All the Emotions

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Hayley's POV

I feel so alone, deserted. Yesterday and most of today so far everyone has been too busy to notice me. I try and talk and no one listens, there is always something else going on that is supposedly more important. Even Brooke, my favorite one here is hanging out with Paige and not me now. Annie is busy with Hayden too. I really miss my big sister hanging out with me. The others are all doing their own thing together. I feel like I could disappear and no one would notice me. Annie always gets all the attention because she is the oldest. Right now, we are at the pool and we are live on Everyone keeps asking if Hannie is real but we just laugh and not tell anyone anything about it. Annie looks annoyed, because she has to play it cool for the media. However, a couple of times, Hayden and Annie have snuck away to talk without the camera in their faces or accidentally picking up some conversation.

"Annie can I talk to you?" I call out to her. She turns around. I am surprised she even noticed me.

"Yeah, what's up?" She asks. I begin to swim to the edge of the pool.

"Not here." I tell her, climbing out of the pool and going over to the edge of the pool area. Annie follows behind me.

"What's wrong Hay?" She asks me, clearly wanting to be back in the action of the livestream.

"Ever since we joined the Rock your Hair team, I feel like I am left out and don't belong here." I say, upset and about to cry, but I don't.

"Oh my gosh Hayley! Why haven't you told me this yet?" She exclaims, forgetting about the livestream.

"I thought you would be mad because I thought I seemed selfish." I say, actually crying this time. Annie pulls me over and hugs me tightly. Best sister ever. I should have expected her to understand.

"Come on, let's go back now." She says, taking my hand and we walk back to the pool.

Hayden's POV

For some reason, it feels like Annie is purposely trying to avoid me. I haven't done anything wrong and the cameras are all off so she usually talks to me then. Instead, as I look over, she is playing water polo with Hayley. Ever since we got into the pool she has been playing with Hayley and not talking to me. Why is she ignoring me?

We all get out of the pool and begin walking back to the hotel rooms. Annie and Hayley are together up ahead. They are laughing and having so much fun. I have to admit, I kind of feel jealous of Hayley getting to spend so much time with Annie like that.

"Let's see who can do the slowest cartwheel!" Annie yells across to Hayley. They both cartwheel, but Annie purposely fails to let Hayley win. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, Annie is a beautiful and kind human being, but I just feel like she wants to shut me out. I run ahead and do my goofiest cartwheel possible. Annie laughs for a second and then turns to Hayley who was talking to her.

"Annie can we talk please?" I ask her, wanting to tell her how I feel.

"Hayden, now isn't the best time, I am talking with Hayley." She says, turning back and listening to Hayley, who seemed to be telling something funny, because Annie laughs.

"That's exactly why I want to talk to you. You have ignored me mostly all day!" I say starting to become annoyed, and it must've shown, because Annie turns around and walks over to me.

"Fine. Come on, I don't want to talk in front of everyone." She says, somewhat annoyed too. We take off the long way back to the hotel rooms. As we walk, I begin to speak.

"The thing is, I feel like you are purposely trying to shut me out because you were with Hayley all day and you left me, even when the cameras were off." I spill, walking up the steps.

"I'm not!" She snaps.

"Annie, I love you and I don't want to fight with you right now." I say, trying to calm the situation.

"Hayley actually told me this morning that she was feeling left out and I felt bad for her so I was having a Hayley day." She told me

"I know, I saw her take you away to talk during the livestream." I say calmly. She still looked mad.

"Then you would understand." She says plainly.

"No not really, you could play with Hayley any day but it's not like you could hang out with someone who lives on the other side of the country could you?" I say, annoyed. At this, Annie looks really upset, like the is something else she hasn't told me that makes this fight more upsetting than it should be.

"Well, I wouldn't really want to hang out with you with how rude you are being. There is more to why I was playing with only Hayley today, but I promised Mommy not to tell anyone until tomorrow. She says, almost crying. "I want to tell you, but maybe you deserve it for how selfish you are."

"If I was rude, then why would you date me?" I ask, knowing this is going to get her to soften and say that I was never rude and everything should be fine. I hope.

"Well, you never used to be... wait. Yeah why am I dating you? Bye Hayden." She says, turning on her heel and bolting to her hotel room. That's not what I thought would happen...

A/N: Well there was some drama for you. Comment down below what you think will happen next? I am actually really surprised how much the final copies have changes from the drafts so far! As a bonus, the next chapter will be a compared excerpt from one of the previous chapters. Love you all, and remember to celebrate life!


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