Annie Control Your Boy

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Rush's POV

This trip has ended really well. Mom, Dad, Brooke and I are on the plane back to LA. We decided to take a late-night flight so that we could be home in the morning instead of the night. I am really glad Hayden and I sorted everything out. I couldn't lose him. Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye to Hawaii, and hello new opportunities (and perhaps girls).

Hayden's POV

We are currently live on Dylan's Annie is a bit mad that she couldn't hang out with me properly tonight, but she will get over it. I am sure there will be plenty of time after the live. So Hayley and Brec have just done their handshake, and Annie and I are going to show ours now. We do it, with the arms that have the hair-ties on them, and then Brec says,

"Oh, it's because of the wristbands!" But cuts herself short when she realizes that she juts said that on live. Annie and I go red, and bury our heads. Dylan tries to make it better.

"Wait, oh I get it now, you both have fore-arms!" Great job Dylan. Whatever, now everyone will just have some clues to Hannie. We just muck around for a while, until we end the live. That's when we all start play-fighting. Suddenly Jimmy walks in, and we hardly notice him there anyway over the noise.

"So, I get back to the hotel and this is what I am greeted with." He says, vlogging us fighting. I run over and attack Hunter.

"Annie control your boyf..." He begins, but cutting short, noticing Jimmy there. Oh no. I look over at Annie and she is giggling. I wait for Jimmy to put the camera away before I go attack her. I tickle her, as I know her weak spot now. This is a great way to finish our Hawaii trip. I say Hawaii trip as a name, because I know that the will be other trips in our so called 'folder' of trips. As I walk back to my own room, I think about all the fun things that have happened.

Annie's POV

I wake up to everyone else packing last minute things. I make out the door to Hayden's room in front of me, and I see that it is empty, with no one inside. Hayden has left. I slowly wake up until I find a note on my bed.

'Hey Annie. You were asleep so I couldn't say bye. I will miss you these next three days. Love you. Hayden'

I almost cry but not quite. There will be time for that on the plane. I need to text him.

Annie: Hey. I got your note. Love you two, miss you. I know you are on a plane so text me when you get back to LA.

I then turn off my phone and slip it into my carry on back pack. Well, this concludes Hawaii, and many more memories to come!

A/N: Sike!!!! I forgot I wrote this chapter. Well, this is finally the end of the book... Word is trying to tell me that putting 'really' before a word like 'really well' is grammatically incorrect and it should just be 'well'. Whatever. Stay tuned for 'The Girl Called Annie' coming out soon! Love you!


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