Part 21

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swara worried:sunny decide quickly what will u wear.we have to reach before function starts.
sunny:i don't like these dresses.
swara glares at him.sanskar take dresses from her hands.
sanskar:u go make pari ready...i will handle him.
swara:aajo pari...i will give u shower.
swara takes pari with her.

sanskar raising his eye brows:partner u tease your maasi very u know it?
sunny nodded his head giggling.sanskar hit him on his back.
sanskar:decide dress quickly otherwise i will take u without clothes.
sunny's mouth get open.
sunny:with...without clothes.
sanskar nodded with serious expression on his face.
sunny yelled:maasiiiiiiii.......
he run from there to swara's room.sanskar tried to hold him but all in vein.sanskar hit on his forehead.and goes after him.
sunny quickly:maasi i like black sherwani plz make me wear it otherwise partner will take me without clothes.

swara and pari look at sanskar with shocked expression.than both burst out laughing.sanskar chuckled.
swara:come here.
swara ruffle sunny's hair and said:he was pulling your leg....look at your expressions.
sunny give death glare to sanskar.he looks here and there while whistling.swara make sunny wear sherwani than comb pari hairs.
sunny whisper to sanskar:partner meri sa dushmani bht bhari para gi.i will see how u spend time with maasi today.
sanskar chuckled and sit in front of him.
sanskar:do u know who am i?...i am biggest businessman in this city.
sunny:do u know who am i?.........i am according to whole Neighbourhood biggest devil of world.
sanskar laughed at that.sunny goes close him.
sunny:and one more thing i am my maasi's son.
sanskar smile.
sunny loudly:maasi we are going u come after getting ready.
swara worried:don't go alone...sanskar plz drop them.
sanskar nodded and leave with sunny and pari.
swara take her frok and walk toward washroom hurriedly.
after sometime she comes out and start combing her hairs.her phone started ringing.
swara look at screen.KAVITA.

she picks call and put it on speaker.
kavita yelled:swaraaaaaa u idiot u dump u didn't come till now.u know how many problems are here.
swara wearing her earrings:kavi i am so sory i will be there in five mins.what problems?
kavita in crying tone:mama made me wear saree.
swara confused:so?
kavita shout;don't u know i can't handle it.....i fall down two times in process of handling it.

swara laughed loudly at that.
kavita poutingly:and worse thing is muma ordered me to wear heels so that my height can match karan's height.
swara laughing:and u can't walk with heels.
kavita:yahi to siyapa ha swara.saree and heels together i am really worried about my future.
swara again burst out laughing.
swara laughing:haan.
kavita:this saree also get open three times if this saree get open in hall in front of everyone then?
swara started laughing holding her stomach.
swara laughing without control:kavi...i am coming there don't wory okay.plz i can't laugh more my stomach is aching.
kavita angrily:shut up and come fast and yeah bring B.P medicine also.mama and papa finished it today.
swara laughing;okay.

swara cancel the call laughing and turned.
sanskar was standing,laying at door with crossed arms.sanskar walked toward her.swara was still laughing little remembering kavita's words.
swara:chalen...i am ready.
sanskar:i never saw u laughing this much.
swara chuckling:i don't laugh like this.its just if u would heard her worries i am sure u would have laugh like this.
sanskar slid her hair strand and said in deep voice:u look beautiful when u laugh.
swara blushed a little.sanskar remove the clip from her hairs.swara hairs fall down till her waist.swara look at him confusingly touching her hairs
sanskar:i like your long hairs...keep them open always.
swara blushed deep red.sanskar put his hand on her waist.
sanskar:let's go.
swara open kavita's room door and looks for kavita.
kavita angrily:u are coming nowwww.
swara hold her ears and make cute puppy face.kavita blinked at her.such antics she used to do when they were in collage.
swara:kavi sory...u know sunny na.he is so choosy about clothes.
kavita smile widely and nodded.

kavita:help me with this saree.
swara corrects her saree than do her make up.
swara looking at her in mirror:u are looking beautiful.
kavita blushing:thank u.
swara biting her lips:kavi...i... wanted to tell u something.
kavita dramaticaly:plz swara today i am going to get it can't happen
swara worriedly:what can't happen.
kavita get up from her seat and hold her from shoulders.
kavita:i know we are childhood girlfriends but now i live karan.we can't be together.
swara hit kavita on shoulder.kavita and swara laugh.
swara:u scared me.
kavita laughing:what were u saying?
swara:actually i was saying but plz promise me u will listen me fully.
kavita:pakka promise. and sanskar love each other.

kavita get shocked.swara stare at her.
swara;are u not happy?
kavita:no its....its nothing like this.
kavita hug swara and said:i am happy.
swara:i knew it u will be happy.
kavita worriedy:swara did he said, he loves u.
swara break hug and show her ring with wide smile.
kavita:this is the same u were trying in shop.
swara nodded vigorously.
swara:i liked it that day.
kavita stare at her glowing face and gets worried.
kavita:did u told him about......about sahil?
swara hold kavita from shoulders.
swara:he knows everything......about sahil....about marriage....about custody case.everything...he really loves me.i am so happy.
kavita in mind:i hope the same swara.i hope the same.
kavita clearing her throat:swara plz help mama she is doing every work from morning.
swara leaves from there.kavita take out her phone and calls sanskar.
kavita on phone:sanskar i want to talk to
sanskar:okay i am coming everything fine?
kavita:u first come.
she cuts the call.sanskar shrugged and walked toward kavita's room.he knocks at the door and step inside.
kavita:close the door.
sanskar closing the door:kavita any problem?
kavita:do u love swara?
sanskar sliding his fingers from his hairs:look like swara told u.
kavita in serious tone:sanskar do u really love her or time passing with her.
sanskar get serious or somewhere angry.
sanskar:she told me that u will be happy but i don't think u are a little bit happy.
kavita:sanskar listen i can't let anyone play with her feelings again.u just don't know from how many things she had passed i can't let her suffer again.
sanskar took deep breath and said:i know how much she had suffered.and.......
kavita cut him firmly:no u don't,what she told u......only this na she was going to get married and that bastard left her on marriage day and her father died because of it.
sanskar:he left her after taking money from adharsh kappor.
kavita:what do u think after that everything get settled after that.
A tear fall down from her eye.kavita wipe it.
kavita:do u ever saw someone dying in front of u whom do u love the most.
sanskar nodded in NO slowly.
kavita:she saw two peoples first her sister second her father.u know when her sister died her father become her strength but when her father died,she was not able to handle that and get nervous breakdown.
sanskar stepped back a little.
sanskar not able to believe:what?
kavita with tears filled eyes;doctor said this time she is lucky next time she will not.keep her away from stress.
sanskar closed his burning eyes and clenched his fist tightly.
kavita stepped forward and said:sanskar i am warning u.dare not play with my friend.for rich peoples like u this will be daily routine but for us this not.i can't see my friend again working like machine no laughing,no talking nothing.
sanskar loudly:shut up...just shut up i am not playing with her feelings i really love her more than anything.
sanskar walked in the room like wild animal in cage.kavita look at him horrified.she first time saw him so much angry.
sanskar frustratedly: i should have not let that son of b*t*h like this.i should have not spare him so easily...dammm.
sanskar shouted last word that time swara came in the room and look at them confusingly.kavita quickly compose herself.sanskar walked toward her angrily.he cups her face.
sanskar angrily;why did u told me that u had nervous breakdown after your father death.
swara shocked:who told u this?
swara look at kavita and said:kavi how can u just......
sanskar hug her cutting her in between.
sanskar:this thing u should have told me.

swara hugging him back:sanskar i am fine now that happened a year back.
kavita blinked at them then covered her mouth holding back her scream.
sanskar break hug and said angrily:shut up last night i told u na i want to know everything and i let that bastard go so easily and......
swara put hand on his mouth.sanskar look at him with narrowed eyes.
swara:relax....arra take a breath first thing i am fine now second thing u will not do anything okayyy?
sanskar remove her hand and said:why should i listen to u when u don't listen to me.
he take out his phone and dial number.

swara:when i didn't listen to u?
sanskar show her eyes and said on phone:i want each and every detail of sahil kuhrana.where he lives what he eats everything.
swara cover her mouth in shock.sanskar cancel the call and look at shocked swara.
swara open her mouth to say something.
sanskar angrily:quiet i will not listen anything in this matter and second your dear friend is not able to believe that i love u.she is taking strict class of mine.
swara look at kavita and said:u said u are happy.kavita screamed a little,run and hug both swara and sanskar.

kavita yelled;i am so happy for u both.finallyyyyyyy
sanskar:thank god.she believed.
kavita break hug and said:i was just confirming u are not playing with her feelings okay.
swara worriedly:why did u told him about that.
sanskar glares at swara.kavita cup her face.
kavita;just because he should knows how much he have to careful about u and u(she point toward sanskar with index finger) don't leave that bastard easily.
sanskar:that i surely will.....
swara:kavi u too.

sanskar and kavita in union:shut up.
sanskar leaves from there swara goes after him and hold his hand.
swara:his chapter is close sanskar......don't bring him again in our lives.
sanskar keep hand on hers and said:swara i am not bringing him back but he is going to pay for every tear u shed and i am going to make sure about it.
swara:sanskar plz don't take it on ego
sanskar chuckling:this is not about ego this is about u.and i am going to listen anything.

swara sighing;don't cross the limits.
sanskar agreeing:no crossing limits
he kissed her on forehead and leaves from there.swara just saw him leaving taking firm steps.

swara was taking kavita in the hall where guests were present.karan smile looking at kavita.
sanskar was standing beside him with sunny and pari.
kavita murmured:swara this saree will get open i will fall down in front of everyone.
swara pressed her lips firmly to stop her loud laugh.
kavita whispered:this saree is getting open i am telling u.
swara whisper back:shut up everyone is looking at us.
kavita stop and turned toward swara and said angrily;u care about everyone not about me arra i am saying na it will get open.
swara hit on her head.sanskar and karan look at each other then at them.
one woman:what will get open?

kavita open her mouth swara quickly keep her hand on her mouth.
swara:wo aunty her bracelet is loose.that will get open.
woman:oh aacha aacha.
swara whispered:kavita shut u mouth and silently walk or otherwise i will tell pammi aunty that last night u went to meet karan.
kavita's eye widened.she turned quickly and both started walking.
kavita whispered:mr.maheswari made u blackmailer
swara giggling:quite.
swara make kavita stand with karan.karan and kavita make each other wear rings.whole hall echoed with clapping sound.
swara put bite of food in pari's mouth.
pari:i am full maasi i will not eat more.
swara:okay go play with your brother he had already finished his food.
pari leaves from there.swara put food for herself and was about to take first bite when she heard conversation of two women.
1st woman:she is the same girl na who's groom leaved her on wedding day.
2nd woman:yes she is same.i have heard her father died that day and she is leaving alone with two sad na.
1st woman in taunting voice:sad???.....arra she will be happy her father died.she can do anything elder is present in house.i mostly saw her coming home late night.ruining her father hardly earned respect.
swara closed her eyes to hold back tears put the food on plate again,get up and leaves from there.
swara was in lawn outside the house almost in dark.she had crossed her arms around her chest and was walking slowly.women's words were echoing in her ears..swara sighed sufferingly,suddenly someone put slink cover on her eyes.swara touched the cloth than hands.
swara smiling:sanskar....
sanska whispered:i thought to kidnap u but my bad u find out.

swara giggling:what are u doing?
sanskar:just now i told u.kidnapping u.
he pick her up in his arms and start walking outside the house.
swara:where are u taking me?
sanskar:somehwere u don't silent no questions.
swara laughed a little.sanskar make her sit on front seat of car,close the door,walked around the car and sit behind wheels.he starts the car and take out car on main road.
swara;sanskar plz tell na where are we going?
sanskar:swara keep silent its a surprise.
swara:what about sunny and pari?
sanskar:i told kavita she will take care of them.
swara giggling:proper planing.

sanskar chuckled.
sanskar stop his car,comes out,open door of swara's side and again pick her up in his arms.and walk some distance then put her down.he turned her slowly hug her back then open the knot.swara open her eyes and her breath get struck in her lungs.they were standing at the edge of cliff.she tightened her grip on sanskar's hand which were on her stomach.
swara:sanskar we will fall down.step back
sanskar in deep voice:nothing will happen just don't look down.
swara quickly turned and hug him tightly.sanskar hug her back.
swara with closed eyes:why did u bring me scare the hell out of me.
sanskar break the hug make her turn carefully.
swara scared;what are u doing i will fall down.
sanskar:i will not let anything happen to u trust me.
swara look down the cliff then close her eyes tightly.
sanskar:open your eyes.
swara shook her head.
sanskar:open them plz.
swara open her eyes with beating heart.
sanskar:now look up at the sky..
swara look at sky and get awe-struck.whole sky was filled with shining big stars.sanskar put his chin on her shoulder.
sanskar:u like stars right?
swara in amaze:they are looking so close to us.
swara kept staring at stars.
sanskar:not afraid now?
swara layed back on his chest and said with full faith:u are here na.....
sanskar tightened his grip on her.both stare at stars for sometime than sanskar make swara sit on car's bonnet then goes open car's door take out something and put it in front of her and sit beside her on car's bonnet.swara look at him.
sanskar:open it
swara open the box and look at the biryani than at sanskar having a smile on face.
sanskar:eat i know u didn't eat anything.
swara looking straight in his eyes:u were there.......
sanskar put his arms around her waist
sanskar:yeah i was.

swara take the plastic spoon and start eating rice having smile on her face.swara offer him one bite sanskar open his mouth swara forward her hand but than quickly eat it and laugh.sanskaar look at her in surprise.
sanskar pull her close and said:getting naughty.
swara giggling:sory
she forward another spoon sanskar look at her suspiciously
swara giggling:i will not do anything
sanskar eat the spoon.both finished there food and laid back on car.swara's head were on sanskar's shoulder and his had around her waist and started talking.suddenly swara kissed sanskar on cheek.
swara:i love u
after saying this she again put her head on his shoulder.sanskar clears his throat.he tightened his grip on her.
sanskar in deep voice:what happened so suddenly....first u were not ready to confess and now sayin I LOVE U with a bonus of kiss.

swara:i just wanted to tell u
sanskar:any reason?
swara look at him raising her head a little.
swara:no one cared for me this much so i just get overwhelmed.
sanskar cup her left cheek and said:there bad....they lost the chance to get kiss from u but next time kiss on right place....okay?
swara blushed red and bend face quickly,get up and tried to stepped down from car's bonnet.sanskar hold her arm.
swara stammering:we...we should leave kids will be waiting for us.
sanskar stepped down from car and stand in front of swara(she was sitting on car's bonnet)
swara start biting her lips.sanskar feel her nervousness.
sanskar:look up.
he hold her chin and raised her face

sanskar:u don't know how to kiss don't u?
swara shook her head slowly.
sanskar with narrowed yes:how long u and him were in relationship?
swara in whisper:6 months
sanskar in disbelief:and never kiss?
swara:i never let him come near me.
sanskar slid hair strand behind her ear and said chuckling:and thinking to do the same thing with me.
sanskar went close to her.swara's heart started beating fast she quickly keeps hand on his mouth when he was about to kiss her.
swara stammering:wo...wo...actually.....
sanskar kiss on her palm and remove her hand and cup her face with both hands.
sanskar:i am not mad who will let go this chance of kissing u.u know when first time i want to kiss u.........when u were eating ice cream.
swara blushed.
sanskar:don't u trust me?

swara:i do but.....
sanskar didn't let her complete and kiss her was sweet first then turned passionate.swara's hand moved from his shoulder to his hair.sanskar pull her close caging her in his arms.they separate themselves when it become hard for them to breath.sanskar joined their heads.
sanskar huskly:u learns fast.
swara hug him with beat red face.sanskar hug her back.

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