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kavita:swara don't talk with them let's dance.
swara turned happily and said:let's go
swara and kavita hold each other hands and leaves from there
karan sanskar hurriedly go after them.
karan:sanskar plz handle swara and take her home.i will handle kavita.
sanskar just nodded staring at swara angrily.
swara and kavita were dancing together when karan pull kavita toward him.
kavita sulkingly: karan i am taking to u leave me i will dance with swara and tried to move away but karan holds her tightly.
karan:why are u not talking to me?
kavita hits him on chest and said:u don't know the reason.
karan chuckled and said:just because i came to do party.
kavita nodded her head vigorously.
karan cups her cheek and said:don't u trust me?
kavita quickly:i trust u but i can't tolerate it if u think about dancing with someone else.i have only right on u.
karan huskily:and i have right on u. and kissed her cheek.kavita blushed.
swara was staring at them with wide smile but her eyes were wet.
sanskar angrily:what are u staring at them?
swara looks at him who was on his right side.swara twiched her nose.
swara:why are u angry?
sanskar holds her arm and turned her brutally towards him.
sanskar:because u are wearing soooooo short dress.
swara tried to remove his hand from her arm.
swara:sir its paining,leave.
sanskar leaves her arm.he holds her  soft hand in his big rough hand and keeps another on her waist and pull her close to his chest.
swara looks at him with wide eyes.
sanskar:sssh not a word.
he turned her around,after holding her both hands and back hug her.
sanskar whisper in her ear softly:first tell me one thing.who are u?
sanskar in husky tone:who are u in real?........this swara whom i am seeing now? or that swara whom i were seeing until now?
swara looks at him and said in deep voice:why do u want to know? keep your work with work na.its is none of your business

she said and turns her head avoiding eye contact from him.

sanskar tighten his grip on her.swara gasped
sanskar:it is my business?
swara shooking her head vigorously:no its not.why it is your business?
sanskar:i am your friend na therefore.
sanskar chuckled at his own answer.swara turned quickly being shocked,freeing herself from his she was facing him.
swara:i am yourrrrr friend?......... i don't make kahroos friends like u.
she poked her index finger at his nose tip.sanskar rubs his nose.
sanskar: am i kahroos?
swara:u don't know u are kahroos?
sanskar nodded his head in NO
swara extends her hands side to side.
swara:ap itna kahroos han(you are this much rude).....anger always remain on your nose tip.
she again poked her finger on his nose tip.
sanskar irritated:stop doing it.
swara giggled.sanskar stares at her for a second then pulls her close to his face,holding her from waist.
sanskar in deep tone:making fun of me.hmmm?
he caressed her cheek softly,with his thumb.
swara trying to change topic:i.......i want to go outside.
sanskar sighed:let's go
he holds her from shoulder and walked outside.after coming outside they sit on bench 
swara making face:why it is not raining?
sanskar:sky is full of stars how will it rain?
swara looks at sky.
swaa in deep tone:u know sir....i mean childhood di used to say that when someone die he become star.that is mom(pointing toward a star) that is ragini di,that which is close to it is jiju and that is dad.
one tear fall from her eyes.sanskar's heart shrink looking at her.he softly wiped her tears.and keeps her head on shoulder.and entwined their fingers.
swara:whenever i get sad na i stare at stars.
swara chuckled humorlessly:so that they come to know that what is happening after their leave.
sanskar gets shocked at her emotionless tone.
swara gets up,stands in front of him and put both hands on her waist.
swara:but why i am telling this to u.
sanskar looks at her face angrily.
sanskar:i will give u answer tomorrow.
sanskar:why suddenly u started calling me sanskar?
swara giggling:because kavita said.u are my boss in office not outside.u didn't like i call u by name?
sansar smiled;u have no idea how much i liked it? but leave it time to go home.
swara making face:no i don't to go home.
sanskar angrily:swaraaaa......u will not listen like this?
he picks her up in bridal style
swara protesting:sanskar i don't want to go home leave me.
sanskar angrily:quite.......
swara making face:u are number one kahroos(rude)........why do u get angry so easily i will give u B.P medicine from tomorrow.
sanskar confused:B.P medicine?
swara giggling:your B.P get high suddenly, therefore.
sanskar keeps quite not wanting to argue but a smile appeared on his lips.he makes her sit on front seat and buckles seat belt and himself sits behind wheel.they reached after 15 minutes.sanskar opens the door of her side and looks at her.she was sleeping peacefully. sanskar chuckled, again pick her up in arms and walked inside,make her lay on bed and put cover on her.he kissed her on forehead.
sanskar:sweet dreams.
after that he went to his room.

swara gets up and holds her head

swara:AAAA! my head.......

she looks around.kavita was sleeping beside her peacefully. swara gets angry she takea her pillow and hit kavita.kavita gets up with jerk and holds her head.

kavita:AAAAA! my head.
swara angry:told you........ we should not get drunk.
kavita pleading:swara don't yell my head is paining like i became poet.
swara fumed:poet ki bachi....
she beats kavita with pillow
kavita:arra meri maa stop it.promise next time we will not get drink.
swara:next time.....she again beats her
swara:who is going with u next time.....haan?
swara keeps on beating her but stopped hearing throat clearing voice.she looks at source of voice.
karan and sanskar were standing there crossing there arms.swara stopped immediately
kavita exclaimed:hey karan u here?
karan glares at her and then looks at swara.
karan:swara i didn't expect this from u?
swara bites her lower lip.
kavita angry:what did she do?
then went close to swara and whisper
kavita whispering:what did u do after getting drunk?
swara whisper back:i don't remember anything.u remember anything?
kavita nodded in NO.sanskar and karan look at each other and wink.
karan angry:main btata hun tum dono na kia kiaaa kiya tha.(let me tell you what you both did last night) take this lemon juice first
sanskar gives juice to swara.she takes it without looking at him.karan gives juice to kavita.

while sipping juice,swara starts getting flashes.she and sanskar dancing together very closely.she irritating him calling rude,their eye locks.

kavita excited;what did we do?
swara gets up quickly and said:i....i don't want to know.
kavita:swara we should know...... what did we do?
swara angrily:noo...get up

 she made kavita stand and pushed her in washroom.

sanskar:arra swara wait.but swara run outside.
karan and sanskar laughed
pammi:swara bacha as u are on leave today and sunny and pari also went school.go shopping with kavita.just bridal dress and engagement ring is remaining.there is only one day in functions.
swara:g aunty
kavita:i will call karan.he will drop us.
sanskar:kavita i will drop u both.
kavita happily: woww! mr.sanskar mahehwari is offering us for lift how can we refuse?
sanskar glaring:shut up and get ready i am waiting outside.
kavita laughed.swara smiled a little


kavita twirling around: swara how it is.
swara: looking good at u.
kavita looks at sanskar.he nodded in YES
kavita:but this is so dull colour
swara sighed and give her another dress.sanskar take out his phone and goes from there
swara:try this
swara start looking for some other dresses.
sanskar comes back after some time and look at swara looking for dresses.
sansakr:u don't want to buy dresses?
swara nodded in no without looking at him.sanskar narrowed his eyes.
kavita exclaimed;how it is.
both look at her.
swara:kavi u are looking beautiful in this.plz buy this one.
kavita pouting:but karan don't like yellow colour.
swara irritated:is karan going to wear it?
kavita annoyed :swara????
sanskar chuckled.
swara making face:what is karan favourite colour?
swara looks at dresses in rank,takes out a blue and white mixture and gives it to her.
swara:go try this.

kavita goes to try.sanskar open his mouth to say something but swara leaves from there quickly.

sanskar in mind;what happened to her? she was fine in morning? is she avoiding me?


kavita:i like this ring.
swara beats her palm on forehead and said:we came to buy ring for karan not for u.excuse me! we said rings for males not for females.
man: ye...yes ma'am
kavita:noooo...... first we will also buy a female ring.swara i want to buy one ring for me.
swara nodded silently.kavita start trying rings on her hand.swara was smiling looking at her crazy friend.sanskar was talking to someone on phone.he looked at them and saw swara trying one was simple ring with a diamond in mid and small blue stones on either sides.
kavita:u like this?
swara takes out ring and said:no...did u select someone or not?
kavita:yeah this one.
swara:now one for karan also plz fast.
after some time they select ring and left for home

swara come out from washroom rubbing her wet hairs
swara:don't how many blunders i did last night.its all your fault.who told u to go with kavi.GOD what did i do?

she beats her palm on her forehead.
swara:i am going to kill kavi......swara turned angrily and got shock after seeing sanskar.
he was standing laying against door.he get straight and walked toward her slowly.
sanskar:what happened?
sanskar walks forward and stands in front of her.
sanskar in husky tone:u were avoiding me today? can i ask for the reason?
swara avoiding eye contact:why would i avoid u? its nothing like that
sanskar sighing:than u say i get angry quickly
swara confusingly look at him.sanskar holds her from shoulders and pinned her to wall.swara gets shocked.she tried to move but sanskar keep his hands on both sides.
swara:sanskar what are u doing?
sanskar:u don't know what am i doing?
he slid hair strand behind her ear.swara closed her eyes feeling his touch.
swara is wrong.
sanskar moved close to her and whisper in her ear:no its not because I LOVE U.
swara freezed to the ground.she look at him
swara:it's not love is just attraction.
sanskar angrily moves close to her
sanskar:i am not a immature kid who don't know the difference between love and attraction.
i am mature enough to understand the difference.
swara with teary eyes:u know nothing about can u say u love me.
sanskar cupped her face:the things which i know about u is enough for me to fall for u.
swara stare at him.
sanskar:do u have any other excuse and one more thing swara i don't care what happened in your love strong enough to bear any truth.
he stepped back and leave from there.swara was standing there shocked.she hold her head and walked toward mirror to look at herself.she gasped when she felt two strong bands around her waist.sje look at mirror.sanskar was back hugging her.
sanskar huskily:and one more thing........
he turned her and kiss her softly on lips.swara's eye widened.
sanskar murmured on her lips:find a good reason for not accepting my love.
he again peck on her lips and leave from there.
swara sit on bed holding her head with both hands.

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