Chapter 1

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It's the things that you least expect that hit you the hardest.


Y/n pov:-

Here I was, sitting in the living room of my apartment completing my assignments which are due tomorrow at 11 am and it's already 4 am.

I have no idea how I'm going to finish this by 11 o'clock. These teachers enjoy torturing us, and who the heck assigns us 100 pages to type? My guess is that it does. I'm still on page 77, and I have 23 pages to type. #sadlife.

This is what I get for putting things off till the last minute, but who can blame me? My ass is a master at being late. Every time I try to avoid deferring tasks, I find myself in a similar situation to the one I'm in right now. What is it about this that appeals to me? I don't know, it just does

"Ah!! Whatever, I'm great and stunning the way I am. Y/n, you're a queen bitch!" I say to myself before continuing my work again.

I shudder hearing my phone go off when I was wallowing in my sorrow and work.

"Who the hell is calling me so late, especially when I'm fucking busy with these stupid assignments? It's 3:30 in the morning for god's sake!"

I just ignored the phone and went back to work, but it rang again after a minute.

"Ugh!! There isn't any stinking peace in this world for me." I sluggishly pick up the phone without checking the caller ID.


"Yeah, hello to you to bitch. Anyways I've something really important thing to tell you." Oh, it's Myra, the witch who also happens to be my bestie, whom I regrettably adore.

"What is so important thing that you couldn't wait for few more hours? Do you even know what time is it here?" I sneer at her.

"Oh come on it's not like you were sleeping, I know you must be finishing that long ass assignment of yours which you delayed till due date which is, right?"

I can imagine her rolling her eyes at me but who cares.

"Whatever, just tell me what is it already. I'm busy, you witch."

"Yah, tsk, forget it, so I was saying that..."

"That...?" I pry

"I'm getting married!!"




"WHAT THE FUCK?? Who, when, why and why the hell I'm just being told this about, huh? You never even gave me any idea about this last night when we face timed?" I yell

"Chill chubby, I just forgot about it 'cause you were busy ranting about how much of an asshole your teacher is."

"Whatever, by the way, who's the scapegoat?" I say trying to stifle a laugh thinking about my soon brother in law.

"Haw you meanie ass, he's hella lucky to have me you know. I'll send u his picture, his name is... Nihal" She says it in such a small tone. I can already imagine her getting all red.

"Ooooo Nihal, I see." I tease her.

"Btw you need to be here by next week, I've already booked a flight ticket for you and the driver will be sent to airport that day so don't need to get the cab and yeah you'll stay at my house. Your parents are gonna come and stay here by tomorrow as well. So that shouldn't be a problem I guess." She informs.

"Oh okay, sounds cool" I nod not realizing that she can't see me.

"Go do your work now, I've to go now, bye, love you bitch!!" she hangs up

Wtf!! Ugh, I forgot about the assignment. And it's almost 5 am.

Sheesh I'm gonna die today.

Taehyung's Pov:-

I was in the middle of a meeting with a very important client. If I get this deal anyhow, my company would definitely be able to expand it's branches in western countries as well.

"The presentation was excellent; I like your ideas and the potential returns from this investment. Mr. Kim, I'd like to invest in your company." He says extending his hand for a handshake.

"You won't be disappointed Mr. Choi." I say proudly shaking his hand.

With that we sign the contract paper and they take their leave from the conference room, leaving me and Jimin alone in the room. Jimin is my PA as well as my best friend more like the only friend.

"Congrats man, we did it. This calls for a celebration" Jimin says as he nudges my shoulder with his.

"Yeah, we shou- " I get cut off when my phone ring went off. I pick up the phone from the table to see my mom's name.

"What is it mom??" I ask as I answer the call.

"That is no way to talk to your mom, mister."

"Yeah yeah, sorry mom" I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, I wanted to say that, we have to go to India for my friend's daughter's wedding. And yeah Mrs. Ahuja invited us all, which includes you too young man, so no excuses will be acknowledged."

My mom informs making me sigh.

"Can I at least take Jimin to go with me?" Jimin raises his brow at the mention of his name.

"Yeah, sure, that would be fine I guess. Mrs. Ahuja knows Jimin well already so yeah, sure. By the way, we'll leave in about a week and your dad has already checked up with our private jet so we just need to fly over and we'd be staying at Mrs. Ahuja's house. Make sure to let Jimin knowing about it all. I'll go now your dad is calling me. Take care Tae, love you my baby and tell Jimin that I love him too." And she hangs up.

I tell Jimin about the entire trip and wedding thingy and as expected, he was hella excited for this trip. He was always fascinated with travelling.

"It's gonna be so fun, who knows, we might find some girls there." He chirps and winks at me. I just shake my head at his tactics.

Fun huh??

We'll see about that.


Finally, the first chapter is out!!

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