Chapter 1

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   Love hurts..indeed and erza scarlet had to learn that the harsh way..when she was only in middle school..she was known as the weak fragile girl but she felt safe and loved by her best friend..jellal Fernandez he made her feel happy and she hasn't been feeling happy lately due to her parent's divorce..her mom moved to magnolia it torn her..but jellal brought her back together..and he was her life..until he met meredy...and her gang crime Sorcière  .

BACK IN MIDDLE SCHOOL when they were 13


i see jellal and run up to him he smiles at me and pats my head i pout and weakly punch him he laughs and picks me up and throws me onto his shoulder easily i scream when he starts running everyone watches us in awe i see a spider and scream my lungs out..i'm so scared of those things "AHH JELLAL I'M GONNA DIE!" i say scared jellal stomps on the spider "SCREW YOU FOR MAKING MY SCARLET SCARED!" Jellal says angrily i blush and turn my head my scarlet..i shake the thoughts out of my head quickly and smile at jellal whilst grabbing him and trying to drag him but he too heavy but he ran along me anyways we get to class and see the teacher welcome us in we smile at the teacher and get to our seats.


"welcome back today we have new students!" the teacher says bored "welcome your selves!" he says quickly "i'm meredy and were the crime Sorcière  !" a pink haired curvy girl says as she points to a bunch of shady looking people jellal looks at her and blushes she looks at him and winks he looks at her in shock and looks down whilst blushing hard..erza sees this and her heart breaks "Yeah yeah sit somewhere!" the teacher says in a rush whilst slowly falling asleep meredy goes and sits on jellal's lap jellal's nose bleeds erza stares at her in shock and anger "uh" erza says confused "nah let me enjoy this " jellal says whilst smirking erza starts to tear up meredy sees this and smirks whilst winking at her erza clenches her tiny fists and looks down trying to ignore them the bell rings.

Erza runs to the canteen and looks beside her expecting to see jellal but instead she sees no one she looks down sadly ..she looks up to see jellal making out with meredy on the table filled with the new students..she looks down as her eyes water up and she runs to the roof and starts to cry ..she loves jellal..and she just realized that the harsh way..she runs up to the table "jellal may i speak to you?" erza says uncomfortably and sad "sure" jellal says as he gets up "don't be too long baby!" meredy says with a wink erza rolls her eyes they get to the roof "JELLAL WHY YOU KISSING THAT GIRL YOU JUST MET HER!" erza says confused and angry "I CAN IF I WANT TO YOUR NOT MY GIRLFRIEND STOP BEING JEALOUS!" jellal says booming erza cries "e-erza..i didn't-" she cuts him off as she runs off hurt and angry..every since that indicent erza never spoke to jellal again..and jellal joined meredy's gang crime sociere and became a 'bad boy' it hurt erza to see jellal like this..this wasn't the boy she fell in love with she runs to her dad "i want to live with mom" erza says coldly "honey-" she cuts him off "NO I WANT TO LIVE WITH MOM" erza says sternly her dad nods and sweatdrops.


"Hey mom" erza says happily as she hugs her mom irene runs to erza and hugs her tightly "I missed you mommy" erza says with tears of joy "you'll love it here" irene says with a softly "i hope so" erza mumbles as she unpacks her stuff and thinks of jellal she stares at the wall coldly..he done her so wrong..


"GRAY AND NATSU STOP FIGHTING YOU IDIOTS!" erza says as she slams their heads together "y-yes ma'am!" they say scared as they run off to their girlfriends juvia and Lucy they both sweat drop and hug their crying boy friends she adjusts her uniform and walks to her student's president office.

when erza moved into magnolia she evolved and changed into a very strong woman she learnt all kinds of karate and self defense and she never had to rely on anyone else...just like she did with jellal..she got over her fears and is completely immune to all the things that scared her she developed a curvy body like her mom and is developed woman but the only thing that gets her weak is jellal..she is known as Titania in her school and she's apart of a gang called fairytail.

erza walks into her loud classroom and everyone goes silently "Hmph!" erza says she sees natsu and Lucy making out "GET A ROOM!" she says disturbed everyone laughs they both pull away blushing hard erza sits in her seat.


ugh they just reminded me i'm lonely i say as i put my legs on the table "SOMEONE GET ME STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE ASAP!" i say craving the cake again..i have an obsession with strawberry cake ever since i've had it tasted it for the first time for my 14th birthday..and was i was obsessed with it someone got me straw berry cake and i inspect it and put my thumb up in approval "I'm not paying you" i say coldly as i eat my strawberry cake everyone sweat drops the teacher walks in with two new students "Welcome to hell.." mr gildarts says bored i don't pay attention as i eat my cake.."erza take your legs off the table!" gildarts says whilst glaring i get up with my katana in anger "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?" gildarts hides behind his desk whilst crying i put my katana back in its pocket "

Uh.. what about the new students" one person says .."ooo that boy is hot"one girl says "AND THE GIRLS TOO!" one boy says wait what i look up to see jellal and..his bitch meredy my eyes widen i drop my cake in shock "E-Erza??" jellal says confused but happy i run out of class whilst pushing meredy on the floor jellal grabs my wrists "GET OFF ME" i say pissed off as i kick his nuts..he falls on his knees "i deserved that.." he says in pain i go back to class and 'accidentally' step on meredy's legs "YOU BITCH!" meredy says i kick her face and she goes unconscious i sit back in my seat casually everyone stares at me in shock "AWESOME" natsu says whilst clapping "SIT BACK DOWN NATSU" lucy says angrily natsu quickly sits down "okay babe don't worry" natsu says whilst smirking i glare at both of them and whisper "get a ROOM!" i said as i slowly raised my voice.

Jellal walks back in and meredy gets up "YOU BITCH YOUR JUST JEALOUS CAUSE YOU WANTED JELLAL IN MIDDLE SCHOOL BUT I TOOK HIM!" "i liked it better when you were unconscious!" erza says calmly as she pulls out her katana "you want to say that again?" erza says pissed off meredy hides behind jellal and jellal "whoa whoa whoa there is no need for that erza!" jellal says calmly "NO NEED FOR WHAT JELLAL!" erza says as she slices someone's desk in half the whole class evacuates including mr gildarts "good luck!" gildarts screams to meredy and jellal..meredy cries and runs off with them erza pulls meredy back and knocks her out again jellal looks at her in awe "ahh way better " erza says as she walks off jellal grabs her and pins her to a wall "you've changed alot erza.." jellal says whilst looking at her curves "I hear that a lot" erza says as she yanks her hands away from him harshly

Jellal's pov

damn..erza has changed A LOT after she left..she took my heart with her..after she left i realized i had feelings for her..not meredy..meredy was just a bad influence and a dumb ass i can't stand her we were on and off for the last 3 years but recently she decided she wanted to move to magnolia so i came with her but i didn't expect to see erza..being all strong and developed as hell..she's not that scared girl i knew..but i can still see that in her a bit..i smirk at erza as she walks away from me "she'll be mine before she knows it.." i say determined to myself..

A/N I HOPE YA'LL LOVED MY JERZA STORY this is quite new since i only write nalu stories..but i lovee this idea i came up with..and i LOVEEE JERZA SOOOo i just had to make book about it.


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