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After 4 months

Swara's pov

It's been 4 months my operation was done successfully . All pamper me alot now . After that night incident Ragu or bhabhi don't complain Laksh and bhai for anything. Infact now they scold Sanskar when he doesn't pamper me . They scolded him a lot and made sure I will enjoy my last semester . All helped me with studies . And today I successfully completed my masters . Sanskar was always there for me . He used to drop and pick me up from college . He used to get jealous from Arun but I managed him .

I don't know why in not feeling good from few days . I know I took hell lot tension as my semesters were going on . Now I will go home and sleep . But where is Sanskar ? Why dint he come yet ?

Swara's pov ends

Swara looks at Sanskar's car and gets happy as finally her wait is over and runs to him and hugs him happily : my exam went so well you know I'm so happy

Sanskar smiles and hugs her back : I know your happy but avoid running unnecessarily

Swara breaks the hug : sorry

Sanskar smiles : met all your classmates ?

Swara nods her head : yeah I met everyone , my friends , classmates , lecturers and even coordinator

Sanskar : good now come lets go home then you will have your lunch and take a nap ok

Swara nods her head : yes I want to sleep very badly I'm too much tired after writing 3 hours paper

Sanskar chuckles and sits in driver seat while Swara keeps on chanting all the way home which he hears happily .


Swara enters Maheshwari Mansion while shouting : mummmmmmaaaaaaaa I'm hungry

Sujata who was setting dinning table laughs at her : all set ready now come

Swara throws her bag which Sanskar catches on nick time while chuckling knowing her well .

Swara : mumma I'm so much hungry and you know my hand is paining very badly

Sujata makes her seat on and sits beside her : I know my child is tired after writing her long 3 hours paper so I prepared everything

Swara opens her mouth while Sujata feeds her : Sanskar go and get freshen up you can't eat without washing your hands

Sanskar chuckles : you can eat ?

Swara : yes because mumma feeds me

Sanskar chuckles : I have washed my hands

Swara : good

Parineeta who was feeding Amaya sitting infront of Swara smiles : so from tomorrow your gonna spend your full time with us ?

Swara smiles brightly : yes bhabhi

Amaya makes faces : means only I need to go to school

Ragini chuckles : but now your having vacations right

Amaya makes faces : but still after vacation completes I need to go right

Sanskar chuckles : don't worry then again you will get vacations

Amaya : I can only wait for that

All laugh at her while Swara starts feeling daisy . She picks a glass of water and gulps it and feels better .

Sujata : now go and take some rest ok

Swara nods her head and starts moving towards stairs but feel daisy . She holds the sofa tightly . Sanskar saw this and runs towards her but before that she falls on making others worried . Men's who came to have their lunch too gets tensed .

Sanskar's feet gets glued while Adarsh runs and picks Swara and takes her to room .

Laksh moves towards Sanskar and rubs his back to bring him into reality : bhai nothing happened to bhabhi relax

Sanskar gets teary eyes : Shona

Laksh rubs his back : she was taking so much stress right so she felt weak nothing to worry chachaji called doctor .

Sanskar nods his head and goes to nearby room where Adarsh made Swara sleep . Sanskar goes near her and sits beside her .


Soon doctor comes and starts checking Swara as Sanskar wasn't ready to leave her .

Sanskar : what happened doctor? Is everything fine ?

Doctor smiles : yes and congrats your wife is pregnant

Sanskar gets teary eyes , youngsters get happy hearing it while tension was clearly written on elders face which doctor understands.

Doctor : now I will take my leave if there is any emergency in house don't forget to call me

Doctor chuckles while saying . Laksh goes to bid doctor till door way . By now Swara too had gained concious and got to know about her pregnancy.

Annapurna sits on the couch : what did you do Sanskar ?

Sujata too sits beside her : now what can we do jiji ?

Durgaprasad : it's matter of happiness and you both are acting like this ?

Ramprasad : Sujata I dint expect this from you

Sujata eyes her husband angrily : what do you know about our tension ? You will be busy in your office and files but we need to take care right

Annapurna joins Sujata exactly : 2 weeks before we got to know that Parineeta is pregnant , last week we came to know that Ragini is pregnant and now even Swara is pregnant . How shall we manage 3 of them together ?

Sujata : do you people even know how much difficult to manage pregnant women's ? Their mood swings is dangerous !

Parineeta sighs : chachiji so what happened our husbands are there right

Adarsh gulps : yes yes we are there

Amaya comes along with Laksh and goes to Swara and climbs on bed : congrats chachi , Laksh chachu said you are also gonna give me small baby to play . I'm gonna get 3 babies yeah .

Amaya starts clapping her hands making everyone smile at her .

Annapurna smiles : we even need to take care of Amaya

Sujata keeps her hand on Annapurna's shoulder : we will do it jiji

Annapurna nods her head : now let's give some privacy to Swara and Sanskar . It's their moment .

All nod their head . Laksh picks Amaya and all go from the room .

Swara hugs Sanskar happily " I'm so happy Sanskar " she placed her hand on her stomach " one more life is inside me " she takes Sanskar's hand and keeps it on her stomach " I need to be a good mother now "

Sanskar kisses Swara's forehead : you will be a good mother and I know that . Now you need to be very careful ok no running here and there .

Swara nods her head like an obedient : yes I will do everything and be a good mother

Sanskar smiles and picks her in his arms : now it's time to take some rest ok

Swara smiles and hides her face in his chest happily and falls asleep on the way . Sanskar smiles and pecks get forehead .


Months passes while all 3 ladies were in 8th month of their pregnancy and all the 3 brothers took great care of their wifes . They did everything to make them feel special and even beared their mood swings and luckily all three wanted same type of food either chilly or sour which made them easy to fulfill .


SwaSan room

Swara was resting herself on bed while Sanskar removes a file and goes towards Swara .

Sanskar takes Swara in his arms : Shona

Swara hugs Sanskar tightly : hmm

Sanskar sighs : I know I'm late I wanted to give you this before itself but I wasn't able to manage a right time and I fell now you need to know this

Swara looks at the file and then at Sanskar : what is this ?

Sanskar : your father's rights which belongs to you . His business , property and amount which was kept in his bank account .

Swara looks at Sanskar's face with teary eyes : you did all this for me ?

Sanskar wipes her tears : this belongs to you

Swara hugs him tightly : I heard dida saying that my mother too had invested her some savings and jewelry to start this business . Even she has rights on this . Please give this to her when she will come to see Ragu's child . I have you with me , my baba and dida's memories are there with me and that is enough .

Sanskar hugs her : are you sure ?

Swara nods her head : yeah . However Sahil and Kavita are struggling with their life . They even have Sneha with them now so it will be easy for them to lead a happy life .

Sanskar : do you really want to give this to them ?

Swara hugs Sanskar tightly : because even maa has right on this . Though I don't have any relationship with them I don't want Sneha to suffer . After lot of struggles Sahil and Kavita became one and adopted a child . Sometimes I see my past in Sneha's eyes though Sahil and Kavita love her a lot , she misses her parents love as they both are busy in making their career to give her a secured future but what's the use of that secured future when her present is filled with sorrows ?

Sanskar kisses her forehead : ok as you wish

Swara smiles and hugs him but suddenly they hear Parineeta's scream . Now they three are staying in downstairs room near to each other . Hearing her scream Swara too gets scared .

All family members rush to hospital . Even Swara and Ragini accompained them while a fear was evident on their faces due to the shout of their dearest bhabhi . They too were scared as now even they need to face the same pain . Though they knew it before , but now the situation is something else .

Amaya was sitting on her father's lap : papa why mumma is screaming ? Is my brother / sister troubling mumma ?

Adarsh kisses Amaya's forehead though he was also scared but can't show it to his daughter : yeah because baby was adjusting inside your mother now he needs to come out na so

Swara suddenly gets pain : Sanskarrr

Sanskar who was sitting beside Adarsh gets alert and runs towards Swara : Shona what happened ?

Swara while having tears in her eyes : it's paining

Sanskar : what ? Nurse

Soon nurse comes and takes Swara as her delivery time came while Ragini starts shivering more as by now both Parineeta and Swara were screaming badly . Adarsh and Sanskar were hell scared . Laksh rubs Ragini's back while she was shivering .

After few minutes they hear a baby crying sound . Nurse comes out with a baby and passes it to Adrash : congrats Mr Maheshwari it's a boy

Ragini suddenly starts shouting making others scared and nurse takes her inside as now all three babies are gonna take birth together .

One more nurse comes from Swara's side and passes two babies : congrats Mr Maheshwari it's twins .

Sanskar gets teary eyes and holds both his babies : how is Swara ?

Nurse : she is fine but now she is unconscious

Sanskar sighs : nurse who is elder ?

Nurse : boy . They both have 5 minutes time gap .

Sanskar smiles while Sujata picks one child as Sanskar was having difficult time : finally I'm blessed of being grandmother

Amaya claps her hands happily : I got 2 brothers and 1 sisters

Laksh comes out of Ragini's ward while holding one more baby : 3 brothers and 1 sister Amaya

Amaya smiles brightly and goes near her papa and chachu who were now sitting together and admiring all 4 kids : aww all are so small ! So soft ! So pinkish

Annapurna smiles : because they are just born babies

Amaya Pouts : won't they play with me ?

Annapurna smiles : when they will be big like you na then they will play

Amaya : that means now I'm no more chotu bacha ?

Annapurna smiles : now your eldest sister of your 3 brothers and 1 sister

Amaya Pouts : then I need to share my chocolates and toys with them ?

Annapurna : yes because they are your siblings right

Amaya smiles : yes my siblings

All smile at her antics .


Sanskar enters Swara's room with babies while Swara was sitting on bed impatiently waiting for her world's to come to her . Swara Ragini and Parineeta were in same room with curtains around .

Swara picks babies from Sanskar's arms and kisses their forehead : Sanskar finally we are parents

Sanskar helps Swara to hold both kids : yes and now I need to handle 3 kids

Swara Pouts : I'm not a kid

Sanskar chuckles : I know that

Sharmistha being hesitant comes towards Swara's side : can we come ?

Swara looks at Sharmistha and nods her head

Sharmistha : can I meet my grandchildren ?

Swara nods her head while Sharmistha picks her grandchildren while Kavita too adores them . Sahil was holding his 2 year old daughter Sneha who was happily meeting her cousins .

Sahil and Kavita met after few months . Kavita wasn't ready to give chance to Sahil but Sahil made things possible and then Kavita accepted him as both were at fault in one or the other way . Then they adopted a child on their wedding anniversary as Kavita cannot be pregnant and if she becomes too it would be dangerous which Sahil dint wanted .

Swara : I cannot forget whatever had happened between us in past but I want my children to get all the love they deserve

Kavita smiles : they will get Swara and we aren't gonna make any partiality with our kids

Sharmistha smiles : and we promise you that Swara

Swara nods her head while Kavita and Sharmistha passes babies to her .

Sharmistha : now we will meet Ragini and Parineeta too

Swara nods her head and looks at her babies who are sleeping peacefully .

Sanskar side hugs Swara : so what names have you decided for them ?

Swara smiles : Sanidh Maheshwari and Sanidhi Maheshwari , isn't it beautiful ?

Sanskar smiles : yes it's beautiful so Sanidh Sanskar Maheshwari and Sanidhi Sanskar Maheshwari

Swara chuckles and keeps her head on Sanskar's shoulders : thank you for entering in my life

Sanskar holds his princess in one hand and side hugs Swara : I need to thank you as you entered in my life

Swara smiles : your love healed my sorrows

Sanskar : and you gave me a new life

" Ahem ahem can we enter ? " They hear a voice from door

Sanskar : none had stopped you Kavya

Kavya makes faces : atleast don't do this romance infront of a kid like me

Swara glares Kavya while Kavya chuckles and enters inside the room along with her parents .

Kavya picks one baby while Shanti picks another baby .

Dada goes near Swara : how are you beta ?

Swara smiles : I'm fine dada and after seeing my babies I'm super fine

Kaki : Swara both babies are so cute

Kavya : and I'm feeling like to kidnap them from you both

Dada hits Kavya slightly and looks at babies : both have gone on their parents

Kavya : isn't it ? Even u felt the same

Sujata along with Ramprasad enters inside the room : and that's a good sign

Kaki : yes I too agree

Ramprasad : I guess now we need to allow mother and babies to sleep

Sujata makes faces : always ordering at wrong times

Sanskar : I too agree with papa

Dada and kaki places babies on cradle which is near to bed

Dada : yeah it's not good for both mother and kids they need rest .

Sujata too nods her head while she wanted to spend some time with babies but being an understanding women she thinks to spend time later as now they aren't gonna go anywhere leaving her.


After 3 months

Panditji : now you father's name your babies

Adarsh smiles : Parth Adarsh Maheshwari

Sanskar : Sanidh Sanskar Maheshwari and Sanidhi Sanskar Maheshwari

Laksh : Rohit Laksh Maheshwari

All claps for them

Amaya : now it will be easy for me to play with my brother's

Durgaprasad picks Amaya in his arms : yes and you can play too

Amaya gets happy and claps her hand : we need to take a family pic dadu

Durgaprasad : yes come

All family members sit together and click pictures along with new born babies welcoming their new life ahead .


Finally done with epilogue and I guess it was upto the expectations .

Thank you for all for giving so much love towards my book . I never imagined to get so much lovely response .

To the ones who aren't aware I want to say I have started writing season 2 of love heals sorrows and it's a complete different concept from this season . Do give a try to it .

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