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𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚞𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞  𝚢𝚘𝚞’𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎,  𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚗.................


 "Cheeku !! Naina has been taken to the hospital!!".
As soon as these words left from Shantanu's mouth , Kabir froze there. He continued, “ Shreyas called me. He was trying your phone but it is switched off. Apparently  Naina got an attack of fits…. Ammu tried to recover her but she wasn’t opening her eyes… She called an ambulance but before that Nisha and Dev reached there , now they are on their way to the hospital.”

( N.B. : An attack of fits is where a person gets epileptic seizures. The patient suddenly loses consciousness,  their eyes roll back, their body starts shaking vigourously, the person starts foaming saliva.
it is not epileptic but caused due to extreme stress or previous medical conditions. The person does not die but if the person doesn’t recovers then it may be harmful)

Kabir was totally in shock. He sat in the nearby couch by a loud thud. His brother came near him and shook him by his shoulders  and said , “ Kabir , this is not the time, she needs you. Ammu cannot handle her singlehandedly. It’s already late. “  

And his eyes snapped towards his brother , and he shouted, his eyes red , “No !! Nothing will happen to her. She will be fine”

He stood up and made a dash outside his office. He was running like a mad man . All the employees in his office stared at their boss  in shock. Both Shantanu and Samaira were having hard time matching up to his pace. There was only one thing in his head right now that nothing will happen to her Naina.

 He went to his parking and unlocked his car and drove towards the hospital. By this time he called Nisha asking her in which hospital they are taking her in. Shantanu and Samaira was following him in their car. He  drove his car in a break neck speed , bumping into cars..He literally covered the 20 minutes hospital distance in less than 10 minutes. He saw Nisha’s car pulling up in the hospital driveway.

He opened the door and saw Dev carrying her. He ran towards them. His state disheveled,  hair messy. He saw Naina , her eyes closed, hands tight in a fist , her face pale , white dried foam at the corner of her mouth, unaware of anything.  Seeing Naina in this state his heart pained immensely. Then realization dawned upon him, he realized that he loved her.


My heart pained seeing my Naina in such a state. I took her from Dev and carried her inside in my arms in bridal style. Nisha told me , “ Kabir we have to take her inside.”  I nodded. And took her inside. The hospital authorities rushed towards us as soon as we entered the hospital lobby. The receptionist was fast enough to call the doctors and nurses. I placed her in the stretcher and the ward boys dragged it into the lift. I held her frail small now cold hands into mine. Others went into another lift.

As soon as the elevator dinged open , a doctor came running towards us , “ Oh my God ! Naina ?!! What happened to her. “ she asked

Ammu replied , “ She was fine in the morning.  But suddenly she got the attack of her fits. It’s the second time , she got this.”
My eyes snapped towards them with this newfound information. She has been through this before.

She looked at Naina’s chest movement and then her pulse. She said , “ I am not getting any pulse and there is no chest movement.  Hurry up!! Give me a oxygen mask and take her in the ICU “ .The nurse asked one ward boy who handed an oxygen mask to her which she made her wear while looping the strands behind her ear while the ward boy held her head up .

My hands went cold . I feel like everything zooming out. The ward boys took the stretcher inside. When I was about to enter inside the ICU I was prevented from going inside. They closed the door in front of my face. I kept staring at her.


Within this time the doctor   wiped the foam from her face using the cotton. I saw the nurse handing the doctor a pair of sticky pads from the electrode. The nurse applied a gel in those sticky pads and rubbed it. She then told everyone to back away . Then taking a deep breath she placed those pads in her chest. Then she gave a shock to Naina to her heart which caused her body to bounce up. I shut my eyes because I didn’t had the courage to see my Naina in this pathetic state. The doctor then checked the monitor. I was staring at her when suddenly someone dropped the curtains hiding the view. I panicked for a second not being able to see her.

Naina !!”  I gasped for breath while looking for somewhere if I could able to see her.
Bhai came to me and placed a hand on my shoulder .

I said , “ Bhaiya!! Naina !!.”
He embraced me  and said , “ Kuch nahi hoga Naina ko !! ( nothing will happen to Naina )”

I shouldn’t have forced her yesterday …This all happened because of me..”  I said my voice muffled….

No its not your fault… she will be fine !!”  Bhaiya said….

what happened yesterday?”  Nisha asked me coming towards me…

I … I just …” my voice stuttered because I couldn’t form words. It’s so shame full of me that I forced my feelings on her. I should have thought about that.

I am asking you something kabir … what did you tell Naina yesterday!!” Nisha shouted.. her voice held accusation…..

Shreyas came towards us and held her by her shoulder  ….. He said to her , “ Baby nothing happened yesterday…. He is just tensed you know…”

“No, he himself told that something happened between them yesterday…. She cannot suffer like this anymore…. She has already suffered a lot ..” he told her with tears in her eyes.

Listen Singhania,  if something happens to her and if the reason is you then it will be the last day of yours… “  she said gritting her teeth.

The nurse came there interrupting telling us to keep quiet. I was feeling extremely guilty. What have I thought while saying those things to her. I was pathetic to her. Millions of thoughts were running inside my brain. I was thinking of thousand of ways to Apologize her. If something happens to her, No ! No! Nothing will happen to her,

 I love her !

Yes ! I love her!!

She may not feel the same.  But I do!! She is not obliged to feel the same about her .. But I need to apologize her….

Our trance was broken when the doctor came out grabbing everyone ‘s attention. We all rushed to her.. Ammu said , “ Doctor!! How is she ??!!”

Well !! Mrs . Bedi.. I won’t lie.. Her condition is better now.… seems like she was in stress….we recovered her but we can’t say anything until and unless she regains her consciousness…. But don’t worry !! Hope for the best..”  she went away..

I plopped myself on the bench..Tears made my way through my eyes…. This is all because of me….. The ICU door opened , the stretcher was rolled out and she was shifted to a cabin.

Nisha came out of the cabin after meeting her. She came towards me. I was standing outside with bhaiya ,dev & shreyas . Ammu , Nisha and bhabhi were inside. Nisha and bhabhi came outside. Nisha came outside with bhabhi.

She came towards me and taking a deep breath she started apologizing to me , “ I am sorry Kabir. I shouldn’t have shouted on you…. It’s just that……. Let  it be… … I am sorry, really really sorry..! Its just that she have been through this before. This brought back many memories.. when she wakes up just talk ot out with her..”  she ended.

Its ok !!I understand..”  I said .. "but did she  got this attack before ??"

She nodded and spoke ,"yes !! but that is not my place to tell... she will tell you herself when she is ready..." she said.

"ok I got it.." I said...

Go meet her” bhabhi said…. I nodded and went inside…

Ammu was sitting beside her… I looked at her. She was looking pale. IV s were attached to her wrist. She was changed in to a blue weightless hospital gown. Her green orbs now closed. She was looking so relaxed.

My chain of thoughts broke when ammu called me , “Kabir “

“yes Ammu ! sorry I just zoned out..!” I said .

come here .. I want to ask you something “ she said

I went near the bed and stood near her.
And her next question shocked me , “Do you love her .. “

My eyes widened hearing her question, after recovering from the initial shock I stuttered , “ Ammu….. its…. It’s just…”
so you don’t love her ??” she again questioned….

No ! No ! You are getting me wrong..”  I tried to make her understand.

what!! No ! No! ,tell me clearly…. I am asking last time .. Do. You. Love . Her ?” She said stressing each word….

YesILoveHer!!” I said in one go….

What !! Say it clearly..” she said..

This lady is messing with me.. Great ! The Kabir Singhania is scared…!

“ I love her Ammu  !! “ I declared…

She held my both hands and said,“I knew it… I was just messing with you. But before that you should know something  I know it is not my place to tell but look Kabir. She is scared. ..  She has lost so many people in her life. She is scared that if you come in her life then something will happen to you. I have tried making her understand.  She likes you, she told me herself this morning,” my eyes snapped towards her..

but her fear has gripped over her. She craves for love. She may give you some weird theories that she doesn’t like you, you will get many girls ‘, but believe me she is not like that. I will say please don’t lose hope on her. “  She ended..

A tear drop fell from my eyes. I wiped it.

I said“ ammu Naina is in this situation because of me. I failed to understand her. I forced my feelings on her.. I am so sorry…. I shouldn’t have done that…”

Its ok beta …. It’s not your fault…… you know she needs someone to heal her… I know you can heal her… with your love…” she said wiping her tears…

She caressed my face and said , “I am waiting outside…”

She went outside. I sat beside her. There was an oxygen mask connected to the cylinder which supported her in taking proper breaths.. A heartbeat monitor connected reflected her heartbeats. I gazed at her sleeping face , the mole at her temple, her long thick lashes . I took her thin frail hand in mine and kissed her knuckles. I took both of our hands and joined it too my forehead and said , “ I am sorry..”
Hi guys!!! Here’s the 9th chapter..

Before you guys say anything I would like to say that this “fits attack “ scene is majorly inspired from a movie named Raja Rani which is a tamil movie. I watched that movie and always wanted to incorporate that scene in my book. Hope I did justice to that scene… Also if you guys have any sort of confusion just Google it…. Tell me guys what do you think about it….

Also thanks to ShaktiPrabhaRanjan for suggesting me with ship names #KaiNa…

Do vote and comment guys… Love y’all…

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