Chapter 6

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I don't know why I felt bad when I hurt kashaf. I don't know what  this feeling is...I just don't know what's WRONG with me!!! Yes I know I hurt her, I know I don't know how to love, I have locked my heart many years ago and I lost its key. I just DONT LOVE. I am born to hate but that doesn't mean I disrespect girls.
Yes, I don't want any girl near me, its true, but its also true that I never disrespect them or make them cry for no apparent reason... then why she??? Why couldn't I control myself from hurting her?? Why???? Why was I the reason for her tears???
...maybe it was because she was the first GIRL, or I can say first PERSON on this earth who dared talk to me like that, who shouted at me, who wasn't scared of me, who wasn't like others... she knows how to get her rights. She knows how to speak up for herself. She's different infact. And maybe that's the reason I couldn't bear her arguing with me all the time and I did the worst to her, I made her cry and am hell sure she would have cried alot in her office but who cares! Let her be in whatever state she is!
I warned her not to mess with me but she didn't bother to listen to me, so yeah, I wasn't at fault, so....No regrets!!
I knew she had cried. She was really upset about whatever happened between us but still I wanted to check on her as I haven't seen her since the fight we had last day. I haven't seen her today around so I wanted to check whether she's fine or not and for that I went to her office. ...and I couldn't bear what my eyes were witnessing!!!! Kashaf and Umar!!!
I saw them together,, they were so close to each other as if they just broke the hug when I entered. I just couldn't bear that I DONT KNOW WHY... maybe yes, it was because I couldn't see my brother falling for the wrong girl. Yeah maybe. And angrily I left ordering umar to come to my office immediately, but I don't know what would I say to Umar. I dont know why I called him here. What is this anger for??? I AM HELL CONFUSED!! I think it's  my brother, yes, it's Umar, for whom I'm worried nothing else...


" called me. All okay?" Umar came.

"Yeah come sit"

"What happened bro??? This sweat?? And your face???its so red?? All okay?? Please tell me"

"No no. Nothing.. you tell me, all ok with you? ARE YOU FINE?"

"yes bro, what would happen to me! Why are you asking me this?"

"Umar. What were you doing with that girl?"

" you are angry at me for that... sorry Bro it's really nothing like you are thinking. ..we are just friends. ."

Uzair cuts him off
" friends do not hug like this Umar. Tell me what is it"

" no bro.. its really nothing. Trust me. And we didn't hug, we were just standing close. Kashi was really worried and she cried alot, I was just consoling her."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah bro"

"Okay then...."

"Bro what were doing in her office by the way?"

" umar I think you have to go for meeting now right?"

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding,,, see you then, bye" umar said and is about to leave but stops in his path and turned towards uzair

"By the way bro, did you call me here for this?"

"Yeah"...."no,,,actually I had to talk but let it be, you go now. Dont be late."

"Okay. See you then."
With that umar left but still he was confused about Uzair's behaviour.



Bro made kashi cry a lot. .I just couldn't see her like this. I just wanted to help her but I know if I offered her financial help, she would have felt bad. And I never want to make her feel like that. The tears in her eyes were breaking my heart into millions of pieces. If it was someone else instead of my big brother, I would have beaten him to death for bringing tears in her eyes. But since it was my brother, I couldn't utter even a single word because he's not only my brother but my friend,my father,my teacher, my everything. He risked his own life for me. He sacrificed alot for me and for family and I can never say anything to him even if he wants me to die, I would die happily for him... though he is not my brother by birth, but if it was my own brother still he would not have done this much for me what Uzair bhai did. He gave me the love my parents couldn't give me. He still treats me like a baby, like a pampered kid.

I know my brother. I know him. What ever he did to kashi, there must be some reason behind but I just pray this time it's not his past that is making him do so. And I'll make him out of those darkest memories.

Bro asked me about what's going on between me and kashaf but I just couldn't tell him that I've started feeling for her because I knew he wouldn't have beared that, he hates love! And as usual, he would have said, all girls are same, there's nothing like love bla bla bla. But I'll tell him about her once he gets to know her more. Because if he spends some time with her he will know that she's not really like other girls, she's different and then he would accept her. So yeah....Umar ...have patience LOL!
Kashi....uhmmm.... I just hope you start feeling the same for me.

2 days later..

Kashaf while working in her office, gets a call.

"Ma'am Boss is calling you to his office right now."

"Okay I'm coming" with that kashaf disconnected the call.

I don't know what he's upto this time. He doesn't leave me in peace. He is such a monster. I just hope this time we don't end up fighting. I just hope this time he doesn't trouble me.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in"

"You called me......Uz....uhmm....M..."

"SIR!" uzair said in a harsh tone.

" called me ..."

"Yes! From now onwards you are my secretary. "

"Whattttt????? ME ? "

"no! ME! I guess it's only you and me here and I'm talking to yeah YOU! "


"No buts and no ifs! Just do as I say."
"MINA!!! Come inside right now" he called his secretary.

"Yes sir" mina came in.

"She's going to be my new secretary. Take her to her cabin and tell her everything about her job. Guide her. And yes, you will be having off for 3 months. So enjoy!" He told his secretary

"Thank you sir. Ma'am please come with me"

"Wait. You go I am coming." Kashaf said to Mina and mina left.

"What is this new drama SIR! I am helpless that doesn't mean you will do whatever you want to do. How can you make me your secretary when I'm not willing. In addition to that, I'm a psychologist, and I'm not suitable for this secretary job."

"Well Miss Kashaf. Just to remind you..that its my office and I'll do whatever I want to do."

"No! This is not fair. How selfish and cruel you are. I have never seen such a cruel person like you who takes advantage of someone's helplessness"

"Well... you haven't seen as you haven't met me before.... anyways, I take that as a compliment" he smirked.

" you bas....don't you have some manners?? How cheap you are! I think your parents didn't teach you manners..."
she shouted but she was about to say even more when he stood up from his chair in anger.

He starts taking his steps towards her and comes close to her. With his each step towards her, she steps back to maintain some distance. Her heart starts beating faster as she realises that her back has touched the wall and that she can not move as uzair is so close to her that she can feel his breath. Kashaf a bit shy and scared, lowered her gaze and tries to escape. She tries to move on either side of her but he place both his hands on her both sides and cage her making her more scared. And now she has no way to escape. She starts breathing heavily. For a minute they are in the same position, kashaf with her gaze lowered and uzair staring at her and now he is coming more close to her. Their heads almost touch and his lips moving towards hers but...all of a sudden his lips are moved towards her ear. Angrily but in low tone, he said "get out of here right now before I do something which you'll regret later."
She is left shocked by a sudden change of his behavior and runs out of his office with fast heartbeat and sweat.

Hmmm so, Secrets and all,yeah!
So guys, what do think what was Uzair's past that made him like this?
Why Uzair got angry when Kashaf mentioned about his parents?
To know more,,, read the next chapter. .I can't promise but it'll be out within 3 days IN SHAA ALLAH.
Keep supporting Guys.

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