31. The Change Was Nasty.

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Mackenna Above ^

Mackenna's POV

When Cadwell emerged out of the school building and he saw me, the rage on his face disappeared as he approached me. His knuckles were bleeding badly. He hugged me tightly and rubbed my back, whispering stuff into my hair.

When he pulled away he said, "If anyone bothers you, don't hesitate to let me know okay?" I nodded and he left.

"Mackenna your brother is amazing." Angela remarked and I chuckled lightly.

"But during lunch, you have to spill everything." She added and I nodded hugging the them and went went our separate ways.

I entered my first class of the day and an uncomfortable feeling swelled up in my stomach. Because Angelo was there, and Jania was siting next to him. Jania had her hands to his swollen face as she tried to dress up his wounds.

The more she dabbed the cotton ball on his face, the more I got wounded. The teacher wasn't in but the class was almost full.

"Why look, it's the pathetic girl who hired her brother to beat up her ex." Jania taunted glaring at me.

"Just so you know, my brother cares and loves me that's why he beat up that jerk face." I replied slipping my fingers into the straps of my back pack.

"I hope you're glad to see me like this." Angelo growled at me and I inhaled sharply.

"Shh..it's ok." Jania pecked his temple and I gritted my teeth.

"Trust me, I'm overwhelmed." I smiled fakly and decided walked across their seat to sit far away near the window.

"Mackenna hold the fuck up." Angelo seethed and I stopped my tracks. "What's that on your wrist?" He asked and I raised my wrist to look at it. It was that bracelet he bought for me when we went for the trip. Ever since he gave it to me,  I had never taken it off.

"Oh this?" I asked taking it off and turning to look at them.

"This was the useless thing you bought for me." I chuckled humourlessly.

"Then give it back bitch." He snarled and my breath caught midway in my throat. Angelo has never I mean never ever called me a bitch before.

"Here." I said simply and dropped it in front of him. Angelo had really changed. Really really changed. And the change was nasty,

"Would you like it?" I heard him ask Jania. I inhaled again but when I exhaled, it was a shaky breath as I took my seat near the window. The class was whispering stuffs among themselves which were loud enough for me to hear and I tried my best to to listen.

I lied my head on my table and a tear slid down my cheek. I felt like a cloud of sorrow was raining pain onto my chest. My throat felt dry with salty heat which cause an unpleasant feeling in my stomach.

The exhale I breath out was hot, and it made my face brim red. My face felt hot. Hot with the tears and a very silent whimper escaped my lips. I shivered a bit when a few sobs left my mouth.

"Is she crying?" Someone asked giggling.

"Is don't think she should, after all wasn't this what she wanted?" Another chuckled. My hands fell into my bag and touched my handkerchief.

I brought it to my face and I dabbed my cheeks with it. I lifted my head from the table and wiped my cheeks and beneath my eyes for the tears to dry out.

The teacher came in a lessons began. I didn't dare cast a single glance at Angelo's seat. Seeing his face makes me feel the pain. So when classes were over, and it was lunch time.

I used that opportunity to tell Pamela and Angela everything. I specifically warned them to not dare confront Angelo.


Angelo's POV

I leaned on the wall next to the janitor's closet, the exact place where Mackenna and I made out. I knew she was about to break up with me.

I knew she was going to break my heart so I acted first. Currently, I had a serious heart ache in my chest, I had been wincing since morning.

To add to that her brother came here to beat me up. I placed my hand on my chest. My heart ached a lot. I was sure my eyes were over bloodshot now. I didn't even take a shower before I slept last night. I barely told anything to Clementina. I thought about her all night. How I had lost her.

I hope you're glad to see me like this.

You know, I only made this statement to make he feel guilty. To make her feel how pained I was but her reply indicated she didn't care. And that she was even glad.

This was the useless thing you bought for me.

The useless thing I bought. I bit back a wince when she said that. It made me feel I was nothing to her. I called her a bitch because she was hurting me and I wanted her to feel the same feeling.

"Angelo!" I heard a feminine yell. I turned my head to see Angela and Pamela approaching me. Before I could speak, Angela gripped my shirt, pulled me to her and slapped me on my right cheek.

"Ow. what the fuc-" And she slapped my left cheek as well making me frown.

"Why did you break her heart?" Angela asked.

"Because she wanted to break mine first." I replied rubbing my burning cheek.

"Angelo, she never intended to break your heart." Pamela scolded.

"So what did she intend to do?" I asked folding my arms.

"She was intending to end the argument!" Angela said, went on her toes and smacked my head.

"Ow! But-"

"No buts Angelo,  you better fix her up, she had been crying since morning." Pamela growled. She..cried? But the emotion she put up when  she was in class was boldness.

"She never wanted to break up with you Angelo, she just wanted to end the argument. You broke her heart for no reason." Angela accused and guilt swirled up in me.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. If I apologised would she forgive me? Definitely.

"Where is she?" I asked feeling lumpy in my throat.

"There." Pamela pointed to the hall way where Mackenna was coming from. I thanked them, left their presence and went off to Mackenna.


Will Mackenna forgive Angelo?

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