Ch. 13 - "Jailhouse Rock"

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Hayden swiped the sweat trickling down her forehead with a shirt she found under the bed. She had cleaned the entire bedroom, and in only four hours, deemed it a miraculous victory. Of course most of the stuff shoved in the back of the closet in boxes. Nothing in her had the energy to throw anything into the trash or donation bins. She believed her safest bet was storing it all until she had the energy to give it the look over it deserved.

On the plus side she had found the sheets. Six sets of heart shaped sheets in a variety of patterns and colors. She cursed herself for getting the bed ready, she wasn't about to just jump into the sac with Warren no matter how hot he was, and yet she changed the sheets and hummed as she did it pretending it was just to have a safe place to sleep.

When Elvis' hips on the clock showed seven she showered and found her way downstairs. Mike stood at the desk, his smile brightening up the room and his deep voice vibrating an echo of genuine joy through the halls. She approached casually, plastering on a smile and handing Mike a cookie. She may not be a crime expert, but she knew guys were sweeter when bribed.

He immediately went to grab the cookie and paused as if frozen with his hand still in midair. "What do you have up your sleeve today Ms. Hayden?" His hand lingered for just a moment longer before he snatched up the cookie and sniffed it.

"What? Why would you say that Mike. I'm
Personally making sure you have enough energy to keep that laugh going. It's like music through the hallways."

Mike's eyes immediately went to full squint making Hayden feel a pang of guilt. She wished she could just deliver the cookie and move on happy to spread some joy and prove to Mike that she was just an all around nice person. But she needed that file, and Mike would benefit too, if the resort was sold he wouldn't have a job. She rationalized it over and over under the scrutinizing glaze until finally just spitting it out in one long sentence."

"Someone's trying to sell the resort. I think it's Mason and I need to get into his top desk drawer and get a folder of things he was trying to rush me into signing and have Warren look at them. I'm sorry, I'll bring you cookies at other times too."

Mike slammed his fist against the desk and Hayden jumped backward. Her eyes glued to the throbbing vein running up his muscular neck. It was the first time she realized why Mike was perfect for night time desk duty. Overactive drinkers, brawls, whatever came Mike was capable. On the other hand, he was angry and she had caused it, she stayed there and waited for it to come to a boil.

"That son of a bitch. I knew he was a weasel. He's been nice to me for a month. Spring in his step, happy 'good nights'.  He's been counting his days. I'll rip his head off."  Mike finished his rant and took of down the hall. He grabbed the handle and jerked the door upwards while giving it a full body shoulder check and popped it open.

Her five foot five frame stood frozen in the hallway, her eyes wild and her mouth open letting Mike do his thing. When he ripped the middle drawer off the desk without flinching she entered the office. Mike handed her the red folder and gave her an enthusiastic bear hug.

Hayden sighed in relief that he realized she was on the good guys side. She didn't want to push the issue, but when Mike started to leave the room she cleared her throat causing him to freeze in the hallway.

"Umm, no biggie. But we kind of left some incriminating damage here. I was sort of thinking we break in, have Warren check the papers and sneak everything back."

Mike laughed and turned around giving her a pat on the head like she was a toddler who just earned a star. "You own the building Hayden. And the office. You are technically allowed in any crevice you see fit for any reason. But for you, I'll have it put back to normal in a few hours."

A smile lit her face as she realized he was right. Why was she sneaking around. Well, because she hated confrontation but that came with the job. She felt like she just earned that gold star. She was the boss dammit and it was time she acted like one. She hugged the folder and practically skipped to the elevator.

On her way up she texted Warren. 'Anytime. Got the papers and no longer buried under my own boxes. Thanks.'

She hummed in the elevator until she realized it was Elvis' 'Jailhouse Rock'. Which immediately put her back into defense mode. Honesty had worked well with Mike, but Warren was a lawyer he wouldn't be on board with breaking in an office with someone else's name no matter who owned it.

Hayden sifted through the folder casually. It all looked boring to her. Invoices, requisitions, and an employee benefit sign on. The middle of the pile was full s document full of legaleaze and it was seven pages long. She put it to the side hoping it looked like she had at least read it.

When the knock at the door came, all her fears of ending up in jail and looking guilty went out the window. Her heart hammered in her chest and her eyes wandered to the heart shaped bed. She pinched her cheeks extra hard to add color and forget the bed and opened the door.

"Hey Hayden. I got your text, obviously. So, you have some papers for me to look over?"

She stared at his chest, trying to maintain her composure and professional dignity. He smelled like the beach, sand snd coconut. She followed him to the table and pointed to the folder unsure if she could trust her voice to not give away her butterfly filled stomach.

Warren put on glasses and intently studied the folder and all its contents. Hayden hated to admit it, but his studious look and intense scowl was even more alluring than his beach look. She sat next to him and found herself staring at his profile.

As he turned to speak to her about the papers he hadn't realized how close she had come and his lips brushed hers, Hayden's instinct took over and instead of pulling back she leaned in closer.

When Warren leaned in as well, all thoughts went out the window and her insides turned from giddiness to a tidal wave of burning need. The folder fell haphazardly on the floor as Hayden melted beneath Warren's warm touch. His hand grabbed her lower back and a moan escaped her lips.

Warren grabbed her chair leaning her back and kissed down her throat. She felt a sizzle down her torso until somewhere from somewhere way off in the distance she heard a knocking on the door.

So I'm still wondering about the folder and the resort. Hopefully Hayden can get her mind off Warren's profile and back on the pressing issue. Which currently seems to be her...ummm hunger. Lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. ❤️❤️

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