Part 11

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Swara was arranging dinner,kavita,sanskar,sunny and pari were sitting in hall doing different things when karan entered the hall.kavita's face glows up immediately.
pari happily:mamu now a days u are coming very frequently.sasnkar and swara chuckle,kavita blushed.
sunny:pari,kavita maasi is here na therefore
pari confused :mtlb??
karan gritted his teeth:sunny i came to meet swara.
swara giggled.karan hugs swara.sanskar back straightened
karan whispers in swara's ear:shut your children's mouth or else i will tell kavita that u send half of your salary to bua.
swara irritated:u blackmailer.
karan breaks hug and smiled.

swara:sunny don't tease him he is elder.
sunny making faces:okay maasi.
karan murmured:that devil only listen his maasi.
swara angry:karan!
karan confused :what??
swara:i heard that.
karan smile meekly at her and walks toward sanskar.swara shook her head and goes from there.
kavita:karan i forgot to tell it tomorrow
kavita:i wanted to do run away marriage.
karan coughed swara offers him water giggling.sanskar stares at kavita with shocked expression.
kavita excited: i always wanted to do run marriage it is so excited.
karan stares at her face with wide eyes.
swara to pari:pari shona eat this is long discussion u don't worry.
pari innocently:okay maasi.
sanskar chuckled and start eating again.
karan shocked:what the need?.... my parents and your parents are agree for this marriage then?
kavita irritated:i don't know anything.i wanted to do run marriage bus!!!!
swara gives karan another glass of water.karan drinka it in one go.swara hidea her smile.
sunny:mamu drink slowly.
karan:kavita try to understand.......... for run marriage situation should be different but here everything is perfectly fine.
kavita stubbornly: its my dream from childhood.can't u do this little thing for me.
she geta up to go from there.
swara strictly:kavita sit down and eat skipping food.
swara glares at her.kavita sitq down silently.
swara to karan:u also eat silently.
karan starts eating looking at kavita worriedly.
when kavita leaves after finishing food.karan turned toward swara.
karan angry:its all because of u.

swara point toward herself and askede being confused:because of me?
karan nodded vigorously.
swara:both of u go to your room.
sunny and pari run toward their room.swara turned toward karan.
swara glaring:what is my mistake in this.did i asked u to fall for  her.
karan: u are reason behind this,whenever i came to meet u she was always with u.
swara giggling:u always came to see her,just like today.
sanskar chuckled.karan throw daggers at him.
karan: plz talk to her.she only listens to u.

swara smiling:on one condition.
karan:u also started doing business like him(pointing toward sanskar)
sanskar:karan i am also sitting here.
karan:sorry sanskar this is your habit u taught her too.
swara:do u want me to talk with her.
karan:okay what condition?

swara smiling:if i go with u some where or u came to know i am transferring money to buaa or anything like this.u will keep it as secret and will not tell kavita.
sanskar gets annoyed.karan moved back.
karan in serious tone:swara u very well know only kavita can confront u therefore u are saying this.if u loose fear of her u will transfer your whole  salary to her.
swara gets up and said:fine then prepare yourself for a lot of scoldings because no one blame kavita eveyone will say.boy made girl run away.
karan makes swara sit quickly and said:okay i will not tell her.......... happ???.
swara smiles.sanskar throws daggers at karan.
karan:but i have also one condition
karan: swara u yourself are intelligent i don't think i need to explain u about this u know better than me what is right or what is wrong.
sanskar in mind:intelligent my foot.

swara nodded at that time bunny jump and sits on swara's lap.karan gets surprised
karan:swara u get over this fear
swara: he is cute and caressed his hair.
karan:ragini di and shekhar uncle tried so much for making  u get over this fear i wish they would have been here to see this.
swara's face turned pale and eyes gets filled with tears.karan immediately felt guilty.sanskar just looks on.
karan trying to divert her mind:waisa swara when your buaa is dying?
swara head jerked up and she hits him on shoulder
swara:shut up have some shame.

bunny also barked at karan.
karan laughed and said:arra your puppy love u a lot.
swara smiling:his name is bunny and he is my baby.bunny licks swara's face.
swara giggled.karan smiled looking at her.
swara:i will talk to kavita but can't promise she will agree.
karan patting her cheek:i know u can handle her plz save your brothers neck.
swara chuckled and leave from there.
karan: i should also leave
he hugs sanskar and leaves from there.sanskar goes toward his room thinking about swara.
As usual swara and kavita were sitting in garden with coffee cup in their hands.(they were sitting just in front of sanskar's room window.)
kavita:swara why don't karan understand.
sanskar in mind:stupid me an headache.
swara:why u wanted to do run away marriage.

kavita puts cup on table with a bang and said excitedly:it is sooo thrilling we are running,hiding from goons and than marriage.
swara:life is not bollywood movie.

sanskar nodded vigorously

kavita holds her cup making face and said:u are so boring but i am not.
swara:what about uncle and aunty.they have also some dreams related to your marriage.
kavita:they will be happy i am saving their money.
sanskar:everyone says right women have no brains

swara chuckled and said: for parents this is not waste of money
swara in deep thoughts: when u get marriage your parents enjoy each and every moment of your happiness.they don't demand much from us just little happiness.they want to do everything from their hands.they want to do every ritual of their little princess.and every moment when they saw u happy their life is increased.for parents this is not our marriage for them it is their princess wedding.they do everything for us.can't we give a little right to them of putting our hand on someone whom they can trust for their princess.

A tear escaped from swara's eye.sanskar and kavita was dumbfound after hearing her.
kavita hugs swara tightly and said: i will do marriage with all ritual.thank u swara.
swara smiled and said:now can i finish my coffee.
kavita breaks hug and picks up her own cup.sanskar tooks deep breath and smiled.he was feeling proud but some where there was deep pain in her voice which made him little upset.
swara was staring at far point.

shekhar was looking at swara.who was making little pari eat food silently.after finishing she made pari sleep, gets up and leaves from there.shekhar goes behind her and stopped her.
swara looks at him and said:yes dad.
shekhar hold her hands and said:its been 2 months to ragini and laksah death and u are still in your shell.plz beta bring my old swara back.
swara with unshed tears:dad i am fine.
shekhar with teary eyes:no u are not.u stopped laughing.stopped talking.always remain swara was not like this.she never stopped laughing loudly.never get tired of talking.
a tear drop from swara's eye
swara:there should some reason of smiling na.
shekhar: u used to said na smiling need no reason now what happened.
swara hug shkhar and cried.
swara crying:dad......di and jiju left can they?
shekhar patted her head.after sometime swara stopped crying and looked at shekhar with teary eyes.
swara:i lost all reason to smile.
shekhar:then find new reason to smile.i loose my one daughter.i don't want loose another daughter plz get married.

swara shocked;dad?
shekhar:call sahil ask him to send his parents.i am ready to do your marriage with him.
swara:i don't want to marry now.
shekhar cups her face and said:plz beta can't u do this little thing for your dad.plz.
swara nodded shekhar kissed her forehead.
shekhar:thank u..
he leaves from there happily
swara smile a little thinking about sahil

kavita was looking at swara deep in thoughts.she  feared that she is again thinking about past.
kavita loudly:swaraa.
swara jerks out from her thoughts and said:ha.......haan?
kavita in scared voice:what are u thinking?
swara avoiding eye contact:nothing.
kavita just stares at her and said after a long gape:u will attend my marriage na?
swara looks at her face nodded silently and said:ye bi koi pochna ki baat ha.i will come without invitation.
kavita smiled.sanskar gets confused at kavita's question
sunny yelled:maasiiiiii

swara gets scared run toward sunny.kavita nad kavita also got worried and went after her.
swara turns sunny quickly and said worriedly:what happened?are u fine?
sunny pouting:maasi shirt?
he shows her teared up shirt.the sleeve of shirt was hanging down.swara closed her eyes and took deep breath then hug sunny.
swara whispered:u scared me.
sunny: u get scared so easily.
swara breaks hug and takes the shirt from his hands.
swara brings another shirt and makes him wear.
swara annoyed:when u don't know how to wear it why u tried?
sunny:next time pakka i will wear it myself.
swara:not needed i will make u wear.

kavita and sanskar comes out from room and look at each other and muttered:IDIOT

the burst out laughing.

kavita laughing:that why i call him devil.
sanskar:don't say like that.he is cute.
kavita: plz don't.........swara is enough for this.she also says don't call my children devils.they are angel.

sanskar turned and saw swara with damm serious face.he clears his throat and arranges his face.

kavita oblivious of swara's presence rapidly calling sunny devil.sanskar signals kavita to look back.

she looks back and her breath gets stuck in her lungs.

swara crossed her arms and said:what were u saying?

kavita:main???? main ku...kuch bhe to nhe.
swara:sir u were saying anything?
sanskar shocked:no...i was saying they are cute so innocent.
kavita nodding her head up and down:off course.
swara in threatening voice:call my children devil again and i will kill u both.
sanskar and kavita nodded at that time someone knocked at door.swara leaves from there glaring at them.after her leave both took long breath.
kavita:thank god.
sanskar:she first time threatened me.
kavita excited:really congratulation.....lucky u are........she rarely threat someone.
both walked toward table talking.
a boy gives swara a rectangular shaped box and asks for sign.
swara confused:who send this?
boy:don't know ma'am plz sign here.
swara:but u bring it
boy hurriedly:ma'am plz  sign here i have to transfer many things.

swara confusingly sign and bring box inside.sanskar and kavita look at her.sanskar back get straight looking at the box.

kavita:what is this?
swara shrugging:don't know?
kavita:who send this?
swara shrugged and went inside her room and kept it on table.
swara;will check it after coming from office.

kavita:swara don't come late i will kill u.
swara chuckled.sanskar shook his head.
sanskar in mind:always rubbish talks
kavita angry:swara don't laugh.if u came late i will not let u enter house.
swara giggling:this is my house kavita.
kavita angry:swara!!!
swara:i don't come late by my will its depends on work.
kavita:i don't know anything.its rainy keeps on raining all the time and u are sensitive to cold.u will catch fever.
sanskar stare at uncaring face of swara.and get annoyed.
swara hug kavita and said:relax i will be fine.and try to come at time.okay?
kavita give her umbrella.

kvita:take this.
swara:thank u and give lunch to bunny.bye bunny.he barked and with this she run outside.

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