Friendships can be Broken

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Brooke begins to tell me Rush's crush. I am so excited! I can't wait to set them up! I bet it's Katie. I have noticed him talking to her a lot lately.

"His crush is you. He likes you Annie. A lot." She finally says.

"WHAT!" I scream. Brooke puts a finger to her lips. "Really?" I ask, softening my voice.

"Yeah. He has been asking Katie about you as well but she refuses to spill any details." Brooke explains. I can't believe that.

"Ugh. No." I say. "I have Hayden and that's all I want right now."

"Okay then. We better catch up to the others." Brooke says. We break into a run, laughing as we reach the others.

Hayden's POV

We all sit down to grab a bite to eat before we head for the pool. Annie is all ready, and is sitting down looking at something on her phone. She looks kind of sad. She is probably letting the hate run all over her. I can see it in her worried eyes. I come over and sit next to her. She is watching #Hannie edits. Not what I expected at all. Wait. Then why is she sad? Is she wanting to break up with me but watching how cute we are and getting second thoughts? I hope if she is wanting to do that then these would impact her decision. As I am thinking, she opens the comment section of one of the edits, and begins to type.

This edit is so cute! You guys are great at this! Love you all!

Immediately after, the comments are all full of tags to Annie that mainly go like this...

Wait does this mean Hannie is real? Omg! @/annieleblanc

Annie types a response quickly.

I know all of you guys want to know if Hannie is real, and it is! I love Hayden as a brother, friend and anything in between! The thing is, it is just between us what we decide to do, date or be great friends, but I love that you care about us! #Hanniewhynot

Aww that's so cute. For a minute, I thought she was going to announce that Hannie was real but thankfully she didn't. Annie is still watching edits.

"These clips are so old." I say, making Annie jump. She mustn't have known I was sitting there. "We should give them something new soon." I continue. Annie sighs.

"Yeah I guess we should." She says half-heartedly. There is something up. She doesn't seem overly excited about making new moments for edits. I should talk to her right?

"What's up Annie? You seem down." I ask her. Annie sighs again and looks away towards the others until she eventually speaks.

"Oh. It's nothing. Well, yeah, something is up, but it's really hard to explain, and you probably wouldn't understand." She says. She is somewhat right. I find it hard to understand things but I am going to try.

"I will try my best to understand." I say, hoping I sound convincing enough. Annie laughs, but then suddenly falls silent. That's not like her. When she laughs, she will go on for a while and its is absolutely adorable.

"It's fine. Forget it." Annie says sharply. I am not going to keep trying. I don't want a fight like last time she couldn't tell me something. I am just going to go with it, because I have learnt from last time, I will find out in the end.

"Okay then?" I question her, pulling her in for a hug. We stay there for a while, my arms wrapped around her, until everyone else is ready. If she didn't like me, she would have pulled apart earlier, not stayed for this long. We finally break apart and follow everyone else down to the pool.

Rush's POV

I really like Annie, and I want her to be mine so badly. I just need to get rid of her and Hayden's bond. I have one idea, and I am sure that it will work perfectly, it's just a matter of time. I am going to tell Annie that Hayden likes Kenzie and is going to ask her out. The she will break up with him, and she will be mine, as I will comfort her and then ask her out! One problem. How and when will I do this?

I finally decide that I will talk to Annie at dinner tonight, so that she will talk to Hayden tonight. That means by morning, she will be single. This is going to be great. The thing is, Hayden is one of my best friends, and doing this will run the risk of losing that friendship.

A/N: So does this cure the cliffhanger? I love this book so much, but there is a surprise coming for you. What happens to Hayden and Rush's friendship? I personally hope they work it out, but possibly a need for some drama :P Well, thanks to me, there is drama in the next chapter. This chapter is dedicated to my great friend KAYLA, who begged me to update all day today. Love you girl. Love you all, bye!


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