Part 5 : Take me now

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Darling and Sweety take the lift to their floor. There is no one in the lift except them. They stand opposite each other maintaining a distance but never taking their eyes off the other. The doors open. S grasps D's hand and literally drags him.

D: Sweetu, your room is there....

S: Sshh...Just come with me.

She stops infront of his room and picks the key from his pocket scanning it on the sensor. Door opens and she walks in with him tagging behind her. S pulls him to her, takes his hands and clasps it around her waist. She loops her hands around his neck and kisses all over his face and neck. Now it is D's turn to get shocked.

D: What are you doing Sweety?

She cups his face in her palms and looks at him in the eye.

S: I am sorry da I made you wait for so long. I can understand what you are going through. There is no iv or press meet, no one to disturb us, it's only you and me. Take me now.

She hugs him and he pulls off from her.

D: Stop it Sweetu!

She looks at him in question.

D: I am already guilty for behaving with you that way earlier Sweetu, don't hurt me further pls.

S: Why are you guilty ? You didn't do anything wrong da. You came to me with so much love but I shunned you calling you a pervert it is my fault. I shouldn't have reacted so harshly.

D: No ma,I am at fault. We have come here for promotions that should have been my focus instead in a moment of weakness I...chi.. my act disgusts me. You spoke sense but I turned a deaf ear and then is when you had to tell me off. If only I moved away the first time you resisted you wouldn't have said that. I provoked you.

S: Leave that aside. I can't see my pappu upset. I want you to be happy.

She slides her hand into his shirt touching his bare chest but he flinches.

D: Happy ?? We give a toy to a crying child to make him happy what you are doing now is the same becoming a lifeless toy to make me happy. I don't want that kind of happiness. My bangaram is not a toy. She is a human with emotions !

S: No, it is fine with me.

D: Didn't you tell Raj that you were tired ?

S: Hu...huh... I just told that simply so that I don't have to follow them.

He hugs her in a tight embrace and she rests her head on his chest.

D: I have known you for years bangaram. I know when you say stuff and when you really mean it. We've been going through back-to-back promotions, travelling from one place to another, iv's, press meets, audio are knackered ! It didn't occur to me until I saw your eyes drooping during the briefing. Inspite all this you were trying to look your best but look at me how selfish I was ! I didn't stop to think about my bangaram.It was all about I, me, myself but you are exhausted and still came here because you couldn't see me disappointed. I am not even worthy to be a human if I proceed.

S: Oh pabsu, pls don't say such things da.

He lets her off and takes her hands to his chest. Looking into her eyes,

D: You can be my wife but that does not give me rights to claim you against your will. That is not your Pabsu. Bangaram, I am sorry for misbehaving with you. I want you but only when you are ready. I promise I will not force you ever again.

Sweety's lips curve into a small smile of relief. Holding on to her hand he takes her to his bed and pulling the quilt over her tucks her in. Caressing her head,

D: You need rest. Sleep now.

As he's about to leave her side, she grabs his hand.

S: You also sleep beside me.

D: You need this space bangaram. I'll be there beside you for the rest of your life.

He kisses her forehead and goes to lay down on the couch.

S looks at him in admiration. He never fails to admit his mistake and apologize when he is in the wrong another trait which drew her to him. She falls asleep.

After a much needed nap, S gets up. She sees her husband in a deep slumber on the couch posing like Amarendra on the branch in kanna nidurinchara song and couldn't help but chuckle at the cute sight. She takes her quilt, covers him carefully and kisses his forehead.

After a while, D wakes up to see S missing. Knowing she would have left to get dressed he decides to get ready. He looks around for his black shirt but can't find it.

D: Oh dear ! Where is that shirt ??? Sweetu wanted me to wear it for the event and it is not to be seen !! I don't have a spare either what do I do ???

He laments. He goes to take his phone when he sees a note beneath it,

"Dear Bava,

Your black shirt ironed and folded is kept on the dressing table.

Bangaram :)"

He smiles.

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