20. No! Kiss Me!

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Mackenna's POV.

I walked into the house with Angela and Pamela. Currently, my mind was on what Cadwell had told me. No, I shouldn't be thinking about that. I won't let that asshole brainwash me, I came to this party to enjoy myself, not worry about other things.

Hey guys." Said Cephas as he led us to the teen party. I spotted Nathaniel and Belinda, doing what the always do and we later met Nolan.

"Hey." He chirped mostly greeting Angela.

"Hi." We replied.

"Um..Mackenna, why don't we go for a drink?" Pamela nudged me.

"I was about to ask the same thing." I giggled and we wondered off to the noisy hall and we caught up with Angelo. When I saw those familiar pair of blue eyes, it provided warmth to me but the thought of my brother somehow made me feel weird.

Angelo scanned me from top to toe and whistled in a flirtatious manner causing my face to redden. But me being me rolled my eyes at him and he smirked.

"Hey Ariel." He acknowledged Pamela's presence in a friendly manner.

"Hi Angelo." She replied in the same manner.

"I wonder how many Disney movies you've watched." I shook my head.

"Mind if I steal her?" Angelo asked.

"No need, she's yours." Pamela smiled

He chuckled wrapped his hands around her waist and we went. I didn't want Pamlea to be alone because I was sure that once Angelo was here, Nathaniel would be here too and I didn't want him anywhere near Pamela.

"Angelo wait." I said. I looked over the hall and spotted a boy who was to himself.

"Hey dude." I said and he raised his head. I pointed to Pamela and he immediately got the signal.

"What was that?" Angelo asked when we left the hall.

"Meh, just keeping Nathaniel away from my bestie." I shrugged and we went to a different section of the house. It was also a hall, but the placed look a bit too dim and music was very loud over there.

I didn't mind though, I liked cozy places.

Angelo trapped me to a corner and scanned my dressing again.

"You look sexy tonight." He cupped my cheeks which were already flushing. He gulped as his eyes flicked to my lips and I bit it.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He asked leaning his forehead on mine.

"Do..doing what?" I asked.

"Why do you bite your lip?" He groaned. "It makes keeping my eyes off more difficult." He muttered and I swallowed hard. But my brother's words were still replaying in my mind.

Has he ever asked you whether you like him or not? No. Has he ever proposed to you? No. He may seem nice, but every advantage has a disadvantage. What if all he wants is to just touch you? Use you?

Touch me like how he had his arm around my wait. Use me like kissing me and later on telling me it was a mistake... is that what Cadwell kinda meant? No no no! I shouldn't be thinking that way.

I looked into Angelo's eyes which were always staring back at me. They were very crystal blue, with the dim light shinning over it. They contained friendliness, humility and calmness. How can anyone ever think there's a lie in these eyes?

The guy's name was Earl. He had an attitude just like Angelo. I didn't approve of that relationship but Cada pestered me to. She dated the guy for just three days and he broke her heart, dumped her and later made a bad reputation for her. What makes you think Angelo won't do same?

Earl had an attitude just like that of Angelo's. I am pestering Cadwell to like Angelo but the difference here is that Angelo would never break my heart. But I know for a fact that someone's attitude depends on how you treat the person.

I didn't know but somehow, Cadwell's words seemed like a foreshadowed thing. But..but Angelo is a good guy. I feel it. I know it.

"Barbie, what's wrong?" Angelo's brows furrowed slightly and the next thing I knew was that he passed his thumbs on my cheeks and I realised I was crying.

"I'm so sorry, did I say anything to offend you?'' He asked with his brows furrowed slightly. I didn't say anything. I just threw myself into his chest and he embraced me in a hug while I wept.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I muffled placing my palm on his chest.

"It's ok, I understand." He whispered placing his hand at the back of my head. After a while, I took out my face and realised I had stain his blue shirt with my lipstick.

"Angelo, I'm so sorry I-"

"Shhh, it's okay, let's go sit. But first have some water." He said and led me to the kitchen. I chugged down a glass of water and passed him a weak smile.

"You know, why don't we do some party activities to cheer you up?" He suggested and I nodded following him outside. We walked to a different section of the house where they were in a circle playing truth or dare.

I sat next to Pamela and Angelo sat next to me. The game was fun and I laughed  most of the time. But it reached a point where Pamela had to straddle Nathaniel. They did it. They actually did it.

By the time Pamela came to sit by me, her face was very red. The bottle was spun again and it landed on Pamela and the other end was on Cephas.

"Truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth." Pamela said.

"What's the first  letterof your crush's name?" He asked and after a while, she spoke.


D? Who the fuck was that?

Angelo nudged me and I spotted Nathaniel who looked very mad, examining the way his jaw was ticking. Well, serves him right.

After a few seconds, Pamlea got up and excused herself, clearly uncomfortable with the environment. Nathaniel too got up and left. I was suspicious.

I was also about to leave but the bottle landed on me, the other end was on Freda.

"Truth or dare?" She asked.

"Dare." I said.

"Kiss any guy here." She smiled and I blushed, feeling Angelo smirk. I turned to look up at him and I was right, he was smirking.     

"I'll kiss someone else." I mouthed at him.

"No! kiss me!" He protested and some did ooh whiles some just just glared.

I moved my head upwards and pressed my lips onto his cheeks and looked back at the bottle.

"One day, my lips will be on yours and no one will be there to disturb us." Angelo whispered into my ears and my eyes widened.


After the game, I walked the direction where Nathaniel and Pamela left to and I found Nathaniel coming back from that direction with a frown on his face.

He walked past me and I shrugged and moved on to look for Pamela. She was coming from a corridor, she was completely flustered and she was..fixing her top?

What happened between them?

"Pamela?" I callled and I walked over to her, making her startled. I frowned when I saw some red marks or should I say hickeys on her neck. I looked at her lips briefly and they weren't swollen but I wanted to known why she had hickeys and why Nathaniel was angry.

"Yeah?" She replied trying to cover her neck.

"What happened to you?" I asked walking with her to the hall to take a seat.

"Nothing." She bowed her head and bit her lip, obviously lying.

"Don't tell me nothing." I air quoted.

"Why are there hickeys on your neck? And why were you fixing your top?" I asked and she said nothing.

"Did Nathaniel something to you?" I asked and she slowly nodded.

"Did he..um..touch your breast?" I asked.

"No!" She yelped blushing really red.

"So what did he do?" I asked and she tensed up.

"He..he out his hand under..my sweater and somehow vexed me to tell him the name of my crush. " She mumbled and face palmed.

"What again did he do?" I pressed on.

"He..whis..whispered somethings into my ears and started b-b..biting my neck and..and he..was touching me." She stuttered blushing more. I was expecting her to be sad or crying because Nathaniel was virtually harassing her but she was blushing.

"Why didn't you push him away? Or kick him? Or scream?" I asked holding her shoulders. I understand she was a timid and shy person but she couldn't just allow this boy to touch her anyhow.

"I..I don't know." She whispered and I ran my fingers through my head and something clicked in my mind.

"Pamlea." I called and she looked at me.

"Be honest with me.." I started and she nodded.

"Do you like Nathaniel?" Because if she didn't like him, she would have been crying and being harassed. She nodded slowly and I gasped.

"I don't want to but I do." She whimpered and I embraced her in a hug.

"But why did he look angry?"

"Maybe it's because I didn't tell him the name of my crush." She said.

"He hates me so much." She said. "Even to the extent that he hates anything that makes me happy." She added sobbing and I started consoling her.


Meh, I have nothing to say.

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