chapter 3

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OMG!! Am I really awake? Or was that just a dream? I have got a job...wait...WHAT DID SHE SAY??? I GOT A JOB And that too in the city's best company. .. Thanku so much GOD!!! I really can't believe I really am not able to digest this news..!!! WOW...what a good start to this day...!!! Wait.... it's 7 October right... "7" my lucky number...!! WOW....!!!

Oops...!!! Its 8:10 and I got only 50 minutes to get ready and reach there... its 30 minute drive from my home..! So yeah.. I've to get ready fast, I don't want to lose this opportunity.


She rush to the bathroom and take a quick shower. She wears a decent dress... that is.. white knee length shirt with pajama.! With out having her breakfast, she runs down her apartment to book a cab.


Kashaf :
Oh God!! I've been waiting for 5 minutes and no sign of any cab today. Why is there no cab today??? This always happens, whenever I have to go somewhere for some important work or I'm in hurry I have to go by walk as I get no cab anywhere near me.

Rather than wasting her time waiting for the Cab, she starts walking towards the bus stop which is 10 minutes by walk distance and luckily she made it to bus stop on time as bus was about to leave. She sits in a bus and keeps reciting duas.

She finally reaches there. Its 5 to 9am and she's standing outside the building.

Wow ...what a huge building. I would love to work here.

Without wasting her time, she goes inside towards the receptionist to ask about the office.

"Can you please guide me to the boss's office" kashaf asked

" ma'am your name please?"

"Its kashaf. Kashaf Hayat Khan. Actually I'm new here and I'll be joining today"

"Ma'am Sir had to go as there was an emergency meeting. He told me to send you to Sir Umar's office, he will take your interview"

"Ok sure. Where is his office?"

"On 3rd floor" she replied

" ok thankyou"


Knock! Knock!

"Come in."

" Sir Kashaf ma'am is here." Secretary informed Umar

"Kashaf? Who?"

"Sir, the one you told me about in the morning. The new appointee"

"Oh yeah, call her in"

"Okay Sir"

"Ma'am you can go in, sir is waiting inside" she told kashaf

"Okay thank you"


Knock knock!

"Come in"

"Assalam o alaikum Sir...
Good morning" Kashaf greeted Umar in a polite manner

" walaikum asalam. Come are you doing."

"I am doing good sir. Thank you."

" So Miss Kashaf, tell me about your hobbies"

"Mmmm....I like watching movies, and my favourite hobby is reading, I read novels."


"And..... nothing I guess"

"Oh! I thought you would say 'I love to fight with people when I've nothing else to do' " he said sarcastically And made her more nervous
" never mind Kashaf,, you were a bit nervous so I thought why not I ..."

" No sir, its okay..I'm fine"

"So Miss Kashaf, you have to sign some papers. Its a 3 months contract and initially you'll be paid 30,000 per month and if you perform well, you will get a permanent job here and your salary will be increased too."

"Thank you Sir I'll try my best" with that she signed the papers without reading it out.

"Don't call me Sir... It feels like I'm an aged Man..Call me by my name, UMAR."

" okay Sir...oops sorry...Umar... nice to meet you"

"Don't worry we'll keep on meeting" umar said.
They both smiled at each other and she left his office.



The day is going quite well. Thursday my lucky day and 7 my lucky number. Wow!
I've finally got a job and the salary.. its too much for me. At least now I wouldn't have to worry about the promise I made to that jerk,,,Urghhhhh.... why the hell I think about him all the time? No! I won't ruin my day, I won't spoil my mood just because of him, those bad experiences with him. ThankGod at least I'm safe here.


Knock! Knock!

"Come in" kashaf allowed
"Umar?? You here? You don't need to knock the door, you are my boss" she told him

"Correction please. JUNIOR BOSS! Haha! I knock before entering anyone's office regardless of his/her position in the company. "

Kashaf thinking... "he's such a nice guy, how much he cares about everyone"

"Hey! Are you with me? What happened?? Where are you lost?" umar asked

"Nothing. Its just that its my first day today and I have to complete my task before boss I was thinking about that"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay then. Have a break. Come with me"

"Where?" Kashaf raised her eyebrow in confusion

"Let's have a coffee in nearby cafe" he replied

"Coffee??? NO"

"dont worry, boss is not coming today so you dont need to worry about the tasks. You can do it any time later"

"Okay you say" she agreed for the coffee

"Lets go then"

"After you BOSS"


"Okay kashaf. So Tell me something about yourself"

"Hmm........ there's nothing special you should know about me. I am like an open book." Kashaf said.

"Oh....." he was just about to say more but she cuts him off

"I dont know why I feel like I have seen you somewhere before"

"Haha! I know where! In the same cafe when you were shouting at my brother"

"BROTHER?? Was he your brother? ? Im so sorry "

"Yes. He's my brother and its okay! "

"You two are so opposite to each other. Totally different"

"Actually kashaf.... the boss I was telling you about. ..."

She cuts him off
"He's so bad. Sorry to say but he has no manners at all. He doesn't know how to talk to other people. "

"No no. He's not such. He has got a beautiful heart. He is not bad. He is just aggressive and he's like that since childhood "
" anyways kashaf... the boss I was telling you about is..."

She again interrupted without letting him complete his sentence "I didn't want to make you feel bad. Sorry but i spoke the truth"

"Its okay! Can I ask you something? It's a bit personal...but only if you allow...." he asked kashaf

"Coffee finished. Shall we go?" She reminded him that the coffee has finished and they have to get back to work.

"Yeah sure." Umar didn't want to go. He wanted to spend some time with her to know her more, but she being a psychologist, knows what game a person is about to play even before it starts! LOL!


As they both entered, they saw everyone standing, lowering their gaze. That was not normal for Kashaf so she asked Umar what happened to them.

Umar: "Oh shit! Boss has came!!!"

"WHHHAAAATTTTT????? OMG!! I'm gone. He's not gonna let me stay here anymore. Umar what have you done, you said he won't come today, and see he has came" kashaf said angrily..

she's angry at Umar and scared of what is going to happen with her when she'll face Boss!

"Don't worry. Let me handle. Dont panic. Just go to your office and starts finishing the task. I'll go and talk to Boss." Umar tried to calm her down.



"I took her to the nearby cafe for a coffee just to relax her. She's really hard working. Please don't do this. Don't say anything to her. Let her work for the company"

"NO WAY UMAR. I wont let her stay anymore in this company not even for a single second here!"

"Please don't do this."

"This is her first day here as well as last day!"

"For my sake please. You dont know her. You haven't met her. Once you meet her you'll know how effective she can be for this company"
"Please let her stay. I promise she'll complete her task within 2 hours"
Boss was silently listening to what umar was saying and after a long pause he said:

"Okay fine. But 2 hours mean 2 HOURS. Ask her to come to my office when the task is completed. I want to meet her. Let me see why you Mr. UMAR are so impressed. !!! "

" thanks alot bro.." umar said happily and gave him a hug but Boss looked at him angrily, with that umar stepped back and said
" sorry....thanks alot BOSS"
And they both smiled at each other.

Umar informs Kashaf that he has talked to Boss and she has to complete the task within 2 hours and then she has to go to his office along with the files. She thanks him for such kindness.
She thinks when there are bad people on this earth, there are good people too. I dont know Umar, I never knew him, but when he's around I feel comfortable, I feel like he'll fight with everyone for me, like he'll protect me the way he did today.
Thankyou so much GOD for giving me a friend like Umar.

*kashaf's office phone rings*

"hello ma'am... Boss is calling you to his office.. Please be there within 5 minutes"

With that she disconnects the call.

So guys! How was today's chapter? What do you think what's going to happen next? Will she be fired from the job?
How boss will treat her??
To know more... wait for the next chapter... I'll try to publish it within 2 days IN SHAA ALLAH

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