Chapter 17: An Infinite Eclipse Part 2

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Infinite's POV

Viola has disappeared. I don't want to lose her.

"Infinite, I know who took her"
"I can't believe. I'm saying this, but here it comes."
"Shadow, Who!?"
"My brother, Eclipse, he took her to the Black Comet"
"It's not the Black Comet. It's the Drake Comet"

That voice appears to be from a female hedgehog and she looks like Shadow but has a red bang.

"Who are you?"
"I'm Ashe, Ashe the Dark Hedgehog"
"Ashe, how do you know where she is?"
"Because Lightwatch thought I was overreacting, but I wasn't. I knew that Drake and the Drake Wings would come back"
"Okay, but take us to her"
"Alright, but we're not going alone. I'm bringing my mother, Shado and my brother, Reyes"

Ashe then takes us to a...... City?!

"Ashe, is this a joke? And what is this city?"
"This is where we had an encounter with the Inferno Wings which are the same species as the Drake Wings and this city is deserted, nobody lives here, and it's called Tempestopolis, a city known to never stop raining"
"So you're not joking"
"Yes, I'm not joking"

Ashe, Shado, and Reyes continued to take us to the comet. We found an entrance and we got in, but there's a problem. There is a conduct, that only the ones who have Drake Wing or Black Arm alien blood in them can transport. Shadow and Shado inserted a 10 ounces of their blood into me so I can get in. I hope Viola is safe.

Viola's POV

Eclipse had me in a room now, and he plans to make me a half- Black Arm and Drake wing. I mean its gross. He really likes me. I don't know if he'll ever stop smothering me.

Back to Infinite's POV

After the transport, we got to a room and there were three tunnels and we decided to split up.

"Viola, I hope you're okay"

And the end, I saw Shadow, Shado, Ashe, and Reyes surrounded and they found Viola. I did my best to free Viola but I got trapped with her.

"Oh hello, so nice that you join the party"
"Who are you?! Why did you kidnapped Viola!?"
"Me? Oh, I'm Drake the Drakeling and also its just to use her as bait"

Shadow, Shado, Ashe, and Reyes tried to fight them, but a big Drake Wing came in. She must be the leader.

"Viola, who's the Drake Wing Leader?"
"Her name is Syringe"
"Eclipse, Drake, now its time to get them on our side!"
"Alright, Syringe"

Shadow, and the other three hedgehogs are now getting into their control, but trying to fight it.

Narrator's POV

The 4 hedgehogs are on their knees then they start to get up, but there is something different about them. Then Shadow begins to speak.

" Hedgehog......and I was created to collect the 7 chaos emeralds and to harvest on the world below"

Shadow and Shado are under the Drake Wings control, but I don't know if Ashe and Reyes are under their control too. Reyes starts to talk also.

"I was meant to serve Lightwatch not you Drake Wings and I am Reyes, but when I'm in battle or war, I am Reaper. I am the Leader of the Lightwatch strike team, Darkwatch"

Now, Ashe starts to speak.

"I am Ashe the Dark Hedgehog, I am a Crusader, a protector of Alaska, I made a promise to Voidtrap, and I'm keeping it"

Then they start to fight and freed the two black hedgehogs from their control.

*Time Skip, because I'm Lazy and it was too much for me to type*

After the Drake Wings and Eclipse were defeated.

Viola's POV

"Viola, come"
"I'm coming, Infinite!"

Infinite and I arrived at a beautiful grotto, where the entrance is near a lake.

"Infinite, this is beautiful"
"Umm, Viola, there is also another reason why I brought you here"
"Really, what is it?"
"Umm, Viola, ever since I met you. You change me and I love you with all my heart"

Infinite then bent down on one knee.

"Viola Flame, will you marry me?"

He was showing me a ring that has an infinity sign like his name

"Umm umm"
"....... Yes"

Infinite slip the ring on my finger. Oh, I can't wait to tell Aki, and my friends.

What will happen next to the couple?
How would Silver react?
Find out in Chapter 18.
Stay Cool. Bring your Imaginations to Life. Peace. Bye 👋.

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