Chapter Two

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Tears come from the heart and not from the brain

- Leonardo da Vinci


Annabeth exited the apartment building, walking alongside the shops and homes next to the water. The water was rough and something churned underneath its waves. She watched for a moment, admiring the way it moved, before turning and walking towards the market. 

Her curly hair was not down like the other girls she passed, instead, it was tied up with a ribbon to stop it from flying all over the place in the wind.  

She walked around, searching for food and supplies for the week. Soon, her basket was filled with items, though not fish. Never fish. 

Annabeth entered some shops, looking for clothing suitable for the upcoming winter. It got cold there, the skies always dark and the wind always harsh. The most important thing though is a new coat for when she is forced to walk home at night. Her uniform at the pub is not very warm, and her boss does not allow changing in the backroom for whatever reason he had. 

Once a coat was paid for and put in her basket with the rest of her items, she left the shop and walked around for a little bit, enjoying the sun on her face. She walked past a flower shop, noticing a large basket filled with dying cherry-red roses. Their beautiful petals wilting.


Percy snatched up a flower while they were passing a flower shop, hiding it behind his back. He slowed Annabeth down, slightly tugging at her arm. She turned to him, eyebrows raised. 

He gave her a crooked grin, holding out a red rose. She shook her head, attempting to stop the smile from forming. It didn't work. His grin got wider at her reaction but diminished when he saw that she was putting it in her basket. His face could be compared to a child who said they couldn't have a treat. His mouth forming an 'O.'

"What are you doing?!" He asked, his hands flying around. Annabeth raised an eyebrow at him,

"Putting it in my basket.." The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, confused. 

Percy rolled his eyes teasingly, before taking it out and holding it between his teeth. He gestured for her to turn her back to him. He then busied himself with putting her hair up into a nice bun, using a white ribbon that he had in his pocket, finishing it off with the rose.

"Ta-da!" He cried, gesturing to her hair. Annabeth fiddled with her hair a little bit, making sure it's secure, before shrugging.

"It's okay." Percy stepped back, putting his hand to his chest.

"You wound me, madam!" He yelled, fake crying. She laughed, careful not to throw her head back as not to ruin the bun.

"It's wonderful, thank you." She grabbed his face and brought it down to hers, even though it was only an inch, and kissed him lightly on the lips, "Let's get going." Percy nodded, a little dazed. Annabeth tugged his hand, making him follow her.


Annabeth played with her bun, making sure it doesn't fall. There is nothing worse than curly hair on a windy day. She sat near the pier, watching the sea. A ship was docked at the harbor and she could see men carry shipments onto the docks. A tiny piece of her heart jumped with hope. But she dismissed it. She simply sat and watched the glory of the sea.

It was not long until the sun began to set and she had to leave. Annabeth stood up, dusted off her pants, and turned away from the pier. She took a long way home, watching the lights in homes go out, as families went to bed. The road was silent, her only creating a tiny noise with each step against the cobblestone. 

Annabeth stopped for a moment and looked up to the stars. The Huntress appeared, her favorite. She smiled at the stars. Thinking of all the silly stories that were made up for it. Though the moon was rising and she had to return home.

She began to walk again, past all the shops and homes but one. She stopped right in front of it. With a glance, one could tell everything there was very expensive. Nothing Annabeth could ever afford. 

Though one thing caught her attention. It was a locket, laying on a pillow of velvet. Her hand moved to her own locket. Hers was an owl. The one in the window was a heart. Though they are both attached to a twisted silver chain. She opened up her locket to reveal what was inside. A piece of coral with the side inscribed,

Percy Jackson


"I want to give you something." Annabeth looked up from her book, sipping at her lemon tea. Percy was sitting across from her. However, he was fiddling with something and looked very anxious. Annabeth instantly got concerned.

"Sure, what is it?" She closed her book completely and set down her tea, going over to Percy and sitting next to him. Percy's knee was bouncing and his eyes were filled with something she couldn't read. Percy didn't say anything, instead, he opened his palm. There laid a silver owl attached to a twisted silver chain. It was beautiful. Annabeth took it in her hands. Eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I love it." Her voice was quiet. The anxiety that was evident in Percy's expression melted away. It melted into something hopeful, and Annabeth would do just about anything to keep it there.

"Really?" His voice was small. Annabeth nodded and held it up,

"Can you help me put it on?" He nodded, eyes sparkling. She turned her back to him, moving her hair out of the way. He carefully put the twisted silver chain around her neck. She held the owl between two fingers, admiring it. When Percy finished, she turned around and kissed him on the cheek, pulling back with shining eyes. Percy grinned at her before melting back down into his usual self. Annabeth went up to get her book and tea before returning and curling up into the nook of his arm. They spent the rest of the night like that.


Annabeth closed the locket, wiping away forming tears. She hasn't cried since he left, almost three months ago, and she wasn't going to start now. Annabeth shoved the locket down her tunic, not able to look at it, and began her walk home. It seemed quieter than before she stopped, the stars not as friendly. The street seemed to be closing in on her. She began to run, flashing back to her nights with Percy. That only motivated to get home quicker, not wanting to be out in the open where so many memories clung. Her basket hit her leg with every stride, but she didn't care. Every little place had a memory clinging to it. 

The nook between two little stores, when Annabeth broke a drunk man's nose for trying to feel her up and Percy helped her hide from the man's friends.

The cafe with little tables outside, Percy took her there before work. Winking at her and saying how she better not find a better sailor.

The docks, where she first saw his blue-sailed ship. Percy unloading in his sailor's uniform.

Even the pub, where he met her. He was kind and sweet, not drinking anything. He only came there because he was hungry. He was ordered the weirdest combination. A flatbread with tomato sauce and cheese baked. The cook, Frank,  looked at her strangely but made it. Percy waited for her shift to end so he could talk to her. 

Annabeth finally made it to her apartment, tossing down her basket filled with olives, lemons and such. But not fish. Never fish.


Percy gave an extravagant gasp, seeing her unloading fish onto her counter. It was a large tuna, big enough for two. She looked at him, confused.

"What's wrong?" Percy's eyes bounced from Annabeth to the fish, and back again.

"Fish? You got fish?" Her eyebrows furrowed, not seeing the problem.

"You're a sailor, I thought you loved fish." He sighed, exasperated.

"I do love fish. I love them so much I don't eat them!" He said, before making puppy-dog eyes at her.

"Please don't eat the little fish." He pleaded. Annabeth sighed.

"But I already bought it." Percy fished out some coins and threw them on the table, before grabbing the fish and throwing it out the window. A large 'splat' could be heard. Annabeth rolled her eyes but pocketed the money and started making dinner.

"Fine. I'll never eat fish." Percy smiled at her and pulled her towards him.

"Thank you.." He mumbled into her hair. Annabeth smiled against his chest.


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