching cocoon of anguish. It's eating you up from inside dammit."

"Let it eat and kill me eventually. I don't want to live anyway!"

"SHUT UP!" He hollered. She visibly flinched.

He was before her in split second grabbing her upper arms yanked her up close looking down in her hazel orbs full of moisture. His own eyes weren't dry either.

Atmosphere around them thickened with conflicted emotions as he breathed over her face. She rasped looking up at him with her lips trembling. Silence stretched until she started wriggling cutting his being.

"I want you ready for the party in half an hour. If you didn't come downstairs by then, I'd call your parents and let them know all about your lies. That dead body and-" He left the sentence incomplete as he saw her bloodshot eyes widening.

"You'd do no such thing!" She grabbed his collars and shook him hard.

"You'd go to the party. With me!" He countered.

"I will." She gritted out spitting fire at him. "Asshole!" She didn't mind adding a perfect label to him to show her rage.

He half smiled and bending kissed the side of her head whilst she closed her eyes as knives twisted in her gut as her heart galloped in her chest.

A tiny part of her which still ached for him screamed so high inside her head to grab him and never let go that she had to shut her eyes and clench her hands in order to restrain herself.

"Go." She whispered with her eyes closed.

He swallowed hard reading the conflict right there on her face. Of her mind and heart.

"I am waiting for you." He whispered back and they both knew that wasn't just meant for the upcoming party but for so much more.

Only when she was sure he was gone did she open her eyes and fell back on the couch as his cologne made her head spin and heart claw. His scent lingered on. In her room. In her senses. Driving her insane.

She whimpered throwing her face into her hands as a distant memory made a blasting come back.

"I don't know what have I ever done in my life to deserve such a pure hearted girl like you." He whispered overwhelmed.

"Think about it this way." She said thoughtfully. He raised his eyebrow.

"What did I ever do in my life to deserve an arrogant, egoistic and Laad Governor like you. My punishment and your reward." She scrunched her face while Arnav narrowed his eyes.

"Am I a punishment to you?" He pointed to himself shocked. She bobbed her head cutely.

"What can we do? It's the bitter truth of my life." She shrugged royally making an ever so innocent face.

"When will this punishment end? When?" She cried out to herself.


Kahan jor payen gay hum dhadkano ko?

K dil ki tarah hum bhi toote hue hain!

Arnav came downstairs in his own oblivion. Payal rushed to him with her face stern when he informed Khushi would be going with them.

"How did you blackmail her this time?" She snapped knowing very well her sister wouldn't have agreed otherwise. Akash frowned reading his Bhai's body language.

"With her parents. Obviously she won't want her Amma, Babu ji and Buaji to know about her lies through me, would she?" Despite the war going inside of him he remained calm while answering her.

"Don't you have even a bit of conscience or shame for that matter?" She hissed out looking ready to attack him when Akash held her back.

"I have to suppress my conscience or shame or guilt, all of it until I make her better, fine." Arnav said quietly looking pleadingly at Payal letting his guards down a bit.

Releasing herself from Akash's hold she faced the ASR looking into his eyes.

"Suppose Mr. Raizada. Just suppose she gets back to her senses. She recovers from her mental sickness. Then what?" She gritted out. The protectiveness in her for her baby sister oozed out that made even Akash gulp.

Arnav quivered under her scrutinizing gaze.

"It's only going to be what she wants from now on." Arnav rasped.

"Oh really? Then probably you shouldn't be here because you're not even the last person she wants to see right now." Payal hissed out.

Khushi's pain and this man ruthlessness even if he says he was being harsh on Khushi for healing her, was too much for her to take. She just couldn't let her sister be hurt no matter how much pissed and angry she herself was with her Khushi right now.

"Payal, please?" Arnav choked. "You want her to heal right and only-"

"I've a solution to get her out of it." Payal crossed her arms over her chest looking at him defiantly.

"What?" Arnav felt goosebumps rising on his skin as his sixth sense alerted him of the danger beforehand.

"Get married and settle down in your life, Mr. Raizada." Payal said and Akash gasped.

Arnav's eyes widened whilst his body trembled.

"Seeing you moving on will eventually force her to move on too," Payal said calmly even though she saw the clear devastation on his face. She gave two flying fucks to his pain. He deserves it all.

"Are you out of your mind?" ASR rose to surface with regal intensity. "That's never going to happen."

Payal scoffed.

"You can't even sacrifice your bachelor life for her while she married and lived with your sister's murderer to appease your conscience. What a hypocrite you are huh, Arnav Raizada!" She slowly clapped.

"You're calling me hypocrite huh Payal? Just few moments ago you're shouting at me for hurting Khushi and now you yourself want me to subject her to the biggest misery? By marrying someone else in front of her? I'd never do that to her. NEVER. Keep your stupid suggestions to yourself." He snapped before marching out to the garden and breathed hard reaching there.

He so wanted to scream out loud in pain and cry till every damn ache within him wash out with all the anguish and heartache. He wished to die a slow painful death for all the wrongs he has done to his innocent girl but that would be too easy an escape.

An year without her and he still managed to breathe through it because that was his well-deserved punishment. Death is a peace which he does not deserve. He deserve to rot in his own made fucking hell right here in this world.

In his wake Akash faced Payal who was breathing hard blinking back the angry tears.

"What was that?" Akash asked keeping his emotions in check.

"What was what?" Payal felt her own anguish getting to her looking at the man before her. The bespectacled eyes clenched her stomach as his firm words about their divorce rang through her head making her swallow hard.

"That was me showing your brother his place. Just because I'm allowing him around my sister doesn't mean he behave like he owns her or do whatever he wants to do with her. She is in a emotional turmoil and damn conflicted about him but I'm neither. If he tried to do anything reckless with her again then he'd get it from me this time for sure!"

She said looking straight in his eyes. Gone was the woman who was devasted about her breaking relation with her husband, this very same man staring dumbfounded at his wife. But he didn't fail to notice the mist only thickening in her eyes which soon flowed down her cheeks.

Without any retort he sighed and pulled her in for a comforting hug rubbing her back.

He so wanted to tell her he would never let anyone including his brother hurt Khushi, her or her family ever again but he held back as he has already told it to her many a times. Believing it or not was now solely her own decision.

"I'll kill him with my own hands if anything happened to my sister because of him again!" She growled against him bunching up his shirt from the front.

Akash shuddered inwardly. He knew she meant what she said but he also knew his brother too. He'd rather die than hurt Khushi that way again. So,

Instead of taking sides he just tightened his hold around her as she sobbed quietly against him.

Their own conflicts and differences could wait. Right now more pressing matters were at hand which needed their attention. And for that both of them have to stand their grounds without breaking down.

From the third person point of view looking at them no one would be able to guess they're the same couple who recently had a major fallout in their relationship. Instead with the grip of their arms around each other told a whole different story of their equation altogether.


You made me feel I'm too little and too much all at once -- Ginnie bale

"You're coming too?" He asked NK seeing him ready in his tuxedo and walked into the garden where Arnav was waiting all ready in his black Armani suit.

"Yes, Khushi wants me to accompany her," NK informed quietly. Arnav's heart clenched so hard at that he who has just gathered himself to act composed felt himself shivering.

As if that wasn't enough he saw her coming towards them all ready. Dressed with the sole purpose to kill him. His mouth turned dry and he could feel hairs at his nape rising up.

She was elegantly wrapped in a purple A-shaped gown perfectly fitting her at all the right places along with a pearl necklace adorning her neck with matching earrings and minimal makeup taking all of his breaths away.

Coming to stand before him smugly she asked with a smirk enjoying his bewildered expressions. "How am I looking?" Despite noticing the answer right there on his face.

"Out of this world," He said hoarsely whilst his eyes prickled.

"I knew it. Nanheji gifted me this dress and jewelry. Isn't this awesome?" Her words not only put a bucket of cold water over his head but also jolted him back to reality.

NK quirked his eyebrows at Khushi. He seriously was seeing this dress and ornaments on her for the first time. Not that he would mind gifting her anything but she never accepted anything from him. She always bought everything by her hard earned money only.

In the beginning when she had to take his help she used to look so uncomfortable and relaxed only when she paid him back everything down to every single cent.

She wanted to pay him the rent too for living in his house and that's where he put his foot down and got seriously angry. Khushi had to keep silence about it when he threatened her he would write his home on her name and go live on streets if she brought this topic up ever again.

Looking at the devastation on Arnav's face and Khushi's smug expressions NK breathed out a sigh realizing why she lied so he kept mum. He was so grateful when finally Sheetal too arrived and they all sat in the car to leave hoping it'd cut some tension but still it lingered on making them all feel suffocated in the closed space of the car.

NK was driving. Khushi was on the passenger seat. Sheetal on the seat behind NK while Arnav behind Khushi with his misty eyes glued to the back of her head.

He has vowed to bring her back. Patch her up. He was still determined. But with every passing moment it was becoming more and more painful. She was seriously wounded and every time he step on her wounds she retaliate with the force that cut him into two halves. Breathing has never been this difficult.

It'd have been so easy to throw cautions into wind and just yank her in his arms and keep her there forever won't it be? But what to do when he himself has turned their easy and carefree camaraderie into this impossible present?

As the despair started choking his being he closed his eyes and he so wished for his Anjali Di to be here. If only she were she would have never let him destroy their lives. More importantly she would have protected Khushi from both him and Shyam. Of that he was sure.

Her smiling face calling him 'Chote' swam before his eyes making him swallow past a huge lump in his throat.

A new wave of agony washed through him at his sister's reminder. The loss hit him hard once again with full force. Oh how disappointed and angry she must have been with him. Not only her but also his Maa. He failed all the women in his life.

He couldn't protect neither of them. Not his mother from his father, neither his Anjali Di from that bastard. Nor Khushi from himself.

As they reached the venue and met the bride and groom his heart pinched harder at seeing Khushi congratulating them with a fake smile intact on her face.

She became the same old Khushi in those moments as if she wasn't broken. And it was enough to rise his guilt whilst his love cried like a heavy burden in the middle of his chest.

The fact that she wasn't the same person anymore and was still pretending that she was sucked off his composure. The next thing he knew he was standing before her with his hand extended forward asking her for a dance.

For a moment she was shocked. Not only her but also NK, Sheetal, Nisha and Arjun(bride and groom) as they sensed the stubbornness and obstinacy in his stance as he kept standing for minutes in front of her and she refused to accept his hand looking annoyed at his persistence.

"Please?" He repeated the same word for the umpteenth number of times in the last few minutes. Now most of the guests attention was also on them. Hall was turning silent now. The light music in the background was the only sound reverberating around.

"Please?" He said again. It made Khushi curse inwardly. She looked around the hall and gritting her teeth placed her hand finally in his causing NK and Sheetal to release the breath they were holding all along.

"Don't get any other ideas in your head. This is only for my friends." She whisper yelled at him standing in his arms at the dance floor as the atmosphere turned back to chatters and joy.

She would not let her friends' big day ruin because of her that's why she agreed as she has read the glint in his eyes. He would continue standing the same way even forever until she would accept his hand.

She gasped as in reply he just touched his forehead to hers closing his eyes and pulled her closer softly tugging her waist. Her eyes misted when she felt the wetness trailing down her nose.

What was he doing?

Doesn't he care about his reputation and image anymore?

What if anyone saw him crying like this?

What does he want to prove by all this?

That it was hurting him more than her?

"Mr. Raizada!" She said sternly trying to keep her tears at bay whilst he was sobbing now without a voice.

She started wriggling hoping it would stop his cries and her heart would stop clawing in her chest too but nothing of that sort happened.

Instead he turned his head and placed it on her right shoulder now embracing her close sending her to the darkest pit of anguish.

"It's too much, Khushi." The way he said her name at the end did it for her. She used all her strength and gave him a rough push before running away with her tears now rolling down her cheeks.

Arnav ran after her and caught her right at the parking lot.

She thrashed against him yelling at him to leave her, that she hates him, she would never forgive him, she hates him, she hates him, she just hate-

A strangle cry left her as her attempt to punch his jaw backfired on her and as a result she was holding her aching wrist now crouched down against the car with a worried Arnav frantically fussing over her.

"Let me see," He was kneeling in front of her trying to get the hold of her hand but she hid it with her other hand moving away. As if emotional pain wasn't enough she had to go and hurt herself physically too.

"KHUSHI," He yelled. "I said let me see!" After pushing and pulling between them for many minutes he finally got hold of her arm and let out an explicit as she cried out in pain when his fingers touched the swollen wrist.

"Get up. We're going to the hospital," He said authoritatively to which she snatched back her hand roughly and a whimper left her the very moment as the physical pain shoot through her arm making her head spin.

Did she break her bone or something? She pursed her lips feeling angry at herself for locking horns with this daredevil.

It couldn't be that bad. She consoled herself. And she doesn't need his help. She gathered herself gulping down her pain and told him in no-nonsense terms that she can take care of herself only to get carried up and shoved in the car despite her colorful cursing at him.

Even in midst that he made sure not to hurt her already injured hand making her eyes mist up and stomach tighten.

"Next time if you felt like punching me just say the word and I'd do it for you!" He gritted out feeling downright angry seeing the swelling on her wrist and when he bought the icepack from nearby medical store she refused to use it sitting stiff on the passenger seat that he forcefully made her press it to her wrist earning another round of bashing from her which he took up quietly until they reached the hospital.

It was another tough task for Arnav to get her in the hospital for as soon as they reached and he unlocked the doors she ran out and started waving for the taxi testing his infamous patience.

"Enough!" He exclaimed before having no other option but to carry her inside forcefully with her trying to break free with her unharmed hand and flailing legs. Quite a task that when she couldn't get rid of him with her uninjured self how'd she now when she was already physically wounded?

He paced outside the room he was asked to wait with his body shaking with rage at not only her but also himself coupled with helplessness washing through him.

After what felt like eternity for him he saw her coming out with her left hand thickly bandaged and her eyes swollen with few tears still stuck to the corner of her lids.

He rushed to her and cupped her cheeks rubbing the moisture with his thumbs. It only made more mist to form in the hazel orbs as she looked in between his hands to the concern written all over his face.

"What did the doctor say?" He asked softly.

"Just a sprain." She croaked.

Sometimes she too feels weak seeing her same old Arnav before her. Like right now. Like it always happened in the past. When he flirted with her. When he flustered her. When he laughed just because of her. When he lost to make her win. When he chose the saree for her. When he became a waiter for her. When he danced for her.

When they talked on phone for hours. When they met everyday in the cafe. When he would never let his ego ever come between them. When he would come out of his comfort zone just to make her happy.

She still could not believe that the same Arnav of hers would subject her to this misery of never ending torment.

For her to find herself she needed to forgive him and move on, maybe.

But the mere thought of all that he did, his betrayal would shake the very foundation of her being and the voices in her head would get more agonizing which would scream at her to avenge her lost self by any means even it means destroying herself in the midst. And that's what she was doing for a while now. That's what her life motto was from now on. Forever.

Neither would she ever get peace. Nor would he get any reprieve ever. Period.

Vicious cycle it would be. Then so be it.


It was quite late when they got home only to find Suhana, Anand (NK's parents), NK, Payal and Akash waiting for them in the living room. From their faces it was clear they were informed of the happening in the party before their disappearance.

Everyone sighed in relief seeing them back but it was short lived as Payal shrieked in worry seeing her sister's bandaged hand and Arnav's guilty face added fuel to the fire.

"Everyone please I'm exhausted already. I don't want another showdown." Khushi held her hand when Payal looked ready to pounce on Arnav as an equally anxious Anand and Suhana asked them how it happened.

NK and Akash looked at Arnav in question whose sole attention was on Khushi as he handed over the packet of medicines to Payal which she snatched throwing him a furious look and took her sister with her.

Rest of them turned to Arnav as he revealed everything truthfully before quietly walking up to his room and closed the door behind him feeling a boulder pressing onto his chest the burden of which was only getting heavier and heavier.


"Jiji, kab tak naraaz raho gi humse? (Till when would you stay upset with me?)" Khushi caught her hand when she turned to leave after settling her on the bed.

"I'm sorry na Jiji," Khushi croaked when she didn't turn to her despite that.

"Please just scold me. Beat me. But don't give me silent treatment." Khushi cried out.

Payal blinked back the tears and swallowing hard she steeled herself before turning to her.

"Do you really want my forgiveness?" Payal sat beside her her and Khushi bobbed her head like a child causing unadulterated love to wash over Payal for her.

"Then do one thing for me without any questions will you?"

"If it's about therapy and Arn-"

"No. That you'd have to decide by yourself. The change would only happen when you'd want it to. Not by any coercion. I know this. That Raizada doesn't."

Khushi felt her eyes moistening when her Jiji caressed her head lovingly giving her a soft look.

"I have just a single request,"

"Ask me anything," Khushi grabbed her hand in both of hers earnestly.

"Come back to Delhi with us," Payal uttered cautiously and saw Khushi's face blanching.

"I know this is going to be a hard decision for you. Going back to the place where you suffered so much." She continued running her fingers in Khushi's scalp to calm her nerves and saw the color slowly returning to her face as she listened.

"But don't you think Khushi, Amma, Babuji and Buaji deserve to feel the happiness that I felt seeing you alive right in front of me? They too deserve to hug you close and cry out the relief of seeing you safe and sound when they had lost all the hopes for the same? If not yours at least end their suffering will you?"

"Give me some time Jiji." She choked out. "I need courage to face them. Let me gather it first."

"Okay. But don't take too long Khushi. It's already been an year,"

That made Khushi remember something that clawed at her heart.

"You were saying you'd leave tomorrow itself." Khushi cried out helplessly. "Jiji. Please don't."

Payal shook her head bleary eyed. "I was so angry at you then that I said whatever came to my mind. But you know this too I can't leave our family alone for long either can I? So sooner or later I'd have to leave. That's why I'm saying don't take long to decide. Hmm?"

Khushi swallowed past a lump before nodding. A moment silence before she prepared herself to ask the question she so was dying to.

"H-How are they?" She cried out. Payal looked at her sadly that only added up to Khushi's angst.

"Trying to cope with the loss every day. They miss you so much. Never a day passes where you're not mentioned. Always recalling one or the other of your mischievous to smile through tears." Payal wiped her cheeks as tears rolled down her face.

"I'm so sorry," She cried guiltily. "Will they ever be able to forgive me?"

"I can't speak on their behalf. For that you have to go ask them, no?" Payal said sniffling.

Khushi bobbed her again like a kid with tears leaking from the corner of her eyes.

"I miss them, too Jiji." She said quietly. "I miss them a hell alot," She sat up and threw her arms around her who was more than ready to engulf her in her embrace.

"Pagli," Payal murmured in midst consoling her making Khushi feel like a huge burden has fallen off her shoulders hearing such an endearment from her sister after so long.

Khushi Kumari Gupta's life was doomed already and she knew that very well but she would make sure that she undo the damage she has done to her Jiji, her family in her fire of revenge. Only then she will be able to forgive herself. ONLY THEN she would be able to avenge herself too without any guilt pressing onto her chest.


Thinking of you is a poison I drink often -- Atticus

The days that followed, where on one side Akash and Payal started to get cordial to each other at least for Dhruv and their siblings while on the other an unannounced cold war started between Arnav and Khushi which kept everyone on their edge with the fear of either of them to lose their patience and they knew what would be its result eventually.

Nothing but downright heartbreak and anguish.

Arnav got Dr. Sinha in Sydney to start Khushi's therapy from where it was left off but Khushi refused to open her mouth in front of the psychiatrist.

It ended with a very heated argument between Arnav and Khushi at the end of which Khushi was in tears as Arnav succeeded in breaking her well built exterior by saying.

"Shyam really got into you Khushi, didn't he? By any chance are you missing him? Should I get him back for you?"

With tears lodged in her throat, a few falling down on her cheeks Khushi turned and ran upstairs whimpering while in her wake an angry Payal pounced on Arnav.

"How dare you say something like that to my sister? You very well know Shyam is nowhere in her mind."

"That's why I said that." Arnav said calmly while his heart clenched painfully in his chest as her hurt face swam before his eyes.

"How could you still hurt her and act nonchalant as if you did a favor to her?" Payal cried.

"Because only scratching her wounds would get her to blurt out all she has buried inside of her. Everyone tried to bring her back to normal. You, your family, Akash and even NK but what result did we get? Her forcing NK to prove that she is dead to us?" He paused to inhale.

"Only I am left who hasn't tried yet. Now if you want to get your sister back you'd have to let me do what I am doing without questions. Let me heal her. You know I can." Arnav said more like pleaded.

"You don't get it do you?" Payal gritted. "Hearing the cutting words coming from you would hurt her double than hearing it coming from any of us." She croaked at the end.

Arnav swallowed past a lump.

"I know." He murmured. "I know it very well." His eyes burned with moisture.

"Then why don't you just go the hell back to India while I take care of my sister?" Payal said having had enough of her sister's suffering. She has told Akash about Khushi's decision with a warning to not to disclose it to Arnav.

"I WON'T LEAVE HER." He snapped. "I-I can't." He choked. "N-Not in this condition."

"Bhai I think Payal is right. I-" But he was cut in the middle.

"I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving her. Never." He stated firmly and left with his jaws set tight.

Akash and Payal looked at each other quite anxiously as a disturbing realization shot through them.

Payal told her sister on her face that Khushi wants to cling onto Arnav anyhow and don't want to let go of him no matter what.

Just a moment ago they both saw the same maddening emotions in Arnav's eyes too. He was at the same page with Khushi but with all of his sanity intact unlike her. He knows what he is doing, saying or feeling with clear cut clarity.

They could blame Khushi's disturbed state of mind for her deranged feelings but what should they name this emotion glinting in Arnav Singh Raizada's eyes?

"He said he wants to heal her. I'm more afraid of what would come after that, Akash." Payal voiced out her thoughts.

"Me too." Akash agreed with her for a record.

Arnav Singh Raizada would never be able to let go of Khushi Kumari Gupta ever for he was buried deeper in the pit more than anyone else maybe even more than Khushi herself.

The realization punched their guts and twisted both Akash's and Payal's hearts.


Like a shadow I am and I am not -- Rumi

He stirred letting out a contended sigh as he felt soothing fingers running through his hairs as someone shook him. He protested not wanting to open his eyes but then he did open them up with a shot as his ears heard a familiar voice and endearment.

He sprang up to sit with his eyes widening and then misting up as he croaked,


"Yes, me. What is wrong with you Chote? Everyone has been trying to wake you up for hours but it's as if you have planned to complete years of sleep in a day." She fondly scolded him with an adorable scowl on her face while Arnav has stopped breathing the moment she started speaking.

'Chote' from her mouth tightened his stomach. Her sweet scolding added to his torment. Her mischievous smile clawed at his heart as he gaped at her.

"Ab humein aise ghoorte hi raho gay ya utho gay bhi?(Are you going to keep staring or would you get up already?)" She huffed now annoyed.

His vision blurred with unshed tears as he realized what's happening as he noticed the surrounding. He was in RM, in his bedroom, in Delhi. Arnav Singh Raizada was well aware what this was. A dream. His wishful thinking. His mind playing tricks with him.

Doesn't matter. He would make most of it. He panicked and caught her wrist when she tried to get up.

"No, don't go. Di please. Don't leave me again. Please don't." He cried out gripping her hand tightly touching his head to her shoulder ended up in sobbing fits.

"I was just going to kitchen Chote. Why are you reacting like that?" She patted his head as her concerned voice only added up to his anguish before he heard the teasing tone when she spoke again.

"Oh I get it now. Someone's influence is really rubbing on you huh."

"It's not real. It's not real." He chanted embracing her in a tight hug.

"What's not real?" She asked calmly rubbing his back.

"You," He whispered to himself.

"Oh there you are. See he is at it again. He still thinks it's a dream. Now you handle him. Hands down he has become more of a crybaby than me." She giggled.

Shock and bewilderment shot through him for the second time as he felt the familiar change in air and then the melodious voice calling him.


His head whipped to her as he saw her sitting facing them on the bed looking at him fondly.

Maybe he is dead and now in heaven for only in there he'd get to see the tender look for him on Khushi's face without any contempt. Upon that the vermilion on her parting and the wedding chain around her neck blew his mind.

If this was the dream then he didn't want to wake up from it ever. Let him sleep forever. Let him die. Let him enter heaven even if he deserved darkest pit of hell for his sins he screamed a desperate prayer in his mind to stay there in this moment forever where his world, both of his women were with him and he hasn't lost either of them.

Not leaving his grip on his Di's hand he reached over with his other arm and engulfed Khushi close kissing the side of her face rubbing his cheek against hers in sheer desperation.

"See! That's what I'm talking about. It'd been a month and he still thinks it's not real." Anjali voice rang through him as he buried his face in Khushi's neck and broke down the same way as she cupped the back of his head and ran her fingers in his thick hairs to soothe him. As she planted the firm kiss on his cheek his grip only tightened around her.

"I think you would have to repeat the news to him like you have been doing every day for a month."

"What news?" He croaked hoarsely raising his head looking at their faces which were now dancing with mischievous smiles.

"This is heights of nonchalance!" Anjali chuckled and so did Khushi increasing the despair inside of him.

"That you're being promoted from my husband to the father of our babies," Khushi wiggled her eyebrows.

"What the-"

Two familiar laughters reverberated in the room as his face was worth watching.

"I'd give you that Chote. I can't believe how you still manage to be shocked and behave everyday as if you're hearing it for the first time. You're amazing. Good luck handling this dramebaaz Khushi Bhabhi!" Anjali winked at her.

Khushi's chuckle made him swallow. If only someone would just kill him in his sleep there at Sydney where he must have fallen asleep somewhere in between wallowing in his anguish. He wished his heart stops in this oblivion and he stays in this dream forever.

He blinked back the tears as his gaze fell on the tiny bump peeking through the red saree Khushi was wearing and swallowed hard as he felt her holding his hand and placing it on her abdomen.

"Maybe this will tell you that it's real, Laad Governor." Her soft voice and her palm caressing his jaw made gut wrenching anguish wash through him as his subconscious mind recalled how he killed her baby ruthlessly.

Sane or not, he was a monster and he knew in reality he wouldn't be bestowed with this blessing for he deliberately killed an innocent for his own selfish reasons.

This was his penance to have this wishful dreams which would never come true.

"Ab vishwaas hua? (Now do you believe it?)" Khushi asked to which he nodded despite the war in his mind feeling all choked up.

He took his fill of Khushi and looked in between her and his Di admiring them both with a light smile. His hold still firm on either of them until he pulled them both to his side and engulfed them in his embrace on either sides feeling overwhelmed as his tears rolled down.

"I'm telling you. Not you, he is pregnant with twins. Look at his mood swings."

Khushi's giggled at Anjali's remark whilst he tightened his hold around them.

"Let go of me now Chote. I've to go check on Aarav." Anjali whined.

"A-Aarav, who?"

Both Anjali and Khushi gasped as they pulled away and looked at him as if he has grown two horns.

"I get it you want Khushiji to repeat the news of her pregnancy again and again but this is just too much. Enough of your pranks. I'm going to my son."

"S-Son," He croaked.

"Yeah, unfortunately a nephew whose uncle has become the same old prankster he was in his childhood. Now you've made my son your partner in crime too. It's all your fault Khushiji that this brother of mine has become like this again!" Anjali said in mock anger to which Khushi snickered.

Of course in his perfect dream world his Di's child would have survived along with her. His Khushi would have been married to him. They'd soon be welcoming their babies. What else could he ask for?

As his gaze went to his Di's look without the wedding symbols dressed in an elegant salwar suit with her hairs open and a certain glow adding up to her innocence his heart pinched in his chest.

"Di, are you happy?" He asked cupping the side of her cheek. His other hand was wrapped around Khushi's waist protectively, possessively with her head resting on his shoulder leisurely.

"As long as you are." Her answer punched him in his gut.

"What if I am not?" He asked feeling his eyes prickling.

"Then peace and happiness are forbidden for me, my dear Chote." She cupped his cheeks softly.

"Seeing you and Khushiji together, happy and now starting your own family is a dream come true for me. Always stay together you both. I wish you all the happiness in the world."

He closed his eyes as her prayer rang through his ears and buzzed in his head. As his eyes opened again he found himself sprawled on the cold floor back to reality with tears on his face and his hands all empty deprived of both his Di or Khushi.

His wistful dream was over and so were all of his hopes.

Throwing his face in his hands he gripped his hairs in sheer anguish as reality hit him hard. So hard that he ended up running out of his room in the middle of the night and was banging on a particular door until it sprang open.

"What is it?" She asked sternly trying hard not to let his disheveled state get to her.

"It's the first time she came into my dream. After two years." He said hoarsely and Khushi's gaze softened as she understood whom was he talking about without him spelling it out.

She refrained from taunting him or telling him that she has frequently seen Anjaliji in her dreams in the last two years unlike him that now she was used to it. And in most of them Anjali Singh Raizada was hell angry and upset with her beloved Chote.

"Okay. Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know," He shook his head and stepping back slid against the pillar with his head down and sat on the floor with his shoulders slumped. His knees up to his chest.

She should have banged the door on his face. She should have. She should. Khushi, still there is time. Stop it. Bang the door shut and go back to bed even if sleep was far from your eyes. KHUSHI I SAID CLOSE THE DOOR AND LEAVE HIM ALONE!

DAMN YOU BITCH YOU ARE PATHETIC! A voice buzzed in her head as she stepped out of the room and sat against the railings keeping a fair distance between them.

No further words were exchanged between them as they sat there looking ahead aware of the other's presence yet pretending to be alone and that's how the whole night passed with prickling angst engulfing them both throughout until the dawn came.

Three gasps broke the thick silence in the corridor as NK, Akash and Payal came upstairs and the sight that greeted them made their eyes tear up and hearts clench.

Sitting on the floor were they, in front of Khushi's room with Arnav's head resting against the pillar turned to her gazing at her with a longing the burn of which could turn even a mountain to ashes while Khushi obvious to it all was sleeping sitting crossed legged with her head resting against the railings with her arms folded against her chest. Even though the distance between them was only a few steps but they all knew better how vast it actually was.

Composing himself NK stepped forward quietly and without waking her up carried the sleeping Khushi to her room with Payal at his toe. While Akash headed to his brother with his heart in his mouth and helped him up to bring him back to his room as he needed to get some sleep for it was obvious with his bloodshot swollen eyes that he didn't get any the whole night.


Ye maana k tumse khafa hain zara hum,

Magar zindagi se bhi roothe hue hain!

The bond Khushi made with Dhruv in just a few days was out of this world. The only time she would have a genuine smile on her face would be when the cutiepie would be with her.

Dhruv's first word was unmistakably 'Pa-Pa', the second 'Mama' and the third 'Baba' and he used only these three titles to call or address anyone else but meeting Khushi and getting introduced to her by his mother who gave most of her attention to him nowadays added extra cheerfulness to the little one and he managed to utter his fourth full word "Maasi," surprising his parents and making Khushi hell emotional.

She showered his face with many kisses earning squealing giggles from the youngest Raizada as he repeated it with the same enthusiasm like the first every time Khushi asked him to and then he'd get hugged and abundant love by his one more favourite person much to his glee.

Only the presence of Dhruv and his adorable interactions with everyone kept the atmosphere of the mansion somewhat sane.

Arnav who used to avoid him due to his guilt before for snatching the little boy's mother's due to his misdeeds also tried to make it up to him ever since the child reconciled with his estranged mother much to his relief for he was able to do at least one good deed after so long.

Little one was jolly and forgiving like his Maasi that he accepted his 'Baba' wholeheartedly without any tantrums drowning Arnav in more guilt but Dhruv won't have it as he hated seeing anyone sad and would make funny sounds and say incoherent gibberish words until he extracted genuine smiles and laughters out of his brooding all the time serious Arnav Baba.

This morning too as he was leaving quietly Arnav shut his eyes as he heard the enthusiastic voice calling him,

"Baba! Baba!"

Before he could compose himself he already felt the little hands hugging his legs and as he looked down he found Dhruv smiling toothily up at him making grabby hands up at him.

Swallowing past a huge lump he bent to pick him up and earned a noisy kiss from the little one as he bounced happily in his arms.

Arnav turned and found Akash looking fondly at them while Payal had a scowl on her face yet she didn't say anything seeing her child happy.

"Baby, I'll play with you after coming back." Arnav tried to make him understand but the boy was adamant as he kept tugging at his lapels pointing towards his playroom making Arnav feel helpless.

Akash and Payal knew why he was denying Dhruv for the first time after days as at this time he is supposed to go somewhere else. His usual routine since last six days they've been here in Sydney.

"If you don't mind can I take him with me?" Not to Akash he asked Payal looking pleadingly at her.

"Stay here!" Payal said firmly and went inside before coming back after a few minutes with a small bag with her.

"Thank you," He choked taking the bag from her and she nodded curtly before looking at her boy who was grinning at her as if he knew what was going on.

"Be a good boy." She ruffled his hairs and the little one bobbed his head in reply despite not understanding a single bit of her advise causing the trio to smile at his innocence.

Dhruv waved his chubby hands at his parents over Arnav's shoulders with his tiny arms wrapped around his Baba's neck as he turned to leave.

The joy radiating from the boy's face was unmistakable as he saw that his Baba was taking him out for the first time with him and he couldn't be more happier which showed on his face that his parents noticed clearly and prayed in their hearts to keep their baby always this carefree and happy.

That no atrocities of the world should ever touch his pure soul or tarnish his innocence. Never ever.



And there are songs I can't listen to, without hearing you -- David Jones

Arnav stopped the car before glancing at the time. He was an hour late for he had to drive cautiously as Dhruv was with him buckled up behind him on the baby seat.

Throughout the drive the boy kept chatting nonstop in his excitement to be out with his Baba and Arnav tried his level best to match his energy.

Being with Dhruv kept his mind off the tension already messing him up.

First he taunted Khushi taking Shyam's name when she refused the treatment and then he had the audacity to go to her too when he dreamt of his Di. Still she said nothing and stayed quietly by his side that kept him from losing his sanity.

She says she wants to destroy him and then she is doing the exact opposite of her resolve.

He swallowed. He wanted her to fall out of love with him. He wanted her feelings gone. Yet he himself was becoming more dependant on her only. He was more afraid then ever now. More than ever!

Picking up Dhruv he entered the cafe Khushi has been working for the last almost an year the address of which NK has given him days ago and ever since it has become his routine to visit at this time hoping against hope that in order to just get rid of him she agree for the therapy and bring herself out of the agony.

Till now he was getting severe silent treatment from her that if he wanted to get a reaction or a conversation he had to--had to instigate her otherwise she avoided him like plague.

That was why last night was like a ocean of oasis for him in his otherwise deserted life. That was why he didn't dare close his eyes for even a split second as he watched her sleep.

Taking his usual seat at the corner close to the window he made Dhruv sit on the table in front who was mesmerized by anything or everything around. The people passing by. The commotion. The smell of food. The wall length windows and the view outside. Fascinated he was looking around in wonder clapping his hands making Arnav's lips quirk up at his cuteness.

Only this bundle of joy could make him forget his sadness even if it's for a moment only until he saw the woman of his heart making her appearance there behind the counter for a few seconds before she went back inside the kitchen.

She got the job here as a waitress first according to NK and she worked the first four months here as the same until the head chef one day tasted her hand made cake which she brought for a colleague of hers and then rest they say is history.

The next day she was presented an offer from the cafe's owner to work as an assistant chef which she took gladly for she loves cooking and the paycheck of hers was tripled much to her relief for she wanted to payback all she owed NK and she did.

"Nannav, I tried hard. I begged her. I pleaded. I screamed. I got angry. I booked the appointments with therapists but she won't relent. I was somewhat relieved when she said she wanted to work. I tried to get her a job through my connections but she refused that on my face saying she isn't qualified for that. Hence I had to stop. Then one day she herself found the ad on that cafe and when she came back home she looked relieved that she got the job. I kept quiet for I knew she needed to do something to keep her mind off the things. Somehow it helped. At least when she was working she didn't had any stupid ideas in her head like bursting the kitchen to flames or harming herself to punish you."

Arnav swallowed as that long emotionally draining conversation with NK the day he arrived at Sydney and found her alive rang through him. The last one year has been more than tormenting for her. Whenever he recalls everything NK told him not skipping any detail he felt like cutting himself physically to atone for his sins towards her.

Still midst all how she managed to reconcile NK with his parents made him gobsmacked. How can a person going through such severe anguish think so much for others to that level? How?

Sometimes, no, often, no, no, he was now sure she doesn't belong to this world. She was too pure, too selfless and too innocent for her own good to be in this selfish, cruel world where beasts like him are everywhere to use and threw her away for their advantage.

A cackle and a smack on his cheek jolted him to present. Dhruv Singh Raizada was looking annoyed at his Baba with an adorable scowl on his face.

Arnav gulped and breathed to compose himself. "Yes, dear?"

Dhruv pointed to the table beside them where a kid was gobbling down a chocolate pastry before he tried to get down the table to just grab it from the kid. Arnav's eyes widened in horror.

He swept him up in his arms and walked to the counter. "I'll get you one," He pacified the child who jutted his lower lip out squinting his eyes at this Baba clearly pissed for taking him away before he could get his hands on that fascinating thing.

A snort left Arnav seeing Khushi's expressions when suddenly Dhruv spotted her coming out of the kitchen and yelled,


No sooner than that the boy wanted to be carried by his Maasi only as he jumped up and down in Arnav's arms clapping excitedly before he tried to lean over the counter to reach his aunt earning amused glances from the workers and the customers in the cafe too.

"Bachcha, just give me one minute. I'll be back." Khushi caressed his head reaching over from behind the counter and handed him a candy bar to play with before she rushed inside to get some minutes off from the head chef.

"Your partner is so handsome. And your child is adorable." One of the colleagues said who has joined just a month back for neither she nor anyone else knew nothing what the word Maasi' actually meant. Khushi didn't bother correcting her and just came out taking half an hour break.

Without giving the senior Raizada a glance she carried Dhruv and brought him to the quite area in the garden.

Arnav followed them quietly holding the plate of chocolate pastry he has got for his nephew.

Now sitting on the bench with Dhruv in between them the aunt and the uncle of the kid were trying to tone down his excitement of seeing the 'brown colour foam' which his Baba got for him that he was now squeezing with his both hands and giggling like an evil cruella as if he has done some Oscar winning thing.

Khushi was now glaring at Arnav for getting that for him while Arnav was getting too sheepish with every passing moment along with trying to get the little one hands off the desert. Senior Raizada looked like he was going to burst any second from now with his pursed lips and corner of his eyes wrinkling.

Khushi's jaws dropped as Dhruv brought his chocolate cladded hands up and threw his own face in between his palms giggling to himself.

Arnav couldn't take it anymore once Dhruv removed his hands from his face and throwing his head back burst out laughing stilling Khushi's world right there and then.


There are no happy endings. Endings are the saddest part, so just give me a happy middle and a very happy start. -- Shel silverstein


It's like all my emotions have been sucked dry after writing it.

I don't know whether it made you feel as much as it messed me up that I'm now feeling numb after penning it down. Need sometime to gather myself back to normal. Sigh!

I hope it was worth the wait though? Was it?

Kindly do let me know your thoughts via your VOTES and COMMENTS ❤️


P.S. Only your support encourages me to keep writing. Keep it coming and I'd keep updating ASAP :)

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