Chapter XVIII

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Otho silently delivered her back to her room, with no further instruction as to what she should expect next or if she was even invited to dinner with Eros that night but she had her own agenda in the meantime.

She bathed and changed into a dress of cornflower blue, making sure she brushed every last piece of straw from her hair. She strapped on a pair of black boots knowing she was going to be doing quite a bit of walking and exploring to pass the time. No longer was she going to wait for an immortal to fetch her for whatever challenge or test they wanted to put her through. No longer was she just going to sit and be the center of some god's entertainment.

Once she was ready she opened the door to her room, half expecting either of the generals to be waiting for her. But no one was there, and there weren't any notes giving directions as to where she needed to be next. Which was fine with her— she could find plenty to do to spend her time.

And first that would involve finally exploring the palace.

Slowly she walked down different hallways and elaborate stairways made of marble, covered in plush carpets, and draped in silks that swayed on an unseen breeze. The temperature within and throughout was comfortable, regardless of where you were and what floor you were on, if you were near a window or deep within the palace. There were vases full of pink flowers and statues of maidens holding water jugs. Everything looks somewhat mortal but at the same time it was all too perfect to be anywhere close. None of the rooms were locked and Malisa was able to looking in each. All were decorated finely with a different palette in each and a complete suite of furniture to accommodate any guest at a moment's notice. And all were absolutely empty.

There were more than just bedrooms— she came across lounges and sitting rooms, small dining areas and a few doors that only led out to a balcony that looked out over the yard and onto the vineyards beyond.

There was no sign, however, of any sleeping quarters for Eros or his generals.

She did come across the dining room where she first sat with Eros, the table now bare of any food, the fireplaces cold. She didn't know when next she would have a meal there with him, again, but the thought of food had her stomach grumbling... when was the last time she ate? Breakfast the day before, before she went out with Otho.

Her meaningless wandering now had a purpose and she was hoping to find the kitchens which would hopefully provide her with some sort of sustenance for the moment.

She made her way down to what she recalled to be the main floor, where the large doors opened out into the atrium, and it slightly distracted her from her search for food to explore them a little closer.

It was warmer within the glass greenhouse, as tall and as wide as the manor itself. Within all types of trees, flowers, birds and flying insects called the arboretum home, making a cacophony of sounds and smells and colors around her. She knew she'd never be able to see all of it in one day, and found comfort in knowing it was here, that she'd have somewhere that truly felt safe and as close to the mortal realm that she'd be able to find, to come and have that time to herself, regardless of whatever Eros demanded of her next.

She was about to settle herself down on a marble bench situated between two cherry trees when the unexpected clashing of metal against metal caught her attention. She paused, listening, and when he figured she was not in immediate danger, followed the sound through the far end of the arboretum in search of its source.

Out in the yard, shadowed by the unnaturally natural daylight were two winged figures parrying and riposting against one another with their respective blades.

She kept out of sight in the archway of the arboretum as she watched Mero and Otho spar, the sounds of their voices just carrying on the wind over the sound of their swords clashing, and their tone had somewhat of a hostile tone with each lunge.

"... could have died, and you know it." Mero.

"I believe Lord Eros and the limitations he puts on such challenges. Who knows mortals better than he?" Otho responded.

"Sometimes I think he forgets their limitations. There would have been no way that task would have been completed without divine interventions—"

"Are you saying you were the one who assisted her?"

"I'm saying you and I both know she is being set up to fail."

"She is being set up to prove herself worthy of a god's favor. These are not supposed to be simple or easy. They are called challenges for a reason, and they will continue to do so regardless of her abilities to complete them."

"So you knew."

"I did what my lord asked of me. I do not ask questions."

"Perhaps it's a good time to start."

"Just as you began asking eighteen years ago?"

"That has nothing to do with this."

"If I recall correctly, that has everything to do with this. And if I also recall correctly you better prepare yourself to embrace whatever questions you want to ask."

Whatever Otho's words meant, it was enough for mero to lose his footing and Otho was able to knock him off balance enough to knock the longsword from his hand. The tip of the white general's rapier pointed at Mero's angled throat, the look on the dark general's face not of surprise, but of sheer, undiluted fury. Otho only gave him his usual casual smile as he moved the rapier down.

"Best get yourself ready for dinner."

Mero gave Otho one last glare before he smoothly picked up his sword and trudged back to the palace, through the arboretum. Malisa pressed herself against the nearby tree trunk, holding her breath and keeping her out of sight as Mero stormed back in.

Giving the yard one last glance, Otho was already on his way around the otherwise of the palace, entering through an unseen door out of sight, giving Malisa the chance to escape back into the palace and into her room without being seen.

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