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Same night

Sanskar tries to speak with Swara but she was asleep due to medicine effect . Sanskar picks her in his arms and goes towards lift and takes her to her room .

Sanskar enters Swara's room and looks at Laksh and Ragini who were already present in room .

Ragini runs towards them : what happened to di and where were you both ?

Sanskar doesn't speak anything and makes Swara lay on bed and covers her with blanket and kisses her forehead .

Sanskar turns towards Ragini : someone had spiked her drink to molest her but I came and saved her on right time and then took her to terrace

Ragini is shocked : was that Sahil jiju ?

Sanskar looks at her face with shocked expression

Ragini understands his situation : actually during ceremony Sahil jiju came running and his nose was broken and thus maa papa dada dadi and Kavita di took him to hospital

Sanskar chuckles remembering Swara's punch : he got what he had deserved . Well program went well ?

Laksh nods his head in no : everything was going fine but due to Sahil's incident program stopped

Sanskar nods his head : it's ok he got the punishment

Sanskar turns and looks at Swara who was having peaceful sleep : Ragini do remove her jewelleries and make her sleep comfortably

Ragini nods her head while Sanskar and Laksh goes to their room after bidding Ragini .

Ragini goes near Swara and caress her head and starts removing all her jewellery while Swara makes faces feeling irritation making Ragini giggle at her antic . As soon as Ragini removed all her jewellery , Swara smiles in her sleep and sleeps comfortably though the lehenga was causing uncomfortableness .

Ragini too goes change her dress and sleeps comfortably beside Swara while hugging her tightly . Swara too smiles in her sleep and hugs her sister tightly and sleeps .


Dadi enters Sahil's room angrily and looks at him who is wincing in pain while Kavita was sitting beside him cursing the person .

Dadi controls her anger : Kavita go and make your mother eat something in canteen as your dadaji and papa went to get the medicine . Sharmistha hasn't eaten anything from long time .

Kavita : but Dadi .. Sahil ?

Dadi gives a fake smile : I will be with him you don't worry

Kavita nods her head and goes from there while Dadi locks the rooms door and looks at Sahil angrily who is having a big plaster on his nose .

Dadi angrily marches towards Sahil : dint I tell you not to do any stupidity ?

Sahil gets angry : I had said you before and I'm saying now too I need Swara and how can you let her get married ?

Dadi : I had promised you earlier too that you will get Swara for yourself for lifetime and for that you need to wait . But you always do stupidity then what can I do ?

Sahil fists his hand angrily : if I dint get Swara then I will reveal all the secret to Kavita about our marriage .

Dadi gets scared : you can't do that

Sahil smirks : Kavita loves me more than you so she will easy accept everything whatever I will tell her.

Dadi angrily : we had made it a deal Sahil and you can't break that

Sahil : deal was done as you said you will give me Swara but now your getting her married then I can break it easily

Dadi closes her eyes with irritation and opens it : Sahil listen I'm doing this for your wellbeing only . Now see Swara and Ragini both will go to Maheswari mansion, with that we can gain money from them and invest it in your business then put their business in losses and then Swara will be yours forever .

Sahil laughs : do you think it is a serial where all your planning will be successful ?

Dadi looks at him angrily : don't forget due to me you were saved previous time

Sahil laughs : that was because last time she was alone but now she is having the support of Sanskar Maheswari

Dadi laughs : that Sanskar Maheswari can't do anything with me so it's better if you be in your limits for few more days and be patient to get Swara

Sahil : just for few days remember that then I will reveal everything to Kavita every single thing

Dadi looks at him angrily while he shrugges his shoulder and lays on bed peacefully fully ignoring her.


Swara and Ragini were sleeping peacefully in their room hugging each other happily as if they are teddy bears to each other . Soon Ragini's sleep gets disturbed due to heavy banging on the door . Ragini sighs and removes Swara's hand from herself . Swara makes faces in sleep . Ragini smiles and caress Swara's forehead for which she smiles in her sleep . Ragini gives a pillow to Swara which Swara holds tightly to her heart and sleeps more comfortably .

Ragini goes near the door and opens it only to find an angry Dadi standing near outside the door . Ragini understands why she is here .

Ragini : Dadi we will talk everything tomorrow. Its late night .

Dadi pushes Ragini slightly : you stay away from this matter

Dadi enters inside hurriedly and looks at Swara who is having a peaceful sleep which irks her . Dadi finds a glass of water on the side table and pours it on Swara . Ragini tries to stop her but Dadi was so quick in everything that Ragini couldn't manage .

Swara wakes up in a jerk and strata breathing heavily .

Dadi holds Swara's face angrily in her fist : how dare you to hit Sahil ? Don't you know that he is son-in-law of our house ? Is this things been taught to you ?

Swara was panting heavily while Dadi doesn't show any mercy to her .

Ragini holds dadi's other hand : Dadi it's not her fault jiju was trying to harass her

Dadi pushes Ragini angrily and looks at her face : I had said you before too never interrupt in her matters. Did you forget what she did a day before Kavita's marriage ? She lured Sahil and I'm sure now too she must have only did something due to which he went behind her as he is a man

Ragini looks at her Dadi with disgust : I dint knew that your thinking is so cheap Dadi . Being a women your saying this to another women ?

Dadi gets angry and slaps Ragini hardly : don't you dare to talk in high pitch with me

Ragini shivers as this was the first time when someone talked with her in this tone . She gets scared and nods her head while keeping her one hand on her cheek .

Swara was seeing all this being helpless as she wasn't being able to move herself and was panting due to  loss of breathing power.

Dadi goes near Swara : I dint knew that you have manipulating skills too . Within 2 days you manipulated our Ragini and made her against us ?

Swara shivers seeing dadi's strong hold on her shoulders . Firstly she was getting difficulty to breath and now her hold is tight.

Ragini looks at Swara's face and gets scared . She gives courage to herself and goes near Dadi : Parvati Gadodia if you don't leave my di then the next moment I'm going to call Sanskar jiju and Laksh here as their room is exactly opposite to ours . Then whatever the consequences will be you need to bear that .

Dadi gets angry and scared too as she now came to know what Sanskar can do with her . So she maintains silence and goes from there not before giving deadly glares to both the sisters .

Ragini goes near Swara and hugs her while Swara keeps on indicating something which Ragini fails to understand . Ragini panics seeing Swara's health deteriorating and runs to call Sanskar .


Laksh was having peaceful sleep as he wasn't aware of all this mess while sleep was far away for Sanskar as he was busy thinking about Swara and her words . His chain of thoughts break hearing Ragini's shout . Laksh who was sleeping also gets up instantly as Ragini was literally crying and shouting out of fear .

Sanskar was first to react and runs to open the door .

Ragini while crying : jiju .. dii ..

Sanskar doesn't hear her and runs to Swara who was breathing heavily indicating her bag which Ragini failed to understand . Sanskar knew about her hand bag as it consists all her tablets .

Sanskar shouts : Ragini get one glass of water now

Ragini who was entering room along with Laksh gets scared and quickly fills the glass with water .

Sanskar sits in front of Swara and opens all her tablets and shows her . While seeing one particular tablet Swara nods her head slightly . Sanskar quickly puts the tablet in her mouth while Ragini makes Swara drink water .

Swara's breaths weren't even still . Sanskar starts rubbing her hand. Seeing it even Ragini starts rubbing her other hand while Laksh starts rubbing Swara's legs .

Swara was having tears in her eyes to see this much love for her. She wasn't expecting this from anyone . She was feeling that now her life came to end as she wasn't able to breath properly but no there are angels in her life who are willing her happiness. Being happy she tries to calm herself and gets successful within 10 minutes .

Sensing Swara being comfortable Sanskar hugs Swara instantly while having tears in his eyes : you ... You just scared me ... How could you ?

Swara smiles slightly while having tears in her eyes too : Sanskar I'm fine

Sanskar breaks the hug and kisses Swara's face as he was very scared after seeing her like that and again hugs her .

Ragini wasn't understanding anything and was looking everything blankly . Laksh side hugs Ragini understanding her situation .

Laksh : I'm sorry bacha , though I know the reason I cannot tell it to you as Bhai wants Bhabhi herself to open up things with you

Ragini nods her head and hugs Laksh being scared of all the happenings.

Sanskar breaks the hug and looks at Ragini : Ragini please change Swara in some comfortable dress

Ragini nods her head and goes to pick Swara's dress while Sanskar and Laksh goes out .


Sanskar takes his phone and quickly contacts doctor Naina as he was hell scared after seeing Swara in such a condition and he doesn't want to take any risk and thus informs her .

Naina after listening everything : Sanskar I guess it was due to the medicine that was used to make her loose her concussious and I guess in that situation she even dint take her tablet and both showed it's side effect together . But no worries as you have given her other tablet till tomorrow morning she will be fine .

That's when reality hits Sanskar that Swara dint had her dinner as she fell asleep fast : ok doctor Naina and should I give her that night tablet ?

Naina : no need as you gave her sudden attacks tablet

Sanskar thanks her and cuts the call and then calls the manager to immediately arrange food for them .

Laksh keeps his hand on Sanskar's shoulder : Bhai relax Bhabhi is fine now

Sanskar : how can I Laksh ? I .. I felt .. like I will loose her now itself. It was my luck that I reached on time or else don't know what would have had happened ..

Lakhs hugs Sanskar seeing his worst condition . He had never seen his Bhai this much helpless ever in his life . Even when his bhai's business was facing losses he wasn't scared and worked hard to reach heights but today a mere thought of loosing his love made him weak to great extent.

Laksh pats Sanskar's back : Bhai if you will fall weak then how will you take care of Bhabhi ? You too know na that she is in hurry to go to heaven

Sanskar chuckles hearing it and breaks the hug : and I'm not gonna send here there any sooner that too alone never

Laksh smiles : and for that you need to be strong crying is not meant for you making others cry is your nature

Sanskar smiles and hits Laksh slightly while Laksh smiles .

Sanskar : I will be with Swara today so ..

Lakhs cuts him : no need of saying me anything I will take Ragini to my room and spend good quality time with her as from tomorrow she will be my wife and not my girlfriend .

Sanskar smiles while Ragini opens the door and allows them to come inside .

Sanskar sighs seeing Swara resting her head on headboard and being comfortable now . Laksh takes Ragini with him . Waiter gets food for them .

Sanskar side hugs Swara and feeds her without speaking anything as he knew she is feeling weak . And as Swara was feeling weak she just keeps her head on his shoulder and eats her food slowly .

Swara with low voice : you had your dinner ?

Sanskar smiles : I will have after yours

Swara slowly raises her head : please don't keep your stomach empty

Sanskar kisses her forehead : ok one bite for you and one for me happy ?

Swara slowly nods her head and again keeps her head on his shoulder while Sanskar feeds Swara and eats himself too.

After finishing dinner , Sanskar keeps the plates aside and washes his hand and Swara's face too . Being under medicines effect Swara falls asleep in Sanskar's arms while holding his shirt tightly as if her life is dependent on it . Sanskar smiles and slowly covers themselves with blanket and sleeps peacefully having her in his arms .


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