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Reception party

Swara's legs doesn't support her and she feels weak and about to fall but strong arms holds her protectively while shouting her name gaining everyone's attention .

Sujata who was coming near the counter to have juice looks at Swara who was breathing heavily and was about to fall and holds her quickly preventing from hitting her head to ground while shouting her name .

Sanskar who was having chit chat with Swara's family gets alert with his mother's scream and rushes towards Swara and holds her in his arms as Sujata was giving difficult time to manage her .

Sanskar pats Swara's cheeks : Swara .. Shona ... Open your eyes

Amaya who was in Adarsh's arms starts crying looking at her chachi being lifeless .

Guests starts murmuring while Maheshwari's manage them and cancel the reception party as Swara's health is more important for them now .

Sanskar picks Swara in his arms and takes to room present in downstairs while Swara's doctor Naina who was invited for the party goes behind Swara and does her check up .

Naina picks an injection while Amaya shouts : no no please don't give injection to Swala Chachi it will pain her a lot

Sanskar was having tears in his eyes looking at Swara's condition and now Amaya's tears are too hurting him a lot .

Naina tries to calm Amaya : baby it's needed for else your Swala Chachi won't get up

Amaya tries to go near Swara but Laksh picks her from Adarsh's arms and signs Naina to give injection : Amy do you remember what your Swala Chachi said when you had vaccination ?

Amaya keeps her finger on her chin and starts thinking and then smiles : yeah Swala Chachi had said injection is just like an mosquito . Mosquito bite is sudden so we won't get scared while injection we know that it will be injected anytime and we will get scared . Mosquito takes our blood with us while injection gives us energy.

Laksh : so your Swala Chachi should gain energy right ?

Amaya nods her head : yes she should be strong like me

Naina smiles : injection is given she will gain her senses after half an hour

Sanskar gets relief : but doctor Naina what had happened suddenly ?

Naina looks at Amaya and signs while Parineeta's mother takes Amaya from Laksh's arms and leaves the family behind . Kaki and Kavya where sitting beside Swara while Maheshwari's, dada and Gadodia's were present in the room .

Naina sighs : Mr Maheswari she was stressed out . You need to be very careful . Her heart isn't strong like ours . We can bear our scaredness for long time but she can't . If she gets a little percentage of stress and fear then same will happen .

Sanskar gets confused : but she was fine and all happy just 10 minutes back . She was feeling shy and ran then ..

Sujata : but when I had seen her she was sweating a lot

Ragini who wasn't understanding anything asks : doctor what do you mean by her heart is not strong ?

Naina looks at her being confused : dont you know that her heart as a hole

Ragini gets shocked and stumbles while Laksh supports her . Sharmistha is taken a back and same goes with dada and his family . Swara hasn't said about her health condition even to her dada as she dint wanted anyone to know about her health condition .

Naina understands the families condition : I will take my leave now

Naina goes from there while Sharmistha comes forward while gaining some courage

Before Sharmistha could speak kaki interrupts : Sanskar from how long Swara was suffering ?

Sanskar closes his eyes and opens his eyes : from past 2 years and she hasn't said this to anyone

Sharmistha : and if you knew why dint you tell us ?

Sanskar chuckles : and why should I tell you ?

Sharmistha : don't forget she is my daughter

Sanskar laughs : yeah I know what kind of mother you are so please keep this concern for yourself .

Ragini with teary eyes comes near Sanskar : jiju will di be fine ?

Sanskar's eyes gets softened as he has seen Ragini's love and care towards Swara : yes Ragini don't worry

Ragini : please jiju make her fine sooner . After 21 years I got her and I don't want to loose her any sooner

Sanskar hugs Ragini : don't worry Ragini nothing will happen to her .

Ragini calms herself while Laksh supports her .

Adarsh : Sanskar I guess we need to give space to Swara

Sanskar nods his head as whole family has surrounded Swara . Sanskar was about to stay with Swara but kaki assures to be with her .


Everyone assembles in hall while Sanskar's face was having tension .

Sujata keeps her hand on Sanskar's shoulder : don't worry Sanskar she will be fine

Sanskar : she needs to be mom and I have decided now I'm gonna get her operated as fast as possible

Laksh : don't worry bhai I had already contacted with Australia's doctor he will come to India within this week end

Sharmistha while having tears in her eyes : why dint you people find it necessary to inform me about this ?

Sujata chuckles : she was with you from past 2 years and still you couldn't make out then what is our fault in this

Sharmistha shuts her mouth

Sujata continues : you never knew what she eats , what she does , how her life is going on , but before getting her operated we need to seek your permission ?

Sharmistha lowers ger head out of shame

Sujata : when you weren't a good mother for her then now suddenly how come so much love came for her ? Happy as she is suffering or sad as you weren't been able to see her suffering ?

Sharmistha nods her head in no : I realised my mistake and thus wanted to seek her forgiveness and be a good mother to her

Sujata chuckles : good mother ? Seriously ? Where was your this shade when Sahil tried to molest her ? First time she saved herself while second time he had made all plans to ruin her dignity but it was God's grace that Sanskar saved her

Dadi gets angry : Sahil did nothing wrong . If a girl lures a man then it's obvious to get such reaction

Sujata chuckles : due to woman like you girls aren't safe in this society

Sanskar chuckles : mom with whom are you wasting your time ? It's not time to answer the ones who aren't worthy so leave them and let's wait for Swara to get up as the night is very long

Sanskar eyes dadi angrily while dadi gulps for onces seeing his strong gaze . Sujata nods her head knowing something is cooking in her son's mind .


After half an hour Swara slowly opens her eyes while murmuring Sanskar's name . Kaki tried to calm her but she was murmuring only Sanskar's name . Sensing the situation Kavya calls Sanskar and kaki along with Kavya goes out to give privacy to the couple .

Sanskar goes near Swara and hugs her instantly but is taken back by her tight grip on him

Sanskar pats her back : shona .. princess what happened ?

Swara puts her whole weight on Sanskar and trembles while speaking : Sanskar ... Please ... Save .... Me

Sanskar doesn't understand her and is shocked with her behaviour. He makes her sit on his lap and pats her back while she hugs him tightly . Her both hands were clutching his shirt tightly as if her life is dependent on it .

Sanskar keeps on patting her back : Shona my princess no one will take you away from me

Swara starts sobbing : no .. they will take me

Sanskar's eyes turns red : who will take you away from me Shona ? Tell me ?

Swara while sobbing narrated everything : they come to me only when they need anything . Sahil had said na he wants kids from me so they are trying to manipulate me . Please don't send me away from you . I don't want to go to them .

Sanskar's eyes turns soft and calms himself as Sahil is still in his clutches and pats her back while mentally praising himself for not letting Sahil out .

Sanskar : Shona none will take you away from me not even Sahil .

Swara slowly raises her head : really ?

Sanskar smiles and kisses her forehead : yes

Swara feels happy and smiles faintly.

Sanskar wipes her tears : why did you run from there ? You were all safe with your family and me , then why did you run from there as if your having marathon race ?

Swara remembers her talk with her family and Kavya's teasing and feels shy and hugs him again .

Sanskar is taken aback with her gesture but smiles seeing her happy : what happened ?

Swara nods her head in no and hugs him tightly . She slowly realises her position and feels more shy and tries to get up .

Sanskar holds her from her waist : relax and be still

Swara nods her head and sits in same position . After few minutes she realises that party was going on and quickly breaks the hug .

Swara : Sanskar reception party ?

Sanskar kisses her nose tip teasingly : nothing is more important than you

Swara's face gets wide open : you cancelled it ?

Sanskar holds her chin and ups it : not me but papa and badepapa

Swara gets scared : they might be angry with me na

Sanskar fakes a sad face : yeah a lot

Swara gets scared : will they scold me ?

Sanskar : yes ofcourse

Swara's eyes turns teary while Sanskar calms her

Sanskar holds her waist tightly : they are very angry that their daughter-in-law left their handsome son behind and ran away to get scared and tensed

Swara doesn't understand that he was teasing her and starts crying : I'm sorry . Kavya was teasing me a lot and I felt shy to be with you so I ran to calm myself . I went to drink water as I was feeling thirsty I dint knew Kavita and Sharmisthaji will come there and make me scared . Or else I wouldn't have left you

Sanskar feels bad and immediately wipes her tears : hey .. Shona ..  don't cry I'm just teasing you . Papa and badepapa aren't angry with you . None are angry with you . Trust me .

Swara slowly opens her eyes and looks at Sanskar's eyes which is reflecting pure love and care for her .

Swara innocently while twitching her red nose which caused due to crying : then why did you lie me ?

Sanskar chuckles : I was just teasing you

Swara hits his shoulder : your bad very bad

Sanskar chuckles : I'm bad for world but not for you

Swara lowers her gaze and hugs him again and starts playing with his shirts buttons making him smile

Suddenly something strikes her mind : Sanskar

Sanskar : hmm

Swara : did dada kaki and Kavya get to know about me ?

Sanskar : yes

Swara gets scared : now they will scold me for lying them

Sanskar : yeah they will and I'm not gonna help you in this . You dint say this to Gadodia's I can understand but dada kaki and Kavya deserves to know your truth . They love you like their own daughter and you hided this with them ? You know kaki and Kavya weren't ready to leave you alone and we're sitting beside you till you dint wake up . Dada was shattered to know the truth but he was acting to be strong

Swara while having tears : I dint wanted to burden them more . They had did too much for me . If I had said about my health then dada would start doing part time works along with auto to help me to get operated . Kavya hasn't completed her studies , dada is still working hard to earn money for her education . Then he needs to save money for her marriage too . I didn't wanted him to take more tension so I never said him about my health . Trust me I didn't wanted to hurt them . Please tell them not to be angry with me . I will do whatever they will say.

Sanskar feels bad for her and understands her point of view too : don't worry I will make them understand now let's go out all are waiting for you and mainly your ammu she is very much scared

Swara smiles : she loves me the most

Sanskar makes faces : yeah more than me

Swara giggles while Sanskar feels happy to see his Swara fit and fine and hugs her happily .


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