Ch. 22- "No More!"

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Spending the day with Angie made Hayden feel like she was in the spin cycle of a washing machine. They traveled from one part of the resort to anther and when they did manage to spend time in her office,  people came in and out of her door like it was the path to the only bathroom. They were probably led there by the huge bowl of candy she kept on top of the file cabinet but they all stopped to make small talk.

The thing Hayden noticed most was that none of them came in with a complaint. They all seemed genuinely happy to see her and wanted to share a bit of what their day was like or a story from home. Despite the constant wave of people Angie got work done.

Payroll was finished and checks delivered or mailed within two hours. Next month's schedule was finished distributed and posted in the break room by lunch.  Hayden rubbed her temple willing the piercing stab pulsating inside it to cease and desist. While Angie studied her and locked up the master books.

"Ok Hayden. I'd say spill it, but it won't be five minutes until someone's barging in for convo and candy. Let's go eat lunch at the pier."

Hayden's face brightened and a smile curved her lips. Finally a chance to breathe!  She wasn't sure how many of the thousand things going crazy in her life she wanted to tell Angie, but she was more than happy to get away for a while.

Angie drove like a madwoman on a mission to save a cat on a cliff from jumping and by the time they parked ten minutes later Hayden had said six Hail Mary's and had a sore right hand from holding on so tightly to the door handle.

They sat outside at a table tucked away from the breeze and sun but still able to see the ocean. Hayden took a pic and and sent it to Warren with the words "it's only half as nice without you."

After they ordered a portabella burger with pesto sauce on a pretzel roll Angie placed her hands on the table and arched her brow waiting for Hayden to speak.

"Spill it" she said as she leaned foreword to sip her pineapple juice.

"I'm not sure what to say here Angie. I mean, I shouldn't have any complaints at all. I'm healthy, and have money, and I've met a great guy. What could be wrong right?"

Angie laughed and it's sound traveled across Hayden's ears with memories of Dee. They had the same laugh. High pitched and loud and the kind of sound that just makes you have to smile.

"Money and guys don't necessarily equate with tranquility and bliss Hayden. If they did all the gossip magazines would be out of business. Is this about Warren leaving?"

Hayden thought about it carefully before answering. "Yes. And no. I love Warren. He's charming and amazing and I feel happy and secure and so alive when I'm with him. But his life is somewhere else. How am I supposed to have a relationship with a guy who lives a plane ride away. Last night was incredible, and I'd love to spend every night like that; but this morning it's goodbye, and here I am alone."

Angie blushed and Hayden put her hand to her mouth to cover it. "Sorry Angie!  More info than you needed. I've never had a very strong filter."

The food arrived and Hayden chewed slowly, everything tastes amazing here. It was probably because she wasn't cooking or figuring out how to pay the rent while she ate, but there was just a little extra flavor to the food here.

"Hayden, you're young. And this is all new. Have some fun. Maybe Warren is the perfect guy for you. I know he loves you, that's an easy one. I've known him for years and I've never seen him smile as much as I have the last few weeks. But take some time to figure yourself out. The thing about islands are, they have their own time system. You city dwellers feel like everything is do or die by the squares on the calendar or hands on the clock. But being here will show you that time is like the ocean. It comes in waves and patterns, and you just enjoy that moment, because if you're worried about the next one, you miss the magic of the wave you're riding now."

Hayden giggled. "You sound like Oprah. So zen. That's what I need. To learn to sit back and only worry about the moment."

Angie threw a chunk of her bun in the bush where it was fought over by the birds. "Give it time, Hayden. And I'm here if you need me."

They walked back to the car arm in arm singing  Heartbreak Hotel and laughing at the looks they got from the people in the lot.  Angie started the engine and Hayden held on.

"You ready for Armaggedon Mason?" She asked taking off her sunglasses in the hotel lot.

Hayden gulped. "Not really. You sure we've got this covered?  I don't  know his job and we don't have anyone else to do his work yet. And, he's not the most pleasant person."

"Exactly!" Said Angie. "Let's rid some toxic waste."

They got to Hayden's office where there was no candy and far less traffic and waited for Mason to show up for the one o'clock meeting. Hayden  checked her phone for a message from Warren and frowned when there wasn't one. Had he forgotten her already?

When Mason walked in he was wearing his 'I'm king of the world' cocky grin.  Hayden smiled back, and Angie motioned for him to sit down in the chair across from them. She waited for him to cross his legs and settle into the chair before she spoke.

"Hello Mason. Thanks for coming. Hayden and I were just going over the budget and it got us thinking about something. Why exactly is it you're trying to sell the resort?"

Mason's face drained of color but his smile never changed. "What?"  He said with the confidence of a kid caught stealing a cookie from the jar.

"Gigs up Mason! Hayden known for weeks. Warren's already revoked your falsified papers  and this meeting is to officially revoke your position here at the resort." 

With that, Angie stamped a piece of paper with the work 'Terminated ' in bold red letters and Hayden couldn't help but squeal and clap. It was less business like than she had planned, but Angie had told her to live in the moment.

Mason cleared his throat and pulled on his collar. "You can't fire me. I'm the director. I'm already pre paid for three years service. And, I'm the best there is. Which you're going to need with an owner who has no clue how to run a business. She a kid for God's sake. Dee was an idiot who believed in fairy tales. A business needs a strong team and a leader."

Angie clenched her jaw and her face turned a shade of purple Hayden hadn't seen in a person before. She knew Mason had hit a nerve and never should have brought up Dee. It was her turn to jump in.

"You're right Mason. You have three years pay. It will be lump summed to your bank account and should get you through until you get another job. I don't think you'll want a reference from us, but if you do, we'd be happy to mention how you tried to sell the resort and put everyone out on the streets behind my back. Thank you and have a good day."

Hayden sat back proud that she didn't stoop to his level. She stayed professional. Angie got up and opened the door and the staff lined the hallway clapping. Mike waited to escort Mason to his office and straight to his car.

"It was just like a movie!" She whispered to Angie while giving her an impromptu hug.

"Yeah. I have to admit that felt pretty damn good. I always hated that jerk. Dee never saw the bad parts of anyone.  Now that's a days work! Get out of here Hayden. I'll see you in the morning, we start interviews at ten."

Hayden hugged her one more time and bounced out of the room.  Her steps felt lighter and her shoulders broader. Together her and Angie were going to be okay.  Providing they could hire someone who knew the business industry, and fit in with the crazy gang they had working here!

She still had plenty of time to go out and buy an outfit for her date. As fiends. Not date. Ugh. "This is not a date!" She hissed to herself even as her heart sped up in anticipation.

Well Mason's out of the picture. That's the best news so far. But so is Warren. Can Hayden keep it together and be friends with Austin?  Find out Tuesday when the next chapter is uploaded!!

Elvis released No More in 1965! Before My time but still a good year😂

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